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Everything posted by phetphet

  1. You should be able to look up your phone model's specs on the internet, including supported wavelengths. You may need to search by your phone's particular serial number. E.g. iPhones. https://www.apple.com/iphone/cellular/ Same for Thailand's main phone providers such as this example: https://www.ais.th/bestnetwork/en/?intcid=getpage-th-header_menu-consumer_menu-network_submenu1-4G_submenu2
  2. How are they going to smoke their joints? Cut a hole in the front? ????
  3. Most people will look online and book whichever hotel fits their budget. So if they push the rates up, people will simply look for the best or cheaper deals. Hotels that will be empty because too expensive, will be forced to drop their rates. Thais might get cheaper rates, but the mainstay for most of these hotels is international tourist. Upset them and they will go elsewhere. If this gets in the western press: Foreigners must pay higher rates than thais for hotels, it will be looked at as discriminatory. They can't class this one along with the national park fee or tourist tax. Thailand shoots itself in the foot once again. Air B'n'B and the like must be rubbing their hands.
  4. Well that's an announcement I never thought I would see issued to a a police force. Police shouldn't smoke weed in the Police Station. Sort of stating the obvious.
  5. GF tried to claim for her and daughter from their insurance. They made it impossible. Never answered phone calls, insisted on real rather than copies of documents, posted to them, not emailed. Then sent email claiming they never received them. In the end she gave up as she no longer had the original documents to prove anything and could never get through to them.
  6. When I first came here, I was amazed to see how the Thais would use their bikes and cars to go everywhere. Even really short distances. One shop to another that was less than 50 metres away. Now they have found a way to let someone else do all their shopping and cooking, (breakfast lunch and dinner) while they lay on their sofa watching Youtube or FaceBook. And the added bonus is it saves wear and tear on their own vehicles.
  7. Typical billionaire without any money worries. I think he must have been sampling what he has been legalising. If hotels are too expensive, no one will come. Many have already gone out of business or are up for sale due to the pandemic. . People have no money after what has been, and is happening in the world today. Dream on.
  8. I agree. I use AIS for phone service, but prefer 3BB for internet at home.
  9. When the pandemic kicked in, everyone was told to avoid handling dirty cash and use e banking instead. Previously, the banks had charged a small fee for this service, but then dropped the charge. Over the next two years people found how easy it was and got used to using it. Even the small food stalls often have a QR code pinned up for payment. The banks then found they could cut costs by closing branches: No rent or staff salaries to pay. Less ATMs to buy or maintain. All equals more profit. The cynic in me still thinks that once the public are fully hooked on e banking, the banks will reintroduce a charge for transactions.
  10. What happens to all the oil from Thailand's onshore and offshore oilfields? Is it not enough to supply Thailand's needs? Or do they export it as part of a deal with the drilling companies?
  11. Firstly you will have to bear in mind all the anti money laundering and KYC regulations frequired nowadays to open any account. Maybe look at Dee Money for transfer out of Thailand. A service, not a bank. But you will obviously need a bank account (you mention Europe) to send the money to. HTH
  12. Tuesday night's Euromillions prize is an estimated £186,000,000. Wish I could do it from here. Won a few tenners in the UK and THB4,000 about a month ago here.
  13. Maybe for surveillance of those BKK demonstrations.
  14. Is a high end luxury resort, but villas looked like they were built out of natural materials like nipa when I was in Koh Kood a few years ago.. Just like a lot of other resorts here. Maybe that's why there was a fire. I believe rich guests could fly from Bangkok on a small plane to an airstrip cut out of a neighbouring island. Then a five or ten minute speedboat trip to the resort. Thereby reducing travel time. Sonashah Shivdasani is a British-Indian hotelier: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonu_Shivdasani I presume he is wanted due to his position in the company that owns and/or runs the resort. Shows it is still taking bookings on Agoda. August. approx THB86,000 reduced to 33,000. So licence or not it may still be open.
  15. And to get one you need to comply with certain regulations such as having fire extinguishers and pool safety features (depth signs etc.)
  16. I thought this was what the gov't here wanted to avoid. People using it to get high.
  17. I would have thought that the Thailand Post websites would end in .co.th. The one you mention in your post, ending in .top looks suspicious.
  18. You would think that they would learn their lesson and put forward someone other than a Thaksin for the job. It's like a red rag to a bull. Why she would want to apply for a job that has exiled both her father and aunt? Her father is a billionaire, so she can't want for money...or maybe she does. Or, as I suspect, the puppet master is pulling the strings But I agree that 35 is far too young to run the country. What other work has she done? What qualifications does she have? There may be troubles ahead.
  19. Had 3 jabs. 2 x AZ, and last one 1 x Pfizer booster on 26/12/21. Still caught Covid over Songkran. The advice I read said don't vaccinate for six months after any infection. So I will not bother looking into it until October earliest. Even then, I will see how the situation is before considering another booster.
  20. Lots of video of guys like that on Youtube, building houses complete with all furniture in the jungle. They have the ideal ground to dig out, but their handiwork and the results are both amazing. I used to watch quite a few of them. Very skillful with bamboo as well.
  21. That'll teach him. He should have had seven shots and worn a mask.
  22. Tight clothing? I would have thought loose fitting clothing would offer more protection. Surely a mosquito could more easily bite through tight clothing.than loose.
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