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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. I have found that it is not just the economy that drives loan sharking. Gambling addiction is a big culprit too. I personally know at least three ladies in Hua Hin, over the past eight years or so that lost everything to sharks. Unfortunately. the Farang partners were unaware until the house, car, motorbike, or bar was taken. One lady recently did a runner owing 7.1 Million Baht. All the while she was going round the bars to see friends buying drinks left, right, and centre, pretending all was well with the world...........Saving Face......
  2. O.K. I am just going to throw this idea out there, and just maybe some school directors, and teachers will take up the challenge.........Now I know, after more than 25 years here, that I am being just a tiny bit optimistic, but would it not be a good idea for the teaching staff to take turns to monitor the crossings in the mornings and afternoons. I realise that a lollipop lady such as we have in England would have a shorter life span than a Kamikaze pilot, but surely a teacher wearing a hi vis jacket could have some success.....................
  3. I find the main reason they use them here is to give them the right to double or triple park with impunity.
  4. Exactly, the sheer madness here is what gives it the appeal, the allure, the charm.............
  5. LOL.....You have to ask yourself if this "spokeswoman" is actually aware of where she is living. The majority of bars flouting the law are owned by..............yes.......old plod, and local officials. The rest pay a nice little bung to the remainder of the old plod that do not yet own their own venues.....
  6. I agree, but unfortunately that procedure was not possible as the gall bladder was seriously inflamed, and swollen. Also it was attached to, or affecting my lung in some way. A consequence of that was contracting E-Coli. I will not go into the treatment on this forum, needless to say I have never felt pain like it in all my life. That is why I advised the OP to go as soon as possible, do not haver.
  7. I had the operation last year in San Paulo Hospital,Hua Hin. I spent years ignoring the discomfort, pain, tiredness, until one day the Wife nagged me enough to go to the hospital. They did an ultrasound and the nurse just said "A lot of stones". The Doctor told me the bladder was inflamed and warned about blood poisoning should it rupture. That was at 1.30 in the afternoon. At 6 p.m. I was in the pre med room ready for the op. They removed the gall bladder, which contained 3 malteser sized, and about 25 tic tac mints of gall stones. Unfortunately, it was necrosed, and I contracted E-Coli. It also affected a portion of my lung leaving me a little breathless sometimes, even a year later. I was in ICU for five days, and have a 7 inch scar as a memory. Total cost was 360,000. Insurance would not pay as it was deemed to be a pre existing condition of high cholesterol. Having told you all that, If I had the time again I would not hesitate, and would have gone to see the Doctor a long time ago. As Sheryl points out it is a routine operation. As for losing weight, I am still trying, but will not give up............. Go for it before it becomes too serious, and I wish you all the very best.
  8. This street line is designed to be a little bulging and zig-zag so that it will alert the drivers of the crosswalk ahead,” Pitchsinee told The Pattaya News. No...........The law in U.K. at least is that there is no parking, nor overtaking within the lines. Fat chance of that happening in the Me,Me,Me, driving culture here.
  9. Methinks those pretty girls in Top Charoen can help you. Clearly four at the back, two in front, or is it four in front and two in back........
  10. From the press article....................CCTV footage nearby shows the victim appearing to be driving at high speed before colliding with a stray dog which was crossing the road.
  11. It doesn't look very Bus-y.............................
  12. Many thanks to the above posters, I think it is unanimous that the best way is to obtain a new passport, and transfer the visa.
  13. I see your logic, but that is not how it works here. The Thai mentality is that if revenue drops you raise the price for those that visit to make up the shortfall, as hotels often do.
  14. Hi, I have tried finding this in Visa section without success. very simply, my extension on retirement is due on 23rd. October this year. My passport expires 28th. June 2023. Will there be a problem with renewing the visa, or, as there is more than six months to go on my passport will they simply transfer the visa into my new passport next year. Thanks for any info,
  15. This is just a smoke screen to make the problem go away. I would say that if you checked in, say , one year, the facilities will still be in place.
  16. Obviously the Omicron variant scare did not pan out, so move on to the next population controlling machine.
  17. I can see them easily making that target. If you factor in the Thai way of doing business, i.e. no hotel bookings, so raise the price of the rooms to make up the shortfall. However, the problem may lay in the new prices. To allow for two years closure a small Chang is now 1,245 Baht, a shot of local whiskey is 1442 Baht, and foreign shots are priced on application.
  18. Exactly, and when that is declared endemic there will be another strain, ad infinitum. All Governments have now found a control method they are not going to relinquish lightly.
  19. That seems strange, I was under the impression you had to attend personally. I know we did to renew my Son's passport a few years ago. Mine expires June 2023. Looks like I may have to apply now!!!
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