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Everything posted by Bandersnatch

  1. Toyota will stop using its 'old' hybrid tech and switch to new BYD systems. This good news as Toyota was using nickel metal-hydride (NiMH) batteries for it's hybrids
  2. I see we have been graced with the presence of yet another Failure No evidence provided to support this statement making it worthless Fail! Again no evidence provided Fail again! “This is a discussion about EVs available or coming to Thailand“ Fail!
  3. That might be true for people who own one car at a time and have to manage their buyers regret until they can afford to change their mistake purchase. You clearly don’t much about @JBChiangRai and the cars he has owned.
  4. This is a very important post in my opinion. It is very difficult to argue with someone who has owned and lived with all the cars being compared in a segment. EV Haters love to criticize EVs and EV owners, why is that you never see EV owners hanging out on Diesel Truck threads? They probably have better things to do with their time than spewing angry vitriol.
  5. Toyota is still listing the bZ4X on the Thailand website, but the click through to select a dealer button is missing. Do they want to sell this car or not? bZ4X: ฿1,836,000 218 horsepower (PS) maximum torque 337 0-100kph 6.9 seconds Battery 64kWh usable BYD Seal AWD: ฿1,549,000 530 horsepower (PS) maximum torque 670 0-100kph 3.8 seconds Battery 82.5kWh usable Turns out I’m not the only one having trouble trying to buy a Toyota EV:
  6. I am done doing your research for you. You said: “As for resale values say goodbye to your Baht” Your claim to be an expert on used EVs in Thailand has turned out to be ”ignorance signalling” again
  7. 1 kWh battery does not an EV make. No details provided about what car I have a 600km range which is long enough for most trip. I own an MG and a BYD that have dealerships in practically every province. You can book ahead. I can add 350km of range in 20 minutes. Here in Thailand The seal is cheaper than the Camry. Agreed most people don’t solar but many EV owners here in Thailand are getting them as they are so cheap now. TOU overnight electricity is half price. Most people in Thailand live in detached houses so can install a wall charger which is free with most EVs here including installation. My MG’s insurance has been comparable to my previous ICE cars will be posting my first BYDs insurance quote in six months on the EVs in Thailand Discussion. With 8 years warranty and free servicing depreciation is not really a consideration after that.
  8. more “ignorance signaling” Doesn’t own an EV but claims to be an expert on the second hand EV market in Thailand. Doesn’t bother to post any evidence to backup his claims
  9. Typical, doesn’t own an EV and doesn’t know anything about them. “Ignorance signaling” I own a D segment Saloon/Sedan EV and it’s cheaper than any ice car in the segment. Owned it for 6 months and apart from some short test charges in the first week it has been charged at home from solar. So haven’t had to go out of my way to fill up. It comes with 8 years of free servicing and very cheap road tax. All very inexpensive and convenient.
  10. BYD provided the owner with new replacement car as they were keen to take the car away for testing. Over 20,000 Atto 3s have been sold in Thailand as this is the only case of a 12v fire.
  11. Making EVs is apparently more difficult than making phones. Might explain why legacy auto makers are making such a hash of it. ”The project had reportedly cost the company over $1 billion per year” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_car_project
  12. Thanks for this. Why do we have to FactCheck everything that the AntiEvers post? Because it’s either unsubstantiated or BS as @mistral53 reminded us on page 213 “Don’t feed the Trolls”
  13. Can’t get your brain around EVs or the fact that H2 is never going to be the future. Can’t construct an argument because you fail to support it with any evidence https://insideevs.com/news/716100/us-hydrogen-car-sales-2024q1/ What they don’t tell you about H2 (Source Mirai Club YT) How much range for $180? My EV can drive that 348 miles (560km) for free from my home solar.
  14. So your theory is that Thais are naive, uneducated and susceptible to tech hype. My theory is that EVs are cheaper here in Thailand than in Europe so represent better value for money.
  15. Thanks @Pib this is an excellent short and sweet summary. I am surprised nobody has commented. Maybe they are stunned into silence 🤐 I own a BYD Seal Performance and for the money it’s the best car I’ve ever driven.
  16. So you admit it’s not impartial. The car looks like no BYD full EV I know, certainly nothing being imported to Thailand, what model is it? Do you have the same story published by a reputable source? No he hasn’t see my reply to him Did you read it? There was a reference to electric motorbikes might possibly have been responsible. We are discussing Electric Cars here. I have never said cheap electric bikes, scooters, skateboards etc are safe.
  17. This case is well know in the EV community. It was a small electrical fire not a traction battery fire. A battery fire in an EV happens under the car. An electrical fire happens under the bonnet.
  18. China Observer is a notorious Anti China channel. No sensible person would rely on it for information about EVs available here in Thailand. Unlike you I own a BYD EV and the quality is excellent. I am also on several Thai BYD groups and can confirm there has not been one single BYD explosion or significant fire here.
  19. Many EV owners on AN make some or in my case all of their EV power from solar. It is very easy to do here here in Sunny Thailand that’s why I don’t have a grid connection.
  20. There is a price war going on in China right now so prices there can’t be compared to other markets. Here in Thailand prices are cheaper than Europe. My top of the range BYD Seal is cheaper than an equivalent Honda Accord or Toyota Camry and has way better performance and specs which would explain the better sales figures
  21. Rained all day yesterday and most of today. I don’t have a grid connection as I power the house and my EVs from solar. My BYD Seal has the equivalent of 6 tesla power walls of backup power so I plugged it into my solar system and it fully powered my house. The rainstorm has meant the grid has been down for several hours.
  22. Most discussions on AN have a lifespan of only a few days. No matter how interesting the discussion is they quickly get swamped by Trolls and Ultracrepidarians. The worst offenders seem to have opinions on every subject. Empty vessels make the most noise... Plato Start a discussion about green technology or climate change and you bring out the haters. How many EV haters have we seen here that introduce themselves with the well worn phrase “I’m not an EV hater but…” Having locked horns with quite a few over the years a common picture appears: A rudimentary understanding of science, which leads to an inability to understand how new technology works. Due to an inability to follow the scientific method they are left with only one choice and that is to accept without question what their favorite media outlet says on the subject. Due to an extremely short spell in education they never had to submit research papers and so they have no familiarity with how citations work. They are not “standing on the shoulders of giants“ but simple regurgitating the popular phrases that they have heard and cannot defend them as they have no fundamental understanding of what they are saying. ”of course the future is H2, EVs will soon be gone” challenging a comment like this or submitting evidence of closing H2 filling stations around the world is a waste of time when you dealing with a closed mind. So that brings us to this discussion “Electric Vehicles in Thailand” at 6,400 comments it has more comments that any other discussion in the Thailand Motor Discussion achieved in only a couple of years. Several failed attempts to start an EV discussion led @KhunLA to create the https://aseannow.com/topic/1246109-ice-vs-ev-the-debate-thread/ which meant we had a discussion that we could direct people to who wanted to discuss EVs in general and it has proved to be a very popular discussion in it’s own right. There was already an anti-China car discussion https://aseannow.com/topic/1235921-why-so-many-chinese-cars-mg-cars-do-people-only-care-to-buy-something-cheap-whatever-is-the-quality/ So we were able to create a very narrowly focussed discussion about EVs in Thailand. A big thanks to the Mods for deleting posts that try to hijack the thread. EVs are popular in Thailand with nearly 11% of all vehicles registered in 2023 being full EVs and people want a discussion where they can find out the latest models and user experiences here in Thailand. I know people see “EVs” and just want to launch into a tirade of vitriol, but expect to be challenged and suffer criticism if you post anything stupid. Off-topic posts will be reported and removed. As OP I will quickly block the worst offenders as I am done arguing with fools.
  23. Not when I visited about a year ago. According to staff there Siam Paragon did have Teslas on display but they removed when Tesla got it’s own store. Tesla just didn’t bother to update their website.
  24. I wasted an afternoon in BKK looking for the Tesla Store, which is even to this day still recorded on the official website as at Siam Paragon instead of 7/1 Ramkhamhaeng Rd, Khwaeng Saphan Sung, Khet Saphan Sung, Bangkok 10240. Good job Tesla - have only one physical store in whole country of Thailand and make sure your official website sends people to a random shopping center instead.
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