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Posts posted by thaiIand

  1. prob me, i hit a farang's bike on the bypass few months ago when he wasnt in the shoulder and i was trying to pass someone by the left lane because he was going 40 in the right lane as they always do

    Tanuki. Drive faster or further left and if you see an obstacle then stop and wait for cars to pass you if you're a slow driver. If you'Re trying to do a uturn on the right side of the road, wait untill you are next to the uturn lane before switching from the shoulder to the middle lanes instead of pissing off everyone driving at 30kph in the fast lane.

    If you follow those simple rules, you wont ever be too close to a moving car.

  2. -paulbrun-

    Yes, right said! I liked that curve, in the way, as it was when the road was built. Good to drive, no problem at all, but Thai people are not the best drivers!

    Nearly always I see that they drive fast on straights but approaching curves and driving curves not really know how to do that in the right way.annoyed.gif

    same problem with the curvy road in front of the restaurant on a platform in the middle of the sea on the same road in phuket town.. close to supercheap/mercedes/nissan..

    curves hard left then right.. ppl just all merge together trying to kill themselves into the middle lane (3lane road).. Those who try to follow the lines always fail.. yet when i drive there even at 40kph above the speed limit, following those line doesnt even require you to move your wheels that much

  3. Naam why dont you have your 'group' changed from advanced members to 'This man has a humongeous expensive house and land in pattaya" That way you dont have to explain it in every thread when people compare themselves to you with their 15"sqm kingsize studios and their 2br "house" on 30square wah

    a good idea if some posters would refrain to use ridiculous expressions like "2-bedroom house" which is not more accurate than "that piece of a string was not very long". ridiculous is also "we use air-conditioning a few hours per day".

    by the way, our house is a "2-bedroom house" (no joke!) and building it was not humongous expensive but cheaper than a double garage in a posh Munich or Hamburg suburb, cheaper than a newly built 1-bedroom flat in Singapore near Raffles Square and much cheaper that any of the houses we own(ed).

    go back home peasant, i have a 3bedroom house...

    on 70 square wah :(

    Whats a ''square wah'' ? :unsure: Sounds like a hat.

    its the size of half a hat

  4. Naam why dont you have your 'group' changed from advanced members to 'This man has a humongeous expensive house and land in pattaya" That way you dont have to explain it in every thread when people compare themselves to you with their 15"sqm kingsize studios and their 2br "house" on 30square wah

    a good idea if some posters would refrain to use ridiculous expressions like "2-bedroom house" which is not more accurate than "that piece of a string was not very long". ridiculous is also "we use airconditioning a few hours per day".

    by the way, our house is a "2-bedroom house" (no joke!) and building it was not humongeous expensive but cheaper than a double garage in a posh Munich or Hamburg suburb, cheaper than a newly built 1-bedroom flat in Singapore near Raffles Square and much cheaper that any of the houses we own(ed).

    go back home peasant, i have a 3bedroom house...

    on 70 square wah :(

  5. i dont know this place,but one of the classic scams every single one of these places use is the long hose. a good long hose at a petrol station will hold over a liter of fuel.when they have finished pumping, open the nozzle and lift the hose,see how much fuel comes out. you will see they always hold the nozzle high. check it out.how many litres is that a day

    The hose is full when they start pumping and its full when they finish

    The meter measures the amount of fuel that comes out of the nozzle


    i think every thread on this forum where petercallen tries to get a fact out he turns out wrong. He's a load of fun

  6. The number one danger for farang in Thailand is road rage... fact.

    Says who?

    Not for me its not. I reckon the number one danger for me is accidentally winding up some pissed Scouse bloke or a German, and him passing by one of the stalls that sells big knives on Sukhumvit and thinking "I wonder if that miserable scotch git is still in the beer bar?"


    Straying back on topic...

    Defensive driving: If you assume other drivers are idiots, then they will accidentally irritate you, rather than deliberately annoying you. If you drive slower than they do, they won't pull out in front of you. There's no point in trying to block someone, You are far safer with an idiot in front of you than behind. If you keep a good space between you and the car in front, you won't need to slow down quickly, so it doesn't matter how close is the guy behind.

    I sometimes smile when the chap behind is too close for me to see his flashing headlights. It annoys me when the person behind refuses to overtake, and sometimes slow down to encourage them; though I suppose, on a lot of the roads I drive, there's only one lane going to a particular destination, and if you get stuck in the wrong lane you'll end up somewhere else.

    To be fair, driving in Malaysia is, in my opinion, far better than in Thailand, though some of the challenges are the same. The roads are also better laid-out, I think.


    completely false. If you have a lot of space in front of you it only means that there isnt space right now for any crazy guy to cut you and stay there. Once im stuck behind someone and keeping my distance it means there is no reason to get in front of them (dangerous to do so/he's traveling at the best speed for the traffic condition, etc etc) So leaving that space will just slow me down and put me in danger because if someone manages to cut me its never with finesse

  7. A much better way to piss off tailgaters is to slow down and then when they try to undertake you ( with no signal to tell you this) you give a signal and doubly piss them off as you move into the lane they want to undertake in, its even more sttisfying if they then get stuck behind you as all other traffic now passes freely in the outside lane.

    This involves no finger waving or anything and is nicely effective at winding them up.

    this is the best way to avoid getting angry at the wheels. I too play sort of a similar game where i force crazy drivers to get angry and most of the time i manage to get them stuck 10-30 cars behind me in the traffic. Always a little pissed when once manages to drive through the motorbike/parking lane and gets to the front, its kind of a failure from me haha.

  8. thanks for the explanation...just wondered is all. i know the owner/chef of SUAY as we used to work for the same company. you are the first person i have come across that has actually criticized the place. no harm done, to each their own :)

    There's 4 easy rice meal place next to my place. 3 of them are completely horrible and 1 is good. People still eat the horrible ones because t hey save a few meters of walking and they never complain. Thais do not know much about food or complaining. If eating at suay makes them look cool, they could be given a soi dog's poop on a platter and be happy with it.

    Luckily those veryt very few thais that understand food and service often have some of the best gem restaurants in the whole world and are very affordable. Most of these places are seafood and we have a few of them in phuket.

  9. Naam why dont you have your 'group' changed from advanced members to 'This man has a humongeous expensive house and land in pattaya" That way you dont have to explain it in every thread when people compare themselves to you with their 15"sqm kingsize studios and their 2br "house" on 30square wah

  10. Have any of you tried Don's beef in chiang mai? It's supose to be good and he produces it himself but he wont send me a picture of the marbling as his only concern is tenderness which i do not care a single bit about. Might be good but i dont want to waste money on any more tries.

    you can google him at donsfoods, i think hes a sponsor on a subforum

  11. Because im a gourmet and part of my fun in life is eating and producing food that is amazing. The food at suay is 25baht food with decorations.

    this isnt the west where even if you pay 10$ the cook will do an amazing job most of the time so im not criticizing them too hard, thais don't really care about their food as long as its spicy and they can taste the thai ingredients.

  12. I was driving down a two-lane road, in the passing-lane, and an older farang guy was on my right on a motorcycle, about to make a u-turn. I go to pass him, but with the car on my left lane somewhat close to me, I had to pass the guy on the bike a tad close. Pretty standard, nothing dangerous, no harm, no foul. Anyways, I'm driving away and look back on my rearview mirror, and I can see the old buzzard is yelling and flipping me off! For a moment, I seriously felt like making a u-turn, tracking this guy down, and beating the crap out of him. I was literally that annoyed. I didn't feel like I did anything wrong (and certainly not intentional)...and this a-hole is giving me the finger??!! But my self-control got the best of me and I left it at that.

    Moral of the story: You should refrain from giving anyone the finger. You may just run into someone who doesn't have the self-control of yours truly.

    I am trying to picture what happened. You wanted to pass and old guy on a motorcycle(who of course would be no match for you in a fight). There was an oncoming vehicle. So instead slowing down to let the other guy get through you decide to squeeze between them knowing if anyone gets injured it will be the old guy on the bike. I would have given you the finger too if I was the old guy. I am an old guy too easy picking for guys like you.

    As far as the no danger, standard stuff maybe in your eyes but maybe not the guy you came so close to.

    I see it as you figure you live a blameless life only others offend.

    sounds the me the old dumbdumb farang had turned into the fast lane two thousand kilometers before the uturn and was driving at 5km/h taking all the space as most thais do. If farang boy had acceleterated at the same speeds cars were travelling, no problem, if you cant drive faster than 5km per hour then you wait on the left side untill there's no car. This is what i do in uturn spots depending on the speed im doing. Very safe and you do NOT ANNOY CARS.

    Every time a stupid ass makes you slowdown you lose money, it's not about pride or owning the lane its about these idiots making you break and accelerate. My comsumption of gas per km is so much higher here because of the constant need to break even on the hghway

  13. well even though you are being scammed by having to pay 8bht unit, someone is using your electricity.

    I run a tower computer with a very warm 30" monitor that uses a lot of units., a faulty laptop that charges at max power every second and there's a tv. Lots of kitchen appliance. 1 of the AC is at 25 for 10hrs a night and the other is at 24 for 14hrs at least, plus 2 regular fan and a high end fan and my lights are all farang style bulbs that cost more electricity and i usually ramp up 1000 unit for a HOUSE, not 1br apt.

    makes me remember my good old days in apts.. was for a few months at housebythepond in bangkok and the guy gave me an outrageous electricity bill when i had to get someone to fix my AC every 2-3days because it would stop working.. the fat english manager said he'd have me killed if i ever claimed to anyone else that he was scamming me.. it was like 10baht per unit there.

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