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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. Re your last sentence, is it not mandatory.......
  2. I have a better solution which will drastically reduce the number of accidents that now occur due to the average Thai adult driving............
  3. +1 Exactly what I was thinking. Obviously he is an unimpeachable, irreproachable, law abiding, upstanding pillar of the community......
  4. It may be just me, but I sometimes get an ad on my phone to install Shoppee app. When I try I get a message that it is not available in my location. Also, I cannot get the page to load in English on the confuser, therefore I just stick to Lazada
  5. That was later when they went to the massage shop for a coffee......
  6. Geez, not this old chestnut again. They raise this every couple of years. Please, please, put it in the overused bin for future generations.
  7. Great Picture Crossy, thanks, I wonder how old it was. I built blades in the early days using Kevlar and epoxy. However, over the last few years they have turned to using Balsa cores. This in turn has led to a worldwide shortage of Balsa, consequently they are stripping forests at an alarming rate. Makes you wonder sometimes how green renewable energy really is.
  8. Good luck to them, but I have a suspicion he is about to discover several Aunts, and Uncles he never knew he had.
  9. What a joke. What it should say is that alcohol will be banned at Government organised events. The B.I.B will be out collecting tea money and all will be as normal especially around the new bintabaht, soi 94.
  10. Does this moron really believe that what he dictates to the populace will have one iota of relevance to the vast majority of the people living in the rural areas. Every Thai I speak to in our village, and surroundings have nothing but distain for all the cronies in the parliament.
  11. An interrogation (with Kamphon) will be carried out soon to find out the cause of this accident once he recovers from his wounds. Sorry, but isn't it obvious..............he had the wrong amulet................
  12. Isn't it always the female that is the bloodsucker...............
  13. They cannot even wait now until the lamp post has been planted.......
  14. Wholeheartedly agree, at present they are widening the road from our village to Prasart, totally unnecessary, and they are cutting down hundreds of trees, many of them decades old that provide shade and scenery. These will never be replaced, and as you say, what of the land they are taking from the villages. Someone, somewhere is making a massive kickback.
  15. My in laws use the motorbike to get noodles from the shop, and it is 50 metres up the road!!!!! Then they question why the battery in the bike keeps going flat.............
  16. It could have been worse if they were eating and found half a centipede.
  17. Good luck enforcing that nonsense, what are they going to do, test everyone not wearing a mask then fine them. or will people have to wear a Covid positive sticker on their forehead. Once again, a load of drivel from an incompetent department. Just simply scrap mask wearing....period.
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