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Everything posted by phetphet

  1. KUMON outside Tesco Lotus is also closing for a week, maybe two. Might be just a precaution as children from ISS also go there for lessons, and mix with other youngsters
  2. I think there are two different things going on here. One is a normal straightforward Wise transfer (which is what I always do), and the other, which the OP is using is via a Multi Currency Account. Seeing as he mentions paying into different currency accounts. There are probably cost differences between the two.
  3. He is in a lose lose situation. Even if he is found not guilty, he will either have the family after him for revenge or for compensation. Once the court case is over, it might be time for him to move to another far away location. Around 7:16 -7:23 in the video, it looks like the cops standing behind him in the demo was worried he was going to hurt the cop on the floor.
  4. Reminds me of several years ago in France. We went to a campsite swimming pool for the afternoon. All OK until we walked out to the pool in our swimming shorts. "No shorts allowed,. Only briefs." we were told. Budgie smugglers as we call them. But they did politely offer us some to wear. So we were not turned away. Don't know what the thinking was behind that.
  5. Is it Sonicare? I have had several of their sonic toothbrushes, which I prefer to the Braun rotating brush type. Although my dentist recommends the Braun. The battery has died earlier than expected in a couple of them. i.e. less than a year. Trouble is, the company says the batteries are not replaceable, so end up throwing away a perfectly good toothbrush. iFixit do say it is possible to change the battery, but that it is a difficult job. they will sell you a replacement battery that has to be soldered in. https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Philips+Sonicare+FlexCare+Battery+Replacement/40877
  6. If there is any fingerprint evidence at the scene of crime, couldn't they compare this with Immigration's database? Or is that not possible yet? all those entry and exit fingerprint machines. They must have a massive database. Unless of course, the guy hasn't left the country in years.
  7. Can't see a way around it. I am with you on worries though. All these vaccines are still under EUA's. The only thing that you might be able to do, though very difficult I imagine, is to state your concerns to the school and see if you can get some choice in what vaccine she is given. Personally I wouldn't want any child of mine given an mRNA vaccine.
  8. Sometimes I do. Sometimes I don't. Our pool is right outside my door. If I showered, haven't been out and am sitting with the air con on, sometimes I will just get changed and jump in. If I come home sweaty and fancy a swim to cool down, I will shower before jumping in. I was also told it is a good idea to shower and rinse gear after swimming as the chlorine rots both textiles and swimming goggles.
  9. In this day and age of social media, all they would have to do is offer a reward for information proving his whereabouts. Of course, that's if they don't already know.
  10. The ones that were open a few months ago here in Samui had stopped showing English language or English subtitled versions of the movies due to the lack of tourists. Only Thai. I doubt things will change on that score in the near future. Except maybe in Bangkok.
  11. New model CR-V coming for 2022. Should be released this, or next month I believe. Youtube. But it's in Thai: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyzYHzo4phw
  12. Thai GF had two shots of Sinovac. Last one three months ago. Both times had a slight fever for a day. Had a third "booster" shot of AZ on Tuesday morning. Completely wiped her out. went to bed with chills, fever and headache on Tuesday evening. In bed all day yesterday. Got up last night for food, but back on bed with bad headache today. Don't know if it's the booster effect, or if the AZ produces a stronger immune response, but far worse than in Sinovac reactions. I had two AZ. First one slight fever and temperature and second one just a 15 minute hot flush.
  13. But only works for a certain amount of time. Maybe a few minutes I think. I don't think you can go back an hour later and edit. Maybe a Moderator can confirm time allowed.
  14. Salt kills them. I have also heard that sprinkling crushed egg shell around deters them. Maybe make sure your motorcycle cover is not touching the ground so they can't climb up. Easy to make a beer trap, which will kill them. Can Google for that.
  15. Unless the thuggish neighbour knows a higher ranking cop or General. Better to get photographic evidence and report what happened as other posters have already said.
  16. Goliath. Started watching a couple of years ago and somehow forgot all about it. Been binge watching the last couple of weeks. Watched two seasons. Two more to go. Starring Billy Bob Thornton as a heavy drinking, once big time lawyer that takes on a big case.
  17. GF said Univerity looks packed. People have been posting photos of the queues there. She is going tomorrow for her AZ booster. Already had two Sinovac. I have told her it might be better to wait just get two Moderna if and when they come in case we want to travel.
  18. Felt a little bit rough evening of my first AZ. Sleepless night, headache, a bit of a temperature. Second dose last week. Three months apart; About two hours after vaccination, I felt a hot flush for about fifteen minutes. Something like when you feel your face go red. That was all. Next day, slight soreness in arm, but still did an hour of Muay Thai training.
  19. Why does Thailand have so many Deputy Prime Ministers in the Government? Six or more at the moment I think. Is there governmental structure that much different to other countries that they need so many? The population is similar to the UK and we only have one. Seems strange.
  20. Sorry I gave you the wrong website. I bought from Sleephappy. This is therir website.: https://sleephappy.co.th/en/product/passion/ Dream Master and Sleep Happy are both under the same umbrella company Sleepwell Industries. When making an appointment to visit the showroom to view and test, they asked me to go to the 35th Floor of a building on Ratchapadisak Road?? opposite Benjakitti Park. 5-10 minute walk from Asok BTS. Someone then took me down to the showroom on the ground floor of the building which they opened up for me. I don't think it is open without appointment. I bought Ecstacy King Size THB29,900 which was one of their more expensive ones. Paid THB26,910 with 10% discount. It's not on their website. Very soft sprung mattress, Came with pillows and sheets. i think it was one that they sold to hotels. As I said in earlier post, it came rolled in a box. Weighs a ton. Took three of us to get it up the stairs. I do remember them telling me that the Passion was their best selling mattress. HTH
  21. Sleepwell Industries aka Dreamaster supply beds and mattresses to hotels. I bought one from them last year. Mattress was delivered by post office, rolled up in a big box. Came with free pillows and sheets. Good prices too, I did go to their showroom (by appointment) in Bangkok opposite Benjakitti Park to try the mattresses out before buying. https://www.dreammasterbed.com
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