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Everything posted by Bandersnatch

  1. I wonder if Mr @TimeMachine knows about BMS and active battery cooling in EVs? Maybe if he did he might have suggested a longer battery life. For Mr @TimeMachine benefit and any other ultracrepidarians who join us here to deposit their pearls of wisdom 💩 An EV’s battery gets most hot when it is producing power to drive the vehicle and when it’s being charged at high speed. This is when active cooling is initiated. If the battery gets too hot during charging the charging speed can be slowed or even stopped temporarily. Sophisticated battery monitoring systems and active cooling is what differentiates EV batteries from those that Mr @TimeMachine apparently has some experience with like power drill batteries.
  2. I will go first. My oldest EV is now 2.5 years old and has suffered less than 2% battery degradation so better than the grey warranty line. We now have one piece of real data for Thailand EVs Anybody else?
  3. Ok let’s look at the facts provided. We should start by defining terms like “they won’t work” that means zero battery capacity because a 50kWh battery with 1% battery can still drive about 3km I will consider 3 alternatives Mr @TimeMachine 5 year and 8 year life - his best and worse case scenarios as well as the most common battery warranty offered in Thailand of 8 year with no more than 70% degradation Mr @TimeMachine has offered no primary or secondary research to support his theory so we will conduct some here. This is a call out to all EV owners in Thailand please look at the graph below and consider the battery degradation your EV has suffered so far and please post a reply stating which line most closely represents the battery degradation you have suffered.
  4. I’m keen to know more about Mr @TimeMachine and his theory. He clearly doesn’t own an EV himself because he said Not the words of a man who bought an EV. So his theory is not based on primary research, unless of course he has a friend who has an EV. But surely if this man was his friend he would have reasoned with him against buying an EV. No I think the friend theory is a bust. Maybe it’s something to do with the “evap cooler in Big C” which he seems to despise just as much as EV batteries. Maybe there was a traumatic experience with the evap cooler from Big C which has led to an irrational mistrust of all technology Hoping Mr @TimeMachine replies with further insights
  5. So no study has been posted….yet? But you seemed very positive that potential EV batteries in Thailand would only last 5 years. So on what based did you come to that conclusion if it’s not based on a published study. Did you just make it up?
  6. You know this as a fact based on a peer reviewed published study that you will now post links to, that EV batteries in Thailand last only 5 years. @TimeMachine Looking forward to reading it.
  7. Her: “They deliver you know” Me: “Happy to pickup myself”
  8. On second thoughts don't bother you can't buy any of these cars in Thailand. So pretty pointless posting it in the electric vehicles in Thailand discussion
  9. Sat the water cat outside on the road with aircon blasting and seat cooling on level 2 with the sun beating down. Went back inside to organise camera equipment and find my lazer thermometer. Meanwhile it completed clouded over!
  10. Installation should be completed by a trained professional using the appropriate plastic trim tools. under no circumstances should the installation be attempted by an amateur with a plastic putty spatula
  11. Ok ok. Since posting my videos I have had a bunch of Aussies posting questions as deliveries haven’t started there. Will get on it
  12. We have been driving the Seal for 2 days with no film at all and not too hot
  13. On my MG HS PHEV I spent ฿9,000 on Hi Kool Ceramic Black Edition on all windows and the sunroof - my BYD dealer quoting ฿7,500 for the same on the smaller Seal. Was it a good investment? Even on a cloudy day the glass temperature was 55C I added foil coated foam between the sun blind and the glass So for now I have added no film to the car at all. I will be testing the car and will report back my findings. The active cooled seats make a big difference and we have found that when the sun goes in we are reaching for the off button.
  14. And my sales girl on 25 Oct stressed not to lose the NFC card as a replacement would cost Bt10K. I wonder if my salesgirl was just flat out wrong or there is a different price for an extra vs a replacement. Next time I go to the dealership I will ask again. Just know the sales girl "stressed" not to lose the card as it's expensive to replace....and she was not talking the electronic key. To put my comment into context, I asked my sales girl what the charging speed of the granny charger was and she said 7kW
  15. Seal approved Handbag and matching purse thanks to Guess
  16. BYD Seal Infotainment Screen Walkthrough (also posted in BYD Seal tips, tricks and help)
  17. BYD Seal Infotainment Screen Walkthrough (also posted in Electric Vehicles in Thailand)
  18. My sales girl quoted me ฿300 for a second NFC card (you get 2 keys) - not sure about the seating position
  19. I have my screen set to Dark mode all the time. I think the blue coloured light mode looks good with the blue interior and dark mode suits the dark interior.
  20. Are you thinking of buying a BYD EV? No I bought one already
  21. You did not post anything about the price of EVs in Thailand. This is off-topic. Start your own discussion somewhere else.
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