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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. Now THAT is funny. The Average Thai could not give a rats a** about the natural landscape as long as it is good for a few Baht earnings.
  2. Agreed, nothing to do with climate control, I still believe it is all part of the future control. 15 minute cities, CBDC, etc. People may tell me to adjust the tin hat, but you only have to look towards the banks to see what is happening.
  3. Will they have to pay the 300 Baht fee to enter when it is implemented...
  4. Clearing the way for His new career in politics no doubt.
  5. I expect, once they find out they are being shafted on the medical bills. all backed by the racist dinosaurs in charge of the government, or legal gouging may be the saying, they demand a higher level of service. Just a thought. on the other hand it could be that most of them are loud ignorant a holes with a bigger ME,ME attitude than any high -so in a fortuner.
  6. More likely left the Kingdom to prevent any nasty accidents happening......like slipping on a banana skin, and accidently impaling Himself on several knifes sticking out of the ground.
  7. Exactly what my Wife says all the time when I mention the Army before being in power, yet having no clue what they were doing, except She says they have the most guns. Also the ruling elite that, quote, "Have money, so can do what they want".
  8. Are those tanks open to the elements then?
  9. Where we are the road safety checkpoints are a bigger hazard than not having them. Always set up just after a bend, or where the road already narrows. A line of cones in the road, absolutely no prior warning, and a bunch of mindless morons sitting around playing with their mobile phones while motorbikes stream past on the wrong side of the road, no helmets, no number plates, three on a bike. It is a pathetic sham by the people in power to try to show that they care, which they do not. DDPM.......What a fiasco.
  10. Maybe now can you please do something about deleting notifications as it used to be.
  11. Fragile mummy's boy Thai male's egos.
  12. Can someone please tell me the relevance of the age of His lawyer.....
  13. Correct, and you cannot get more racist than that Britman...
  14. In the many years I worked in Saudi Alcohol was available if you knew how. I even had a Bedouin colleague who took me into the desert and showed me the cairns of stones, under which was the fermenting fruits in large jugs. Blew your head off.
  15. So He has never noticed the massive hoardings in and around Bangkok, and other cities with L** and Ch**g logos on them and in small letters at the bottom....mineral water.......
  16. He also was quoted as saying in about 2017 that He believed the 800,000 or 65,000 per month income was too low. He also, in 2018 was involved in the instigation of the money in the bank rule of two months before, and three months after, and not to fall below 400,000 at any time.
  17. Many people on here seem to have short memories. However, I agree with you that He is a xenophobic racist in the same mould as A-nut-in. I still remember his rhetoric about unruly Farangs, and tarring everyone with the same brush. His whistle stop tours of Thailand's provinces rocking the boat in the name of protecting Thailand. His famous rant that there are now no more overstayers in the Kingdom thanks to his efforts, yet we still see people arrested for years, and years of overstay. I believe it was all smoke and mirrors to divert attention. As you rightly say, to get anywhere in the RTP you have to be corrupt, that is just the way it is, and always will be.
  18. Like you, I am waiting for the rains, and will guarantee the power will go out. About two years ago they cut the power from 7 am until about 8 pm. When I asked why, they said they were upgrading the system so that the power was not interrupted when it rained. No points for guessing what happened about four days later, when we had a thunderstorm.......no power for 4 hours. When I asked why I was told it was another part that had not been upgraded. Snakes, are a common problem, yet when I suggest the wire rat cones on the poles I am met with blank stares. Our biggest culprit though are the drunk drivers hitting the power poles, normally one a week, depending on how many weddings or funerals there are.
  19. Well, the price of olive oil is going through the roof...so...maybe.
  20. They are no longer allowed to take your licence away I believe, I think the law changed about two years ago. However, apart from that, what is this moron doing riding without a shirt. Apart from the insult to the culture, it is bloody stupid, has he never heard of gravel rash.
  21. Just another day. Until the address the Me, Me, Me, Me attitude on the roads, Ignorant driving actions, cutting in, dangerous overtaking, ignoring the signs, no licence, unroadworthy vehicles, overloading, speeding, drink driving, and the police who do not give a rats ass. It is bad on a good day near me, so I will not venture out on the roads for another three days yet until all the morons have gone back home.
  22. When I try to talk to the Wife about it, all I get is "This is Thailand, He is Rich, so He can do what He wants."
  23. A work colleague of mine once told me how He had managed to smoke in the toilets of the plane without anyone knowing. He said He put His head into the toilet bowl and flushed it so the air was dragged down. I told Him He must be pretty desperate to put His head into a toilet bowl on a full flight from the Middle East.
  24. Well, that would be better for you than the food.
  25. Yes, and you can blame the xenophobic imbeciles in power for spreading the hate speeches.
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