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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. They have to keep the populace ignorant and subservient to stay in control. However, the advent of the internet, and social media is leading to a more informed youth. They need to stem this in any way they can.
  2. Brilliant, I truly hope that the bruise he has from coming down to Earth with a big bang is a painful one.
  3. What happens if I photograph a policeman riding on the sidewalk.....................(rhetorical question)...........
  4. Spot on mate, and the bleeding hearts want to open up more for them. one reason I guess that I am not there paying taxes to support them.
  5. Sorry, not personalised, but definitely seems like a good weekend to me....................
  6. I have the translation of what they are blasting out, this was accomplished with a little credit going to the Wife........... Quote : "Please vote for me, because I want to get a nice sinecure and shove my nose in the trough, I promise that once I am voted in you will not see nor hear from me ever again, thank you for your vote. By the way I hired the white uniform with all the medals for the photo op."...............
  7. Exactly Harvey, I wake up each morning, it is a good day, and the glass is always half full........(but not for long.....)
  8. like me, you are obviously not a multi-multi millionaire, so they do not want us here. the only imagination this corrupt pile of buffoons' has is the imagination of living their lives in opulence while the plebs slave away. Like yourself, I made this Country my retirement home with my Family. All I can do now is make the best of a bad job, but always have the option to move to a nearby country if things get seriously out of control.
  9. I am probably repeating what many have already posted, but why do they not look at the expats here who support families, whether retired, or not. Look at the millions we pour into the Country just to keep those families, STOP making us do visas every year, STOP making us do 90 day reports that mean diddly squat, STOP treating us like second, and third class citizens, STOP the discriminatory dual pricing in Hospitals, and Parks, etc. I doubt it is going to happen in my life time though.
  10. I noticed the other day that the 5 litre boxes of wine and juice mix had gone up by 160 Baht. ridiculous price of over 1100 a box. Or 222 a litre............... mind you, calling it wine is stretching the bounds of reality.
  11. There is only one reason that the Government is continuing this farce. Without Thai Airways a lot of directors and company executives would no longer get big payouts for the sinecures they hold, and a huge number of Generals, Politicians, High placed Government workers, All the above's Mothers, Fathers, Aunties, Uncles, Sisters, Brothers, Nephews, Cousins, In Laws, Mia Noi's would have to actually pay for a ticket..........Shock, Horror !!!!!!!!
  12. I completely agree he was shafting me, but this was about 18 years ago, and I know that then you could not, (as know), pay at any station, you had to go to the issuing office. I do like your Thailand Hubs........sums it up in one......
  13. You are correct Sir, however, the mafia in City Hall is also aware of this fact, and (as you know), are busy looking at ways to spend the revenue acquired from the dredging company contracts which will be renewed every six months. in much the same way as the road repair companies do.
  14. From a personal experience quite a few years ago. I rented a car for three weeks from Bangkok, and drove to Surin. on the expressway just past Don Muang I was pulled over at the tollgate. Mr. Plod asked for the red book straight away, no licence etc, just the book. Not knowing anything about it the Wife rummaged in the glove box and pulled out a red book. When he opened it he smiled like a Cheshire cat, "No fill in, 5,000 Baht Fine." it was a good job his English was not good or he may have understood my reply. Anyway, he said I had to go to his district office to pay the fine, which happened to be across Bangkok, and I would surely lose a day doing it. We compromised on a backhander of 2,000 and away I went. Before we left I asked the Wife to ask what we need to do. He said just write in the book each time we went out every day, which is what we did. I have since learnt, when I bought my truck 5 years ago that all you do is fill it in each day in pencil. then the next day just rub out the date and enter the new one. I asked about after 6 p.m. and was told it was to do with insurance and driving at night. There was no restrictions on driving to different provinces. As a heads up we drove several times to Bangkok and back to Surin, at least half the time we were pulled at checkpoints and the book was checked, but it was always filled in for that day. As a footnote, I distinctly remember a transport minister about four years ago state that in six months from his statement there will be no more red plates as the computer system was up and running that would process everything straight away.............they must be losing a small fortune in unpaid road tax.
  15. Health and Safety................In Thailand................Now THAT is funny........................
  16. oh, sorry, I will tell the three friends I know that moved because of the noise that they were mistaken, thanks for putting me right.
  17. Sorry about the poor quality, but it is a few years old,
  18. Ah, but are they.........Incompetence :- inability to do something successfully; ineptitude. However, they are extremely competent at mismanagement, corruption, graft, nepotism, cronyism, and probably half a dozen other "ism's", that benefit only themselves without a single seconds thought for the general populace.
  19. I can save you one mistake, scrub the lees off the list. I Don't want to be liable for a defamation case against me so I put it simply.........If you like house parties every weekend until 2 or 3 in the morning with Bangkok minibuses parked everywhere than that is the place for you............
  20. It all depends which ones are donating to the local BIB retirement funds.
  21. Yes Sir, I was corrected yesterday as it is indeed 110 cc. However, as you quite rightly say they can reach a ton easily.
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