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Everything posted by ABCDBKK

  1. Masochists enjoy the abuse. That is the nature of their being. If anything, this bungtard is having a <deleted> every time anyone has a go at him. He gets off on it. It's like the kick in the nuts that enables him to orgasm. So don't worry about it and no need to protect him. It's what he thrives on and he's delighted to get it here for free and not have to pay for it.
  2. I only use a dry herb vaporizer. So no damage at all to respiratory system and still all the benefits of smoking, such as feeling it right away as opposed to having to wait with an edible. The only downside to these devices used to be price with most of them coming in at over 10,000 Baht. But now you can get a really decent one made in Thailand for under 2,000 Baht (Anix Virgo) and a higher quality imported one for around 3,000-3,500 Baht (Xmax Starry 4). I also recently discovered that AVB (already vaped bud) still retains about 25%-30% of its original THC content. Which means it's great for making oil instead of just throwing it away and it's already decarbed (from vaping it) so it's faster to make oil from AVB than fresh weed. So now I'm saving up my AVB and will eventually make some cannabis oil from it. About 15 grams of AVB will be enough to produce about half a cup of high potency THC infused MCT oil.
  3. https://youtube.com/shorts/WntjAM2wqF8?si=8PYmZ8Sv1pNjrW_9
  4. Yes, surely we need to move onto the plethora of forthcoming articles about his miraculous health recovery, his return to the premiership, his new war on drugs, the re-stirring of the pot in the south, the retribution to come against his adversaries, or maybe his next bit of new legislation to make life far more challenging for expats.
  5. I doubt there is a large market here for his products. Too expensive and too late to get into the developed market that is already dominated by low prices from local growers. The locals also won't buy his high-priced stuff in any useful quantity. Maybe a few tourists will for the novelty, including paying all the extra cost of his products because of import duties, but the limited sale of his products in Thailand likely won't prove to be lucrative enough for him as a meaningful business venture.
  6. The OP is a troll of the highest order with clear mental health issues who yearns for online attention. He has posted about this topic multiple times and has been given extensive advice on how to deal with it, yet ignored all the guidance for obvious reasons. It's all a fun little fantasy for him inside his head. He likes to draw people in, then go off on tangents, and just waste everyone's time. He's having a big giggle about all your long replies trying to help him. So do yourself a favor and ignore his advances so that you don't continue to fall victim to this internet pest.
  7. OMG, what could be worse than that violent drug? Not to mention liver disease, accidents from impaired judgment, cardiovascular problems, cancer, mental health issues, cognitive impairment, hyper tension, addiction, and the list goes on. Not to mention the exceedingly high cost. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  8. Well, you know, I'm kind of on a budget. 😵‍💫😬😉
  9. This was a rock concert, no? I went to indoor rock concerts in the late seventies and eighties and, if you didn't smell nothing but weed back then, it was unusual. And this was an outdoor concert and people are still complaining? Sheesh! 🙄
  10. I'm amazed. I have read countless rubbish comments from people banging on about how the weed grown in Thailand is cr*p, low THC, the locals don't know how to grow it correctly, they are doing so many things wrong, you need to grow your own to get anything good, blah, blah, blah... Truth be told, I've tried no less than 35 locally grown varieties all appearing to be high quality and claiming to have well over 20% THC. Every one of them has looked and smelled really nice and has gotten me very sufficiently high with only using about 0.25% of a gram. So if I am misunderstanding what the real issue is with the local weed then please let me know?!?!? Meanwhile, Thailand is a heavily agricultural country and has been for centuries. And they have probably been growing and using marijuana for nearly as long. So to say they don't understand how to grow a tropical weed like cannabis properly seems completely baseless and unjustified. 🙄
  11. A little bit of unexpected engine trouble on the way to Samui and you might end up in an unfriendly country anyway.
  12. You certain you are not a head case? 🤫😂 Anyway, try some weed. Live a little. It might do you some good. A lot cheaper than alcohol. No angry, aggressive, depressing thoughts, and no hangovers. Happy days. As mentioned above, the weed explosion here is fascinating in many ways and hard to resist. The stuff is really good quality, many varieties to choose from and, if you have a good source, a fraction of the price of what it costs elsewhere in the world.
  13. Vacuum bag it first and you will have zero smell. You can get a cheap vacuum sealing machine on Lazada for 300-500 Baht. Vacuum bags are around 1.5 to 2 Baht each on Lazada (depending on size) for the higher quality 220 mil thick bags. Vacuum bagging your cannabis will also allow you to keep it fresh for a much longer time than in ziplock bags, grove bags, or mason jars.
  14. Read this too about sending weed through the Thai Post: https://aseannow.com/topic/1312732-sending-cannabis-via-postal-mail-in-thailand/
  15. You are usually only asked to declare the contents of a package when you are shipping something internationally to somewhere outside of the country. This is for Customs declaration purposes. I've sent things EMS many times domestically and have never been asked what's inside the parcel. Many licensed Thai cannabis sellers also ship their weed through the Thai postal service to their customers in Thailand on a daily basis. And the post office knows what their business is and what they are shipping, so mailing it cant be something illegal. Perhaps the cannabis vendor you bought from might be willing to send it for you through the Thai postal service if you offer them a bit of money. Then you don't have to deal with it yourself.
  16. As discussed on this forum many times it's not illegal and many people have done it. If the smell coming out of your bag though is strong then that may cause some problems. If you can vacuum bag it first to get rid of the smell then that could be best. The other alternative is to mail it to yourself by Thai EMS postal mail before you leave for Samui and then it should be at your hotel waiting for you when you arrive.
  17. Not sure why this thread isn't titled "Building a huge mansion in Isaan. What can't go wrong?" I think the best advice is to first look around for any decent homes in the area and try not to outdo anyone. You certainly wouldn't want to build a much nicer and bigger house than the village headman has. Think about the instant loss of face for him. And think about all the expected donations in the future for road improvements, temple repairs, funeral gatherings, festival events, etc. It will be endless and it will be impossible to come up with a good excuse not to open your wallet on a weekly basis. In a way this reminds me of people who suddenly acquire new wealth and, instead of moving to a better neighborhood, they buy some big fancy cars and park them in front of their tired old homes. The obvious reason for not moving is the desired status recognition. But if they move to a wealthier neighborhood, where everyone has nice cars too, then they wouldn't get noticed. But that's really the way it should be done. Just build what you need to be comfortable, but remain visibly humble. Nobody is going to be happy for you or proud after you build that big monstrosity. Only jealous and possibly resentful and vindictive.
  18. Point taken. So low priced weed and seemingly low THC percentage is what some people want. As long as your getting what you need then that's what counts. 👍🏼
  19. Agreed, to each his own. If you've been a heavy bong head for years you probably won't go vape, but if health and getting the most out of your weed is important then it makes much more sense. Portability and much less odor as well. Also, you don't just get little sippy breaths out of all vapes. The guy in the video below is getting some nice rips on his and he's using one that you can find easily on Shopee at a very reasonable price: https://youtu.be/oGkwM8_xOmQ
  20. The benefits seem clear to me: Plus you can extract more THC from the same amount of herb by heating it up in a vape instead of burning it to where a lot of the THC is lost from the combustion. From 0.25 of a gram in a dry herb vaporizer you can get around 6-7 good pulls. That's barely enough material for a single bong hit though.
  21. Lighten up Francis! Classic! 😂
  22. Indeed. It may also not be long before Anutin is part of the Takki clan and emerges as deputy PM. Then it will be cannabis som tum for everyone again!
  23. Have never gone to any of the shops.
  24. You mean same, same, but different? 😉
  25. The retail cannabis scene catering to foreign tourists in Thailand has to have some of the highest prices in the world for sub-par looking weed and with average THC levels. Grade-B looking buds for 700 Baht (US$20) a gram (being pawned off as high-end flower) is very common place. The shops are often large and nicely designed, and with big investments made to induce a high quality looking presentation, but the product itself is often far less inspiring.
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