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Posts posted by thaiIand

  1. there is only one curve on this Highway where cars used to fly off from the Highway and park in the middle of a muslim village, the Yacht Haven Marina curve

    15 million baht made the curve faster. Safer would need better drivers and fear of legal system punishment for killing others

    meh dont forget the other curve where the bypass joins that road northbound. ppl fly off there without looking as well. Same with heroine monument which you never know if its open or closed

  2. well first it wasnt raining yesterday and second there has been like 4 accidents last night on that road so i guess the reporter as usual is confused and just taking bits and pieces from reports and pasting them in english.

    One of the accident was on the curve to the bypass, as usual an idiot cut by the third or 4th lane and drove into oncoming traffic just so he wouldnt have to wait in queue.. that might be the one they mean?

  3. just a heads up. The major outdoor seafood restaurant(mostly made in bricks with a big projector screen) at the entry next to the roundabout has 2 menus. Both of them are in thai and in english but one of them has not a 30-50% increase but a 100%+ increase.

    Its a major restaurant so tell your friends and visiting family members.

  4. suay is fine but the food is really weak for a supposedly trendy high quality restaurant. The dishes are good but not good enough to be sold at a restaurant id say. Still a lot better than most places in phuket since phuket and quality dont go hand in hand.. only money goes with phuket.

    Nice place though.

  5. theres a small tuktuk repair shop in the middle of nowhere where i live.. always 2-3 of them.. there's a huge pothole in the middle of the road that you can avoid if when you turn, you go around the corner like a western driver would instead of cutting straight from a to c. tuktuks always fall in the huge potholes.. thenm off to repairs 1meter next to it just after having it repaired haha.

  6. i live in a semi remote area and all i can see is satelites.. Your kind of doomed on phuket if you enjoy the night sky. One more reason why i cant wait to be back home and being able to see the nightsky even 5mins from the capital.

  7. i posted this in internet and was met with the most stupid answer i have ever seen from someone living 10hrs from a small village. so i will report it here. I just paid my 3bb account and i am on the grandfathered 3mbit premier. They told us i need to bring back my modem that i got a year or 2 ago (and is still got enough for 9mbit) because one day it might just stop working altogether and that they will move me to 5mbit right then and move my price from 1k~ a month to 2k~ Are they just trying to scam me in getting off this plan or has anyone else been pressured? they said that it really doesnt exist anymore.. i dont fancy paying 70 us dollars for a shitty 5mbit.

  8. I just paid my 3bb account and i am on the grandfathered 3mbit premier. They told us i need to bring back my modem that i got a year or 2 ago (and is still got enough for 9mbit) because one day it might just stop working altogether and that they will move me to 5mbit right then and move my price from 1k~ a month to 2k~ Are they just trying to scam me in getting off this plan or has anyone else been pressured? they said that it really doesnt exist anymore.. i dont fancy paying 70 us dollars for a shitty 5mbit.

  9. No the difference is that those case were once in a lifetime mistakes. Ronaldo is a sociopath who was ticking time bomb and now that he has tasted easy blood, it will stick with him and he'll want more.

    Im frankly surprised it took him so long to kill someone here. He has a short fuse and a napoleon complex

    And you know this for a fact? How do you know this? Are you a psychiatrist or psychologist that was assigned to the case? What gives you any more insight into this case than the average punter?

    he's threatened to kill me many times for simply stating privately that i dislike him and that he shouldn't give life advices to people when hes poor and full of hooker diseases and a complete mess who only had friends because he was in an area where socially awkward white boys would hang out with anybody that was white and not 60years old..

    His advices were quite dangerous and completely false.

  10. Only pre-meditated murder gets the death sentence.

    How many years did that Thai cop get for killing that Canadian bloke and then cold-bloodedly shooting his girlfriend to get rid of the witness?

    Oh yeah.......he never went to jail.

    How about the son of a very prominent politician whos son shot a man dead in a night-club in front of two hundred witnesses? Oh yeah.......he never went to jail.

    What about the son of an important businessman and his wife (ex-Miss Thailand 1996) who deliberately drove his car into a bus queue killing one innocent woman? Oh yeah.......he never went to jail.

    Roger that. You could also mention the case of the Canadian lady who shot her farang husband in Chiang Mai and was out and back home to Canada in less than 5 years. Or the case of two other farangs in Chiang Mai who got drunk together ending in a fight with one shooting the other in the face. Guilty party out in under 5 years again. While I'm not defending Fanelli's actions his sentence seems to be in proportion to the other sentences I have knowledge of.

    No the difference is that those case were once in a lifetime mistakes. Ronaldo is a sociopath who was ticking time bomb and now that he has tasted easy blood, it will stick with him and he'll want more.

    Im frankly surprised it took him so long to kill someone here. He has a short fuse and a napoleon complex

  11. lol us officials.. guy isnt affected by what he did in afghan.. he himself admited he was far away from combat most of the time. He was on a submarine and never killed anyone directly.

    Those stories are all lies. Guy was a simple sociopath with not much brains.

    next time they should blame this on the hepatitis that he caught and almost killed him from all the hookers he banged without condom

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