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Everything posted by ABCDBKK

  1. Anutin was conflicted in his message from day one. Yes, he said for medical use only. And, the law states a 0.2% rule on THC, but that only applies to extract products and obviously cannot apply to the use of flowers. Anutin also handed out a million plants to anyone who wanted it in 2022 and everyone in Thailand is now permitted to grow plants and flowers at home, and with no medical use restrictions and no 0.2% restriction as long as they are not selling it without a commercial license or smoking it in public places. So how can you have a medical use only restriction when everyone is already permitted to willfully grow and smoke it at home? In addition, Anutin was seen on television cooking shows showing the Thai population how to add cannabis to their Som Tum and other Thai food recipes. So that is him fully advocating it for recreational use at the same time. It also negates the so called 0.2% limit and contradicts his own medical use double-talk. At the 28:00 minute mark in the documentary linked below the issue about Anutin's conflicting messaging is well covered:
  2. Not true and don't agree. A lot of the justification implemented by Anutin to remove cannabis from the list of illegal narcotics in Thailand, and to dress up in colorful cannabis shirts, while handing out a million plants to the public, was all based on the growing legalization of cannabis in the USA. Optics.
  3. If Thailand is really going to flip-flop on the law (after already delisting cannabis as an illegal narcotic) and eventually start fining and jailing people for recreational use, especially tourists, then they are going to find themselves awkwardly bucking the growing trend in Western countries where decriminalizing of cannabis for recreational use continues to grow. Even Germany, seen as a relatively conservative country, is likely to legalize cannabis for recreational use within this year: https://www.dw.com/en/german-minister-aims-for-cannabis-legalization-by-spring/a-68042155 In addition to the 23 states in the US that have already legalized cannabis for recreational use (including Washington DC), 8 more are also expected to legalize it within this year. If Thailand does end up making serious changes to the current laws then the blowback and lawsuits against the government from both growers and retailers losing income (those who invested based on previous government promises) could be sizable. I can see a situation where some ambiguous changes are eventually made to the laws to try and reduce recreational use and then everything gets backpedalled again a year later to exactly the way things are right now.
  4. I agree. When it comes to “you get what you pay for” it doesn’t apply to cannabis prices in Thailand. Especially the fancy looking shops in high rent districts. Prices are a lot better online, but I wouldn’t pay more than 100 Baht a gram online without seeing the stuff first. There is no shortage of lower priced “brick weed” quality stuff for sale online that isn’t worth the price either.
  5. That stuff doesn't look too dissimilar to some of the better quality Thai brick weed I've seen recently being sold for 20-30 Baht a gram. I would suspect it's in the 20% (or slightly less) THC range.
  6. By the way, when I was young I used to roll cigarettes by hand and, by rolling in reverse, with the roll part facing outward/away from me (so rolling only by touch and could not see what I was doing), I could roll near perfect looking cigarettes.
  7. Maybe a mix of by hand and simple equipment. See how they do it:
  8. Beautiful colors and textures. Congratulations. Looks like it's going to be delicious to consume. I'll bet it's full of fantastic trichomes too. 😋
  9. Understood, but it seems you already know the answers to the questions you posed in your OP about what the bank will put in the letter for you and if you will need to show both bank books to the IO. So your questions are fully answered now, correct?
  10. I often grind up a few different strains I like and mix them together too. The results for me have been quite interesting.
  11. Well that's good news. Then maybe it isn't necessary with a FD account at CW. Not sure it won't be required when renewing elsewhere though.
  12. Assuming you will get a second bank book then, yes, present them both. Also present a 12 month bank statement for the old bank book and a 1 month statement for the new bank book. I'm not sure what they will require in the letter, but surely immigration has seen a case like yours before and will understand it when you show the two books and the two corresponding bank statements. Presumably the bank letter only is going to indicate your balance in the new bank book on the date of the letter and not indicate any reference to the old bank book.
  13. As proof that the funds have been in the account for the year they often ask for an additional 12 month bank statement printed by the bank on the same day as the bank letter. This shows any outgoings and incomings of funds to the account that might not be reflected in any of the bank book entries.
  14. You can extend your visa 30 days prior to your visa expiry on March 21. Therefore, you can do the extension on Feb 22, which is 5 days before your Fixed Deposit matures on Feb 27th. Then your concern about bank books becomes moot. Regardless, when you renew a fixed deposit, you normally don't get a new bank book. You continue using the same bank book and most likely they make an entry into the existing bank book when you renew it.
  15. Nice. 👍🏼- That looks like at least a $2 million operation (possibly more) including land, facilities, and equipment. No pesticides needed. The facility seems fully insect-free.
  16. You were at the wrong fresh market. Yes, correct, it was the other one. 😊
  17. They cannot effectively reduce recreational use unless they put cannabis back on the illegal narcotics list, which is not something they have any intention of doing. So just smoke more and worry less. There are also thousands of people in Thailand already legally registered to grow cannabis at home (and for whatever use they want it for) and many of them were given the plants directly by Anutin. And then there are people who purchased weed legally under the current laws. What are they going to be expected to do with it all? Flush it down the toilet if they don't have a medical use certificate? To the contrary, people will probably continue to buy more and say it was acquired when there was no legal medical use requirement. There are too many legally registered sellers and growers now to ever take control of it again and turn it back into contraband, especially if it isn't ever reclassified as a controlled substance.
  18. Many young people get high and dance. Many also drink, lose balance, fall down, vomit, and then can't dance.
  19. Last I heard it could go for a parliamentary vote on Jan 23. That date could of course also change or get delayed.
  20. As long as there are no new laws prohibiting possession then everyone should be able to continue to possess it as long as they aren't using it for recreational use. You'll only need to insist you aren't enjoying it when using it. 🤩
  21. Not so. My X's name is Twyla and we won't be getting back together now, or in 20 years from now! 😤
  22. Many people walk more slowly in tropical countries. It's how they keep their shirts dry.
  23. How can a Walking-ATM, doing its duty of handing out cash to everyone on the street, be expected to be able to watch out for pedestrian hazards too. 😤
  24. Oh-Ho Pang Neh! 😂 TBH, beer has never really been considered "inexpensive" in Thailand. And back in the day you only had Kloster, Carlsberg, Singha and locally brewed Heineken to choose from. Most locals would buy a liter of local rum for 130 Baht instead (either Sangthip or Mekong), drink it with a load of ice and soda water to triple its volume, and 5 guys could drink together all night for a total of 200 Baht. Great value for money.
  25. 130 a bottle. Kaw Rup Kaew! Back then I use to pay 65 Baht for a small bottle of Sangthip and could sit at a table on the street all night paying only another 5 Baht per bottle for soda, 8 Baht for Coke, and 5 Baht for a bucket of ice.
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