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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. Ah, but are they.........Incompetence :- inability to do something successfully; ineptitude. However, they are extremely competent at mismanagement, corruption, graft, nepotism, cronyism, and probably half a dozen other "ism's", that benefit only themselves without a single seconds thought for the general populace.
  2. I can save you one mistake, scrub the lees off the list. I Don't want to be liable for a defamation case against me so I put it simply.........If you like house parties every weekend until 2 or 3 in the morning with Bangkok minibuses parked everywhere than that is the place for you............
  3. It all depends which ones are donating to the local BIB retirement funds.
  4. Yes Sir, I was corrected yesterday as it is indeed 110 cc. However, as you quite rightly say they can reach a ton easily.
  5. You know, that is one of my pet hates here. Pushing a plug with bare pins into a live socket, which nearly always sparks or flashes. I must say I am learning an awful lot from all the posts, many thanks to everyone, especially Crossy, and Rampant Bunny,,,
  6. Yes, up to 125cc. unfortunately obtaining a licence does not give you instant road sense, and some of these small bikes now can go at a a fair clip. I remember when I was young, yes, a loooong time ago, but a 16 year old was limited to a provisional licence, and you had to ride a moped of no more than 75cc, and it had to have peddles if I remember correctly. In our village I see children as young as seven or eight who can only just reach the floor on tiptoes riding to the shop to get a beer for Pappa. The saddest thing is that it is only one hundred yards down the road.
  7. However, it was ranked number 141 in destinations retirees finally decided on staying in, one point above Saudi Arabia.
  8. I have to admire your optimism Sir, definitely a glass half full man.............Diminutive and insignificant also come to mind.
  9. Granted that a lot of roads here are in poor repair, and create a hazard for bikes. I think we all know the main reason for that is there is more money to be made in repairs, so why make a good road to start with. Apart from that, there is a lack of education, and an even greater lack of law enforcement, then the "I am invincible " syndrome, ( how many people do you see now riding with no helmet but they have on a face mask). Then there is the attitude of drivers here as to the "pecking order" on the roads.........Big lorries first, because who will argue with them, High end luxury cars, because I am a very important person, ordinary, everyday vehicles because I am more important than a bike, then motorbikes, because they are more important than a pedestrian, and at the bottom of the food chain you find the pedestrian who takes their lives in their hands when simply using a crossing point. Unfortunately, these attributes will never be addressed by the professors or experts, because it flies in the face of, well, face. Who wants to upset the populace by pointing out their failings. As Thailand is the place a great many of us have settled in, it is up to us to be cautious, and wary of the failings of the road system because it will not be changing much in our lifetimes.
  10. Not quite, they only want foreigners who deposit their wallet in a large bin at immigration, and then go straight back out through departures.
  11. The wife said her local Tuesday market has been closed for 14 days for cleaning after a lot of people caught the virus there. I know I keep repeating myself, but they still allow hundreds, if not thousands of Bangkokians here every weekend without so much as a cursory glance. I guess money does talk.
  12. I was only thinking yesterday that it had been a long time since we heard from him. Maybe I will send him a p.m. and ask if he is o.k.
  13. First time I read your post I thought the last line said you were hard for ten seconds..............
  14. What a pile of drivel. People are coming to, and travelling unhindered around Hua Hin, from all over the place. There are no checks, and the one checkpoint we see near Makro is never manned, just a few annoying cones in the road, place looks like a scene from the walking dead. i went to Bangkok for my 2 vaccinations, never went through a checkpoint. I regularly go fishing past Pranburi, again, no checkpoints. So who is going to monitor these people.
  15. Sorry but there is no high season, there wasn't one this year, there wasn't one last year, nor the year before. there will be none next year. Of course you could have been joking when you mentioned it....
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