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Everything posted by phetphet

  1. A good way to get really large numbers of people to all gather together at the same time in a pandemic.
  2. Had first shot of AZ 29th June. Second shot was due today, but cancelled. Was told, "No vaccine. Will contact you when available." Need to get double vaccinated to pop back to UK to sort some affairs. Have been registered in a local clinic and a hospital for almost for four months now for Moderna. Now giving some serious thought to getting a Moderna shot as a third "booster" after my second AZ. If it ever comes.
  3. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-57636356 https://www1.racgp.org.au/newsgp/clinical/mixing-covid-vaccines-could-result-in-stronger-imm https://twitter.com/NatureMedicine/status/1419658607491170305?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1419658607491170305|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww1.racgp.org.au%2Fnewsgp%2Fclinical%2Fmixing-covid-vaccines-could-result-in-stronger-imm
  4. Names down? They were probably given their boosters ages ago. The government runs the country so they need to be protected.
  5. What are the benefits of a floating PV system? Promotes land-use efficiency. As the floating PV energy systems are set up on water, the land can be used for other purposes. It requires no construction on land or conversion of forest and farmlands for solar power facilities. Provides high-energy yield. The increased energy generation is due to the natural cooling effect of the water, which reduces rises in temperature of the solar modules. Saves water resources. It reduces the evaporation of water in the reservoir since the floating PV system blocks the sunlight. Uses an eco-friendly system. Natural fish farms thrive under the platform. Four environmental impact analyses by the Korea Environmental Policy and Evaluation Institute (KEI) from 2011 to 2019, showed that the floating PV facilities caused no harm to the environment, developed a ground for fish spawning, increased aquatic plants, and reduced algae. Also, as of 2018, the floating solar farms in the country has reduced the amount of carbon emissions by 52,414 tons.
  6. From what I have been told, the plastic has to be made with a UV stabiliser in it when it is manufactured. Cheaper stuff doesn't have it so the solar UV radiation turns it yellow. Don't know how true this is: I did a CORGI industrial gas course once and was told by one of the teachers that even that large bore, thick walled, yellow plastic pipe that the gas companies use nowadays for the gas mains can be affected by UV if left outside long enough. So the gas companies don't like to leave it sitting outside for months.
  7. If you are renewing a 2 year car licence, they should issue a new 5 year car licence.
  8. Unlike in the UK where you only have one driving licence, and it shows all the classes of vehicle that you can drive. Here in Thailand the the car and motorbike licences are two separate ones. So you will need to apply for a motorbike licence. If you have an International Driving Permit you can use that to avoid some parts of the motorcycle tests for said licence.
  9. Went to the Government Children's Clinic in Bangrak this morning. Asked there about my appointment. Showed him the page with "Wait for Announcement.". Was told, " We don't have vaccine. Don't worry. Just keep checking the page and it will be updated with your new appointment when we are ready."
  10. I don't drink spirits so can't tell good from bad. I was given a glass of this once for a friend's birthday. I think he said the empty bottle was worth a lot of money alone. http://How much is a bottle of Louis XIII cognac? Image result for louis Xiii Cognac All Louis XIII de Rémy Martin is a blend of 1,200 eaux de vie between 40 and 100 years old, aged in oak barrels that are several hundred years old; it costs about $2,400 a bottle at BevMo. A good ol' Rémy Martin XO aged at least 22 years costs $145.
  11. +1 for Tops. I even saw a bottle of Louis XIII cognac in our local one last year. Over THB100,000 if I recall correctly. They have a large selection of spirits from all over the world.
  12. Use it regularly, but less in this cooler, wetter weather. It the hot months sometimes three or four times a day.
  13. Thailand's answer to Michael Fish. Why did Michael Fish become famous in 1987? The night of Monday 15 October marks 25 years since the UK's Great Storm of 1987, in which 18 people died as winds reached speeds of 115mph. Former BBC weatherman Michael Fish gained notoriety for a forecast earlier that day which told people not to worry
  14. Which begs the question how long does a single shot last before it loses its efficacy? If 12 weeks becomes 16 weeks or more, will we still have any protection? Hopefully any delays won't be too long. Just checked and still at "wait for announcement."
  15. I am supposed to get my second vaccination on Monday. Entered my details several times both yesterday and today. Get my name and details up so right person, but just says "Wait for Announcement" for date and place. Spoke to a guy today who told me his friend was due to receive his second shot on Monday and has been given a new date in October.
  16. That picture doesn't look right to me. Where is the obligatory big poster showing all the details of the arrest?
  17. How do you think the Thaksins got their Montenegran passports. https://www.euronews.com/2020/10/20/buying-eu-citizenship-what-are-golden-passports-and-visas-and-how-do-they-work https://www.henleyglobal.com/citizenship-investment/austria?page=ppc_SGP_dsa_prod_cit_austria&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9ISU9MuA8wIVr5lmAh2jaghdEAAYASAAEgKrGfD_BwE
  18. Not just here. Even in Europe it is possible to "buy" a passport or residence with the right amount of money or investment.
  19. Call 3BB on 1530. Then click 9 on keypad for English I think. I have always found them very helpful. They can do some tests from their end, or arrange a technician to visit. Big wind and rains can sometimes cause problems with the external equipment and cables.
  20. Can't see how. Air pollution, dust and dirt can clog the condensor fins, and humidity could increase rust on iron parts, but nothing that could affect the compressor.
  21. If I didn't have any jointing sheet, I used to use old map paper. The rolled maps, not the folded ones. Used to cut the gasket out of the maps (tap them out with the ball of a small ball pein hammer and then grease them up before fitting. If you want to buy gasket sheet you might want to try the link below. try and get the same thickness as original. https://www.thaipolymer.co.th/en/product/21317-17223/non-asbestos-fibre-sheets-na-jointing- HTH
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