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Everything posted by ABCDBKK

  1. Anyone's wife who isn't reading this thread is probably smart.
  2. Why, you looking for a hookup? Probably not the best thread for it.
  3. I know this thread is meant to talk about partying until dawn in lower Sukhumvit at present, but now we've hijacked it to talk about that scene 20-30 years ago. But back then the late night scene went way beyond lower Sukhumvit. There was a number of great after hours discos in Patpong, there was the after hours scene in Silom Soi 4, and there were those places called Bossy and another one (can't remember the name) up by National Stadium (which I never visited).
  4. Bed was a nice spot. Designed by the same person who designed Q Bar. More of a restaurant than a club though. I much preferred the restaurant experience in there. The bar side of it did going late night, but it was hit and miss and by that time of the night most of lower Soi 11 had already cleared out. There wasn't much else down there at that time.
  5. Although a bit further up Sukhumvit, Mystique (run by Dirty Disco Daryl) was a much better venue than Q Bar for that kind of real club scene. Club music on the ground floor, DJs on the second floor, and a chillout lounge on the 3rd floor. It was kind of like how Peppermint Lounge in Manhattan was in the eighties with multiple floors and multiple vibes.
  6. There was a woman selling cut fruit at night from a fruit cart which had 3 levels and was parked in front of the old Thermae on the street. She would often doze off, whilst standing up and leaning against her cart. I believe she still sells fruit there at night on the street, but in front of the small building to the left of the Sofitel now. She must be doing that for close to 40 years already in that spot.
  7. Think I ate the Khao Pad there a few times. Suffice to say, most of us weren't going there for the food. The small bottles of Sangthip were the main soup du jour.
  8. Was no shame in that. Who was going to judge you in a dark parking lot with people passed out at 5AM?
  9. Q Bar was very overrated in my humble opinion. A bit pretentious in fact. It was basically just another freelancer pickup, but posing as a proper bar with high priced drinks. It didn't start that way, but once the high-so crowd moved on, shortly after it opened, he needed the working girls to draw in the punters to pay the high drink prices.
  10. Yes, correct on all. The Federal was purely a restaurant as I said. But at 3-4 am there were often some drunk characters in there and it could turn into a bit of a scene.
  11. The new legislation removes cannabis from the schedule of the Narcotics Act (BtMG). It allows individuals to possess up to 25 grams in public and 50 grams at home. Additionally, it allows the cultivation of up to three plants per person at home and establishes cannabis social clubs, which will have up to 500 members, from which individuals can obtain up to 50 grams per month. The law (named Cannabis Act or CanG) will come into effect on April 1 for possession and cultivation, while the cannabis social clubs are anticipated to become operational starting from July 1. With this move, Germany becomes the third European Union member state, after Malta and Luxembourg, to legalize recreational cannabis for personal use.
  12. Since we've moved onto old, late night "coffee shops" that stayed open until dawn around lower Sukhumvit, there was also one in the basement of the Grace Hotel in Soi 3 that had quite a scene. It was a lot like Thermae, with all the freelancers, but also quite different. Next door was a disco playing very loud music until dawn. I went there once or twice to the coffee shop. Bright lights and a depressing atmosphere if I recall correctly. The disco was big and often empty until some guys would bring girls in there to party. And there was the 24-hour Federal Hotel coffee shop on Soi 11. It was purely a restaurant, but at 3-4 AM there was quite a scene in there at times.
  13. Vaguely remember it. I had friends that went there often. I might have gone once. It was a heavy drug using scene from what I recall and that's why I wasn't interested. It was close to President Park hotel from what I recall. Don't think it had a real name because it was not a real bar and hidden from sight.
  14. Yes, he described the old (original) Thermae. Back door ground floor entrance in the parking lot and you went through the bathrooms first before actually entering into the main coffee shop area. The old one had opened in the sixties. The original old Thermae was located next to the Miami Hotel, on Sukhumvit Road. It was closed in 1996 to make way for the Sofitel that now resides on the property. The new (current) Thermae opened 50 metres away in the basement of the Ruamchitt Hotel. The street entrance of the old one at the front of the building took you into what was a second floor area called "Thermae Barber Shop", which was a daytime knocking shop. It wasn't open after hours though. That's why people had to enter the ground floor coffee shop through the rear entrance at the parking lot.
  15. Yes, and one called Insomnia at the corner of Sukhumvit Soi 12 was the other big one back in the day.
  16. I would assume much less Western expats here now than in 2019. I see about 1/3 of the number I used to see Pre-Covid. Far more Asians here now from other countries than before.
  17. Wow, the gift of the gab is strong with this one. I'm overwhelmed with emotion.
  18. Alas, another explosion of uncontrollable verbal diarrhea from the great wordsmith. Bandwidth refers to the mental capacity or cognitive resources required to focus or concentrate on a specific task or activity. It's the ability to allocate attention and mental energy effectively. Bandwith is obviously something you lack in your cognitive resources, thus you are trying to suck it up from others as demonstrated by your bumbling diatribe on getting "more clicks".
  19. I actually do. The term "wasted bandwidth" has a wider meaning than how many bytes does some text take up on a server. Go fish.
  20. Wonderful, Mr. Random Tangents has shared another link that nobody needs or wants. You want some respect? Stop posting so much needless and uninteresting babble. Give up your failed attempts at dark humor. Try to act sensible and share something useful that others living in Thailand might relate to. There you go. A starting point. A real user manual on how to avoid being a c*nt.
  21. Do you really want me to answer that honestly? Ok, I'll give you a hint, it rhymes with "duck cough".
  22. Prolly only if he is rude and makes a loud noise that wakes her up. 😕
  23. The street bars start popping up along Sukhumvit Road between Soi 5 and Soi 11, inside Sukhumvit Soi 4, and a few in Soi 7 once the licensed bars start closing up. You'll find lots of the haggard punters that want to drink until dawn at those places. One of the funniest things I saw in Soi 4, starting around 2AM, are these rows of plastic armchairs that start lining the street in rows in front of Hooters and also on the opposite side in front of the beer bars. Lots of African girls sitting grabbing punters walking by. And beer being sold out of a cooler by the people who put out the chairs. Since there are no tables, and all the chairs are setup in rows facing towards the street, if you stand in the street, and look back to the chairs, you almost feel like your viewing a late night fishbowl. Got to always give the place credit for its inventiveness. There is also a late night disco in the Nana Hotel. It's not the old Nana Disco. It's a new one they created to replace the sports bar that was located underneath the pool. Not sure the name or how late it stays open, but I assume it's open past the time the other bars close given the history of the old Nana Disco. They probably pick up some of the punters who still haven't had enough sauce yet when the regular bars close.
  24. Truth be told, having a stupid wife might not bad such a bad idea. There are probably many men out there who have been with smart wives for many years already and would pay handsomely for a stupid one.
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