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Posts posted by dcsw53

  1. The Thai government currently supports the building of “clean coal” technology to deal with the long-range problem of the natural gas running out, said Mr. Ditpong Potchana, vice governor of social affairs of the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT).

    There isno such thing as "clean" coal, just less dirty. CO2 emissions from coal fired power stations, along with all the not so new cars on the roads should ensure Thailand worldclass status as a producer in a few years.

    If cities in the north of China can be built CO2 neutral then surely with the solar and wind conditions, supplemented with nuclear, we have we can cope ?

    • Like 1
  2. Where do girls working in the bars and clubs invaribly come from ? Isaan.

    Which is the poorest part of the country ? Isaan.

    Which part has the least investment by government ? Issan.

    Where are the most cash starved schools ? Isaan.

    The government could incentivise ( no, not bribe ) companies and move government departments out of the central area. Bring jobs there.

    Where does the rice come from ? Put the Ministry of Agricaulture there.

    Jobs = Money = Less desperation

  3. In cases like this where there is inevitably going to be great public outcry, it should be mandatory for the police to explain why bail is to be granted. If the reasoning is dubious or bribes suspected, bail should be revoked.

    Jails are full of innocent people who are amazed at legitimate convictions, do our finest seriuosly believe that someone is going to admit to doing something like this?

    "I'm innocent". " Well off you go then and have a nice day". bah.gif

  4. The only beef I have got with the Thai service is bonus points system, you have to be in the group checking in.

    Having amassed quite a few Royal Silk loyalty points over the years, I went to book a flight for my kids from London to Bangkok before Xmas. When we got to the point where you pay the tax for the flight, I was told that the credit card holder ( i.e. me ) had to be with the group when they checked in. I told them that I would be meeting them on arrival and was then told I had to find another way to pay. So had to phone back another day repeat the process giving my son's credit card number which is not an ideal or secure way to do it.

  5. Gambling is endemic here so regulate it.

    1. Allow inward investment from the industry leaders.
    2. Charge them fees competitive against Singapore and Macau ( not difficult )
    3. Use these fees to improve the infrastructure. Compare the experience of walking down Sukhumvit, BKK, and Orchad Rd S'pore. Better pavements, less smells = happier punters.
    4. Come down hard for once on illegal dens ( yes I know this is nigh impossible but at least try )
    5. If ( when) a problem develops with locals bankrupting the family, charge admission fees like S'pore.

    This should be part of a general policy to attract a better class of hooligan, then we might hope to see some good news and less of the drunken assult/rapes/mugging stories that are the daily fare of this site.

    How you sack and rebuild the police force I will leavee to another correspondent.

    • Like 1
  6. I had the same thing happen with a Thai tour agency in Chiang Mai. I decided to use a travel agency because of the complicated itinerary I had (7 flights in 10 days), AND, sad to say, the agency was recommended by TV posters in Chiang Mai; so I thought it was safe.

    They took my money (58,000 baht) but never booked or issued the tickets for two airlines. I only found out the scam when I called the airlines a few months later to re-confirm my flights. Neither air carrier had never heard of me. I called the travel agency and they said they'd fix it right away. No action. When I continued to press them, they stopped taking my calls or answering my emails.

    Barely weeks before the flight, I finally used a friend's phone to call them and spoke to new customer service clerk who didn't know me. Rather than ask to speak to the manager (who wouldn't take my calls) I gave the following message for her to pass on: "I am taking a bus next weekend to Chiang Mai, and I plan to show up on your doorstep with my receipts and the Tourist Police. You can avert this by issuing my tickets immediately."

    The agency waited a full four days right up until the night before I was to leave for Chiang Mai, and issued the E-tickets by email. I immediately called the airlines to confirm. I also asked them if my travel agency could cancel my tickets and booking directly with the airlines at any time before the trip, without my involvement or notice to me. The answer was affirmative, causing me to live in fear and trembling right up to flight time, expecting that the rug might be pulled out from under me at the last minute. The last week before my trip, I called both airlines every day, and the last day, every couple of hours.

    A real traveler's nightmare that took months, untold hours, and about 100 phone calls to sort out.

    Sadly, this travel agency continues to operate.

    Help others to avoid them - name them !

  7. Is said man Thai or farang? Can't help but wonder how desperate the parents were.

    Doesn't matter where they come from, this is illegal and immoral. Both parents and the man should face charges as a deterrent to others.

    Feel so sorry for the girl to have parents like that, is the whole family bad ? Hopefully there is some family memeber who can protect her.

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