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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. I think it would if not for the fact there is no prostitution in Pattaya.......
  2. Definitely. I keep asking the Wife why do they take a naturally very healthy fruit like a banana, then cover it in batter, deep fry it, and eat it with sugar and chili........
  3. Yes, and linked to a digital I.D. can be cut off if you are deemed by the powers that be to have been a naughty boy.
  4. This is flip flop Thailand, anyone who has stayed here for some time, say retirees, know this will change in only a few days or weeks. They always publish without thinking, let the feedback come, then flip the rules. Sit back, and watch the chaos unfold.
  5. Be careful with a gun, because as unruly, uneducated, immature, lawless Farangs we are not allowed fire arms.
  6. Nothing to see here, move along please................as with most news stories here this will fade into the background very quick, and we will likely hear nothing more of it.
  7. Lived in Hua Hin for over ten years, only time we went to Cha-Am is when we played in a pool friendly. Always better to go, as you say, farther South, some real Gems for sure, just hope time does not spoil them with too much tourism.
  8. All that is left for Him to do now is assume the top job again. Then watch the ramping up of the anti foreigner rhetoric, and a new war on drugs.
  9. It is, however ok to use violence when you want to control the people, as in His war on drugs in 2003 when over 2500 people were killed, many later to be found innocent of any crime.
  10. I have been saying for many years that other Countries should look at the rules of a foreign national entering. For Example A Thai going into England......ok then let us see...... Cannot own a house Cannot own a business Cannot get Nationality regardless of length of stay Renew visa annually Report every 90 days Cannot have any occupation an English person can do No access to free medical care. All hospital treatment will be double priced.
  11. Well, aren't you the lucky one. Braggers will be braggers.
  12. They did this in our village two weeks ago. The Wife simply said She was off for a drug urine test. When I asked why She said everyone in the village has to be tested. When I mentioned Human Rights I got the usual Blank Thai stare that translates to "I do not want to talk any more". Anyway, they found 28 positives of varying age groups. There is now a help centre organised with all these people enrolled. I am not confident of a positive outcome, and do not trust the police not to act on the information at a later date.
  13. Yet retirees are still jumping through ever more bureaucratic hoops, and doing 90 day reports.
  14. Chinese restaurant nearby perchance......
  15. Fixed that error, as you can bet your last Satang there will be a queue of Thai middlemen dipping into the trough.
  16. They have the same mindset as they do in Saudi Arabia.....If you did not enter the Country, then He would not have hit you, therefore it is automatically 50% your fault to start with.
  17. Exactly like they do here Mike, sadly.
  18. While they are at it why not scrap the ban on Buddhist days too. A complete farce when you can go into just about any mom & pop shop and buy it.
  19. This one does not mention 3 million per se, but it does address His comments........ "Big Joke," Bank "Window Dressing," And Thai Retirement Visas? - Integrity Legal - Law Firm in Bangkok | Bangkok Lawyer | Legal Services Thailand
  20. I agree 100%. In fact I was going to post that when He was in immigration, and did what He did, it only drove more people down the agent route. I am also of the opinion that He is as much a xenophobe as A-nut-in & old Teflon.
  21. I never thought of that, thanks. Same as Big Joke when He was quoted as saying He thought the money in the bank should be 3 million to weed out undesirables.
  22. I agree, but A-nut-in is still a xenophobic racist that would not be good news for us. Alas, all we can do is watch, and hope.
  23. I too have been advised to do nothing, that they are after big Thai earners. I was also told that a certain group of people in the accounting business are hyping up the rhetoric to grab fees for filling out tax returns that are not yet needed. As you say do nothing, wait and see.
  24. Agreed, and American football.....
  25. One thing for sure, it was not My Wife...............mind you, come to think of it, Have not seen Her around for a while........
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