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Posts posted by thaiIand

  1. I have above average reflexes and even when drunk i am more alert than the average person


    Classic drunk driver excuse..........

    if you could read right after that i said i still should not drive drunk even though i am very alert when drunk. Which i am, you can have me tested.

    which is why i have not driven drunk in years and wont again. Anyone above ~25years(this is a good cutoff for young ignorance) of age that still drives drunk is a complete retard and should be put down and his money and place in society given to a less fortunate person.

  2. i dont hang out at cheap local bars as i have a life and i dont need to drown my sorrows(and sorry life) to feel good. When i drink its wine and beer that i enjoy with people i enjoy(not local bargirl)

    So i never need to drive when im drinking unless i wanted to live around a constant 'where you from' chatter.. I did drive drunk when i was younger and im terribly sorry i did and so glad i didnt hurt anyone. I have above average reflexes and even when drunk i am more alert than the average person and i still should not have been driving ever.

    Also i dont try to kill people on the roads, cant image how bad you are when drunk.

  3. Im quite happy most of the time on Thai roads. The last thing i want is nanny state laws from the west on Thai roads. Along with TVPs or old fuddy duddys who think they can enforce the local laws....if you don't like the driving here then don't drive. From previous experience in this country, i don't think the laws will be enforced anytime soon thank god.

    think i remember, you were the idiot who said you drrive home drunk most nights? it's not the nanny state laws that you hate, you hate yourself.

  4. The best thing that could happen here is police on powerful motorbikes pulling over the idiots who find it funny to weave in and out of traffic at speed causing all to worry what might happen in the next few minutes!!!

    I was in kualalumpur 3days ago and saw a big bike pull over a guy going 30kph but OVER the goddamn line..

    i was like <deleted>. They're filming a movie.. southeast asians with common sense? no way

  5. *He is totally henpecked by his mistress now. He has a relatively well off younger sister named Ann who married to Japan and I know that there was once when she went to Japan, he sold off everything in her house! Ann lives in Japan whilst her 2 kids remain in Thailand taken care of by her elder sister.

    So ann is an ex working girl who dumped her own kid to service fulltime, the cousin is a drunkard wwith a womanizing husband...

    stay away from that family seriously. You'll get in trouble.

  6. those people who drive the Buses get a lot of money.

    I have seen some real dumps being driven with kids in the back, who are jumping and screaming, but what can you do, this is the way it has been for many years, and the way it will be for many more.

    By the way my MIL is one who drives kids to school, her van is in sh*t state, she is a very slow and careful driver, and will only be doing it for one more year. She wanted to buy a new car and use that as she only picks up 4 kids.

    So where the F are the black slaves in the USA if thats how it works?

    The reason this country is as dumb as it is its that stupid mai pen rai attitude that even the worthless expats have.

    you get off your fat ass and you complain to the school every single day untill they get so annoyed that they start caring for the safety of children.

  7. Normally Thai restaurants abide by the "queue" protocol. One time I ordered some French fires to go. They told me specifically that there were 7 other customers in front of me, and that it would take 1 hr to complete my order.:wacko: The comprehension and critical thinking skills of Thais in general is not the same in anyway way to us westerners. I have learned these restaurants on the island are not like Burger King where you can "have it your way" either. They will cook it how they want. You need to specifically tell them twice what you want and don't want . For example no onions, no tomatoes, medium, well done etc. First when you are making the order, and then as they are about to walk away from the table, repeat the order to them. . This usually works, most of the time. Make sure you use the word KAPP at the end of each comment, or else they might think you are being rude. If this is the case where they think you are being rude they will sometimes over cook or under cook your food purposely. Always remember to be polite. The food you are eating, if it cost more than 250 BAHT, is what these people are working for 8-12 hrs per day. Do you think they really give a %#$#. And for appetizers coming before meal forget it, there is no concept of such a thing. Farang owned establishments are a diffeent story all together. . You can usually talk to the owner or manager directly if you feel there was a problem, or the service you were given was not up to par.

    yeah before we sold our restaurant my gf did the same with me, i just wanted something small that takes no time to get.. she made me wait behind all the people who ordered..

    Explained and fought over this for an hour then she came to the light of logic. It's not hopeless you just have to show them every angle.. they really didnt teach them anything close to this kind of logic in school and its hard to develop it by yourself

  8. what kind of price per room?

    the thais i used i had do it took about an hour or 2 to do my living room(4 and a half walls) and there isnt a single paint drop not in place.. they used no tools outside of cheap brushes and no plastic covers. and it cost 500 or 1000 i cant remember

  9. You don't need to be Einstein to understand the causes of the massive accident and death rate on the roads in Phuket or anywhere else in Thailand. It's extremely simple. No driver training is required to get a car or motorbike license (for those that actually bother getting licenses) and there is zero enforcement of traffic laws. Phuket roads being steep and twisty in places demand some skill and just add to the carnage.

    not really. as long as you care about other people's lives you can just slowdown and even the worst driver in the world will avoid crossing over the lines. its just selfishness of thais that cause this. no consideration for others.

  10. I just unplugged my ups and computer for 4 days. I plugged it back in(leonics) and it just beeps non stop and shows a 0 on the display screen. Nothing else. I cant find any support in english. What happened?

    The electricity goes through and my appliance work when used with it, but the constant loud beep makes it so i cant use it.

  11. I'll tell you what's disgusting. All of the "illtimed" statements and discusiions that are contained on almost every thread. This is a national disaster where people are and have been living in makeshift shelters on the side of the highways and having to take a bath in the same flood water that they deficate in and you are complaining about dirty water in your luxuri0ous hotel room. I'm a Farang and have live here for over 13 years. You can come shower in me place but you'll have to swim through the 1.5 meters of water on the first floor. Why don't you hurrry to the airport and get a flight home before it floods and you can't get out. We don't want you to continue to have to shower in dirty water and hear about how crappy your experiences are.

    nobody cares that you cant afford a decent place in a decent neighborhood.

    Op lives in a place with no flood and hes entitled to clean water, he doesn't have to suffer because some jackasses tried to make some illegal money by selling flood channels. And he certainly doesn't have to suffer because some poor people cant afford what he has, if he wants to be compassionate that's his decision not yours.

  12. i have a brand new 3br + office house and have a cat myself.. i am moving out in a few months so i definitely wouldn't mind someone with 2 cats. only 3 soi dogs and they're hurt and about to be taken care of..

    i have 3bb premium old 3mbit plan (so less than 2000 per month), only 1 disconnection in 3months

    so send me your email in private if you can wait a few months. its not a villa but the furniture is about a billion times 5 better than any thai rentals that isnt a villa.

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