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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. Just finished renewing mine, and transferring the visa. Mine expired next June but my visa is November. Did not want to lose so much of the visa. However, be warned, it is taking seventeen weeks, yes, seventeen weeks to renew a British passport from here.
  2. Non whatsoever Sir, there is no excuse. I was merely pointing out there is probably a huge difference in size and weight between the two. Thereby exacerbating the fact that he nothing more than a coward.
  3. Agree with you, but at my age any Female under 30 is a young girl...............
  4. Agree, but only after he gets lost in the system, for, let us say, a couple of weeks. During which time he unfortunately tripped up on his shoelace, about twenty times......
  5. Cheers, nice one............ You just made my day........................
  6. Sure they will, honest injun.................
  7. Coward, even allowing for alcohol there is no excuse to beat up a young girl who probably weighs less than a wet tea bag. If she has been unfaithful, or been caught stealing then simply pack her bags and throw her out. That is assuming the house is his. I wonder if she has any brothers......
  8. So true, Last Friday I left the Anan hospital in Surin after a minor operation. My Wife was helping me cross the pedestrian crossing outside. I was obviously hobbling a little, my Wife holding my arm, yet when we managed to get half way across some a**hole raced past at about 90 with no intention of stopping. Needless to say I managed to give him the traditional British salute.
  9. Yes, I think the prison time would be a good deterrent for me.
  10. Just an easier way for plod to get tea money. Give me 300 baht or you get 2 points deducted.........same old same old, nothing will ever change.
  11. Not a bad deal when we all pay 1900 a year for a visa............
  12. Unfortunately he is lacking a few fundamentals. Namely long shapely legs and a pretty face.
  13. When will the irony and hypocrisy hit these numbskulls. I see thousands of Baht pass hands every week for the Thai Lottery, which no matter how the Government tries to rename it, is GAMBLING. There is only one reason for this latest draconian law in the Hub of draconian laws. That is to help the BIB replenish funds lost during the Covid idiocy.
  14. I assume when you say Asia, you mean only South East, as in Malaysia, Indonesia etc. In which case, seeing where you are based I will defer to your local knowledge. But if you take Asia as a whole, that is a different ball game, even considering Indonesia to be the most populous Muslim nation....
  15. Will this one do................. ..........................
  16. In my experience in warm climates batteries rarely last more than 3 years due to the use of the aircon. My 2016 Ranger is on it's third battery. Both times before have got in and had zero electrics, sometimes it was obvious as the remote locking did not work. Charged them overnight and they last about a month, then you can hear the starter motor start to struggle. Time for a new one . In Saudi batteries were old at three years, and driving long ways on desert roads, at the first sign of them getting weak I would change them out. As for maintenance free batteries, I was under the impression they were filled with a gel, not a liquid electrolyte, but, I could be mistaken.
  17. The day a Muslim Man listens to, let alone obeys the orders of a woman is so far in the future as to be non existent.
  18. Far, Far, Far, Too Much. Prima donnas there are actually coached on how to fall to get a free kick or penalty. Money would be better paid to the nursing staff of hospitals or similar.
  19. APEC...................... Assemblage of Profligate Egotistical Criminals Better they stay hidden away in their little sinecures and use the exorbitant amount of money spent on lavish dinners , etc. to help the poor people of their countries who have to dive bins to scrape a living.
  20. Why is there a bowl of soup on the mud pile........
  21. Standard procedure here if you have a big win. It is to register the ticket as yours I believe. I asked the Wife once, and the reply was "you hab to"
  22. Agree, though you do have to watch your googly's
  23. It sure looks like a Big snub to me. If he did not want contact because of Covid fears, then why not give a Wai instead, the standard greeting here.
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