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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. I have an idea that might just help. Why do the relevant key agencies get off their collective lazy backsides, leave the comfort of the a/c office, and actually do some enforcing. That is assuming, of course, that they know what the relevant safety protocols are in the first place. I mean, if your average BIB does not have any clue of the laws they are supposed to uphold, what chance for a bunch of jumped up civil servants in matching uniforms with airforce wings.
  2. I showed the Wife that picture, and She was not impressed......"Where is the gold, no gold, no good"........
  3. My brain is finally going, when I read paddled out my first impression was he rolled up his trousers, and paddled out. However, 6 metres of water, He must have paddled another boat out. Silly me, but kudos to the Gentleman for His quick actions. Will the local authorities give Him a medal or something........er........I doubt it.
  4. Exactly, a turnstile at arrivals, deposit money, then return to the plane. Maybe I am mistaken, but was there not a refusal by the airlines to implement this in the ticket as it was only for Foreign Nationals, and therefore a nightmare to police? Someone please put me right if I am getting it wrong.
  5. I remember, then overnight it was incorporated into the ticket price. However, a lot of people did not realise (as it was not really inventoried), that they increased it from 500 to 750 Baht overnight. Any way they can gouge a penny they will.
  6. Will the Thai landlord be prosecuted for aiding & abetting a known overstayer? I take my hat off to Him for trying to help, especially the children, but wonder how the immigration will see it?
  7. They are clamouring for foreign revenue, so I have an idea. Why not scrap all the hoops us retirees, (who put millions into the Country annually), have to jump through, including the irrelevant 90 day reporting. Make it a more desirable place to retire too, and attract more.
  8. Someone mentioned in a post that where is all the money from previous years of tourism to re-invest in the infrastructure. It is a simple answer, that is commonplace all over the Country, it has gone into the pockets of the people running the place. Wherever you go there is hardly ever any re-investment, they just grab what they can while it is available, as tomorrow is another day. Same with maintenance, foresight, future planning. It is simply not in their mindset. Now the hens are coming home to roost.
  9. Exactly, and when you read this in the article........ We all know that nothing else will be heard of this incident.
  10. Our builder removed the lot, just two wires coming out of the ceiling, then screwed the new led light unit up, connected the wires, and finished.
  11. Well, He would deny it, wouldn't He. It would be a violation of His parole, and he could find himself back in a cell, oops, sorry......hospital bed.
  12. Not condoning their action, but, if I take a video of the young kids riding through our village in the evenings with modified exhausts, making enough noise to wake the dead, do you think the local police will take action.........Answers on a postcard please.....
  13. I think the police may have a different view on their role in public life.
  14. I have already started investigations about Cambodia, only 35 km. from me.
  15. I saw the CCTV, looked like He just lost control and went headlong into the post. Regarding registered motorbikes, How many are on the roads here, and not registered. I know in our village 90% do not have numberplates, a good 50% should not even be on the road, and a good 70% are ridden by schoolchildren. Unfortunately, that is the way here, life is cheap.
  16. Do you know how rare it is to find a seat on those trains, no way were they giving it up......
  17. Ignored by the Marine Police too, for a small monthly donation.
  18. Maybe a helmet would have saved Him? R.I.P.
  19. It is on the viral news website.
  20. Correct. The last thing a Government wants is an educated middle, or lower class. As you say, they will lose their grip on the money and power. I also believe that is the reason the Government do not like us Farangs. We bring western ideals, and western intelligence into the villages. Thai ladies married to us get a bigger perspective on life, especially if they spend time in our Home countries, which is then disseminated, albeit it in a small way, into the villages.
  21. At last, some good news to read with the breakfast coffee, now put the rest of the misogynistic regime into a plane and fly that into a mountain.
  22. I guess there will always be the sheeple out there going for the 22nd clot shot booster. I want to ask all these proponents of getting another shot on top of another shot, why is it that 6 months before covid hit the streets pharma companies were granted immunity from prosecution if there were complications. Also, do the maths, if every person on the planet was supposed to have the shots needed to clear covid, it would take all the manufacturers 30 years to produce enough vaccines. No doubt I will be lambasted by people for this post, so be it, however, i am far from alone in believing it is all a sham in the name of control.
  23. Dear Idiot Baby, Best of luck with your new purchase, I am feeling sure everything will be all right. By the way, while I am here, I have an amazing offer for you. Three acres of prime beachfront land with a house and views overlooking the ocean in Paraguay. It is a steal, and a once in a lifetime opportunity. Price available on request.
  24. I had to look up "Happy Water".......Jeez, it sounds lethal, but apparently is on the rise in South East Asia............."Caffeine, diazepam, ketamine, MDMA (ecstasy), methamphetamine and tramadol reportedly compose the superdrug"
  25. Maybe you did not get the gist of my post. I know vaping is harmful, it stands to reason if you pump anything into your lungs other than oxygen, then it is not good for you. However, I was referring to the fact that cigarettes are harmful too, but you do not see them banning those, why, because it affects the rich who own the factories, and the Governments who make billions in tax, not just here, but world wide.
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