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Everything posted by Virt

  1. When I read the daily news here, it seems like Sweden now has to face the consequences of their less strict rules. Personally I'm all for strict rules, but each case should be looked at and in this case I see no reason to send him back. He learned danish, the fellow classmates likes him, he is getting good grades and his aunt is married to a Danish guy and they can support themselves. I read the other danish articles and it seems his aunt and danish guy will move to Thailand if he is deported or maybe try Germany as option, but i hope they are able to all stay.
  2. One of the most read newspapers has brought several articles from this case. This one from today. https://ekstrabladet.dk/nyheder/samfund/styrelse-advarede-tiaarig-om-straf-for-fravaer-men-meldte-ikke-selv-afbud/8843544 As I understand, they have not decided yet to send him home, but he has been summoned to another meeting. The same newspaper has brought many articles the last couple of years about people being deported. Some of the articles stirred up things and government changing certain rules, but we still have a strict immigration law.. It's seriously not easy for someone to find a wife or husband abroad and return to Denmark with the family. The rules are sadly there for a reason and I think most know why.... This kid should be allowed to stay in Denmark instead of all those immigrants/wellfare refugees that has problems adapting to European culture, and which cause a lot of problems in Denmark. The statistics from Danish prisons, crime rates and unemployment rates shows a very clear picture, but that is not politically correct to talk about.
  3. I'm just happy to live in a country where 96% of all people above age 50 has been vaccinated. That means that as off today we have no restrictions what so ever. None, Zero, zilch and the last couple of months we had very few resttrictions, and no spikes because of that. The government also cancelled their emergency law, which for example means they can't make masks mandatory anymore. Are we covid free? Not by a long shot ( 557 positives yesterday amongst 57.000 PCR tests in a country with 5,8 mill and 132 hospitalized) , so the winter will be a perfect test for us. Can we go through winter with so few people being sent to hospitals, that it's just like a normal flu epidemic? Will it mostly be the unvaccinated that will get hospitalized? Time will tell, but i can tell by articles from other European countries, that they are surprised to see Denmark back to normal so soon.
  4. What is the yearly cost for a good insurance that coveres all if you are 70+? 100,000 baht pr person? is that enough?
  5. Thailand must have a lot of the old swabs left or don't know it's possible to buy newer ones, where it's only required that the swab goes a few centimeters into the nose.
  6. I still hope some day that gf and I can move to Thailand, but nothing is decided yet. We're not rich by western standards , and if we sold everything we could raise approx 25 mill baht. We're 50 + and 60 +so we could probably live rest of life for that money in Thailand, since some retirement money also would arrive in a few years. The huge question is. Does Thailand bring more joy living there fulltime, or would it be better to stay home near friends and family and then take 3 months vacations to Thailand every year. Any takes on that since it's a thread about expats in Thailand?
  7. Estimated 40-75% but that's semantics. I hope India keeps in under control, but in the past it has been in countries close to Thailand and the bat lives in Thailand as well. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/nipah-virus As for tourists from India. I wouldn't want to invite a whole bunch of Indians until the above is 100% under control. Better safe than sorry.
  8. Israels vaccinations program hit a wall at a time, and Israels started to fall down on the list of most % vaccinated. Last i checked they were ranked 20th. That combined with the vaccines effect now starting to fade could explain why they seen a recent rise, so they started doing boosters which i will expect many countries will start doing soon. It's interesting that Czech republic as of next week are putting Denmark in the red group. We're having some of the lowest numbers of positives in 3 months. When i try to find some data from Denmark compared to Czech republic, Denmark right now has a higher number pr day with a smaller population, but we're also testing a lot more pr million, so it's difficult to compare, if we are doing better or worse. For now i'm just happy we're back to normal and then it does not bother me Czech Republic put me on the red list. I don't have any vacations planned and hope Thailand will be next stop ???? Even though i love Prague and been there several times ???? Will Denmark return to restrictions and masks? Yeah for sure if we see the numbers going bananas again, but for now it looks promising, and only time will tell. Pandemic is not over, even if it feels like it in some countries, but i'm just happy to live like normal again for the time being. Hopefully it last.
  9. If you walk around here in Denmark it's not much that show signs of covid 19, other than sanitizers most places and old social distance stickers that have not been removed. It is still expected that numbers might rise during the winter, but mostly amongst the unvaccinated groups, so as long the hospitals are not overrun it shouldn't be a problem. As the article says i think we moved to this point where we are, because of restrictions, lockdowns, MASSIVE testing and now a good amount of people fully vaccinated. Still not enough, but it seems to be ok for now. The national serum institute release some Danish data today about those who were fully vaccinated with Pfizer and Moderna, and how often those types of fully vaccinated people get covid 19 and it's good news. Link in Danish. https://files.ssi.dk/covid19/gennembrudsinfektion/rapport/gennembrudsinfektion-covid19-uge35-2021-83op In Denmark 3.395.980 people had Pfizer and 7278 got covid 19 after their second shot (0,21%) 333.867 people had Moderna and 307 got covid 19 after second shot (0,08%) In the period the data is from ( from our fist vaccination was given 27 Dec 2020 to 31 august 2021 ) 189.384 nonvaccinated/only first shot got covid 19. 21.498 of those were people who only had their first shot, but not second shot, so it 167..886 unvaccinated people who go covid 19 in that period. Compare that to the low numbers of the fully vaccinated people who got covid 19, and it's pretty obvious the vaccines do their job and the unvaccinated people are in a much higher risk of getting covid 19.
  10. I used 750+ surgical masks here in DK, while we had to, but have been sceptic the whole time , because cloth masks has been used and people didn't handle masks correctly, and people reused clothmasks/surgical masks the whole time. Cloth masks sucks compared to surgical masks which the study also point out, so why are those not banned worldwide. ( I know some brands meet the requirements, but most do not) Not handling your masks correctly are also bad, which also shows in the study. So if governments want the most benefits from the masks, they better ban cloth masks and pray that people can wear their surgical masks correct and discard it after each use. Masks prevent some spreading, but not as much as governments would like to, or how much they initially said they would. We don't have to wear them any more in Denmark, and there has been no significant spikes after that, since 72% of all danes are fully vaccinated. We stopped using masks in public transport Aug 14 2021 and stopped using them elsewhere June 14, 2021, and we never had to use them outside during the whole pandemic. I will start wearing them again if needed, but i'm glad it's over for now.
  11. Every guess is as good as the last one. I say 119 days ????????????????
  12. Here in Denmark they mentioned 90% for the Delta variant, and so far we're overall at 70% fully vaccinated so we're not even close to 90%. But we are back to normal, and it's mostly the sanitizers placed in shops, that reminds us of covid 19 and the daily "breaking news" in the news papers. A few people continue to wear masks, but very few. I was a soccer match the other day with 35,000 people and the only ones i saw wearing masks, were the secutiry at entrances. We expect numbers to rise again, but since 90% of those age 50+ are vaccinated in Denmark, it should be the younger ones plus unvaccinated people, that will be the majority of new infections, and hopefully that will not overwhelm the hospitals, so we can carry on as normal. We will see. For now it's just nice to be back to normal and hopefully we can make it though winter without going back to restrictions, but we have to watch the numbers at the hospitals. Todays numbers are 132 hospitalized plus 32 in ICU (16 of those on ventilators) So we're good for now.
  13. This one maybe? https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/227713/coronavirus-infections-three-times-lower-double/
  14. A few reasons why it's smart to get the shots. It's true vaccinated people can catch covid 19 and studies show they cab develop as much virus as non vaccinated when it comes to the delta variant, but statistically fewer vaccinated people will catch covid-19 compared to the non vaccinated. Secondly the vaccinated people generally have the active virus for a shorter time, since the body has antibodies to start fighting the disease. The third reason is that the vaccines keep most people out of hospital which is one of the major reasons to vaccinate people. Another thing that it really good when the majority get their shots. Freedom once again. We had our fair share of lockdown, masks and social distancing here in Denmark, but it's all over for now, because more than 70 % are fully vaccinated. Government hoped for 85% so it's not perfect, but hopefully enough. Last night I attended soccer March in Copenhagen. Denmark VS Scotland. 35,000 people,tons of beer, no masks, no social distancing, no nothin, and we cheered liked crazy after winning 2-0. Thanks Vaccines ????
  15. Do your homework and you will discover that the mRNA tech are not new. Moderna as example has studied it for more than 10 years and worked on clinical development of mRNA based vaccines since 2015, years before covid-19 surfaced. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/07/03/how-moderna-made-its-mrna-covid-vaccine-so-quickly-noubar-afeyan.html That's why they could get their vaccines out so fast, after they had the genetic sequence. The genetic sequence was published by Chinese scientists Jan 11, 2020 and by Feb 24, 2020 Modernas first vaccine was ready for the initial test. It's science, not some sort of mumbo jumbo witchcraft.....
  16. My GF had AZ and then Pfizer here in Denmark, and that causes a problem now, because many countries does not accept mixed vacs, so vaccations are put off until she receives a booster of Pfizer, or until it's possible to pay for a Pfizer shot personally. She had 2 antibody blood tests after AZ and Pfizer. Barely detectable after first shot of AZ, but 8 days (or was it 14?) after the Pfizer shot, the test turned positive immediately, so i wouldn't be too afraid about the combo not developing enough antibodies.
  17. An interesting study recently from Israel about the mRNA vaccine. Lots of boring numbers, but the essence is that the risk of side effects after getting covid-19 are a lot higher than from the vaccine itself, if we take one of those side effects most people worry about. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2110475
  18. It's sad for his family, when he most likely would have survived if he had been vaccinated. Sadly stories like this don't seem to convince the rest of the anti vaxxers. I got friends and family in the risk groups (Obese/old), that still refuse to take the vaccines. I have a hard time accepting their choice and told them they are completely crazy, when the data shows the vaccines are safe, compared to the risk of dying with covid 19 with their conditions. Hopefully i don't have to go to their funeral because of their choices.
  19. Headache and fatique were my symptoms after the Pfizer, but it was over in a day. No idea if i got dizzyness as as side effect, because i have been dizzy for 10 months and docs still don't know what it is. Quite annoying and i can relate to the OP's post where he says it's like being drunk constantly, but i'm pretty sure Pfizer didn't give me additional dizzyness when i had the shots a few months ago. Going a bit off topic now, but just want to explain how we're doing in Denmark atm after more than 70% are fully vaccinated. I'm part of a study here in Denmark that started 14 months ago, and later this year we will get to know our anti body levels and how our bodies reacted to the vaccines , so that should be interesting to see. Approx 75% had their first shots (70% fully vaccinated) and most had Pfizer (83,2 % Pfizer, 12,3% Moderna, 3,4% AZ and 1,1% J&J) We're pretty much back to normal and live without any major restrictions. Next week we're removing all restrictions, cancelling the emergency law and downgrading Covid 19, so it's not classified a socially critical disease anymore. All thanks to the vaccines ???? I can send a picture tomorrow how it looks after i attended Denmark -Scotland in the national arena ???? We still have about 700-1000 cases a day (population 5,8 mill), but it's not considered critical and not that many are being hospitalized, It's mostly unvaccinated people or those that only had their first shots. We will most likely see a winter where it's mostly kids and unvaccinated people that get covid 19. Kids above 12 can get their shots if they want, and the younger ones are recommended to take the ordinary flu vaccines, because we had so few cases of flu last season, they expect it to rise this winter, due to low immunity this year. As for the rest above 12 that still refuse to take the vaccines. I wish them good luck and hope they don't end up in hospitals regretting their choice. Yes i'm very much pro vaccine ????
  20. I thought Thais loved AC. Entering Tesco lotus and many malls feels like arriving at the south pole.
  21. The most important thing in this article. Individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant.
  22. Not sure my girlfriend will approve of that. I'm below and she is above 60 ????
  23. Do you play poker? Let's just say vaccinated people are dealt more cards compared to their non vaccinated counterparts. It's really that simple...
  24. Lots of products on the market has names that the people working in their own company can't even pronounce. That's what you get when brainstorming goes out of control ????
  25. Bonusses are good in some cases, but this just sounds absolutely crazy.
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