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Everything posted by ABCDBKK

  1. Ah, yes, The Tunnel, another one of Daryl's gigs. I went once. Big place. Langsuan. Purely after hours if I recall correctly. No sign outside. Hidden door behind a black curtain with two guards in front. Daryl's tunnel was themed after the original "The Tunnel" in NYC located in the meat packing district (Chelsea). It operated from the late 1980s until the early 2000s. That was a very cool place. Went once. I think Chi was the Bed spaceship moved over onto Soi 13. Never went. Didn't realize it was that short lived. I wonder why? I know it didn't last long though.
  2. Yes, Mystique, Q Bar, Ministry Of Sound and a few other places here and there around Bangkok. In Samui too. A close friend was a big international DJ at the time and he played them all and others around Asia, Bali, etc It was a thing and a time and place.
  3. He once said his family had been the ones who started up and ran Studio 54 in NYC and that was his entrance into the industry.
  4. I believe you. My memory is just fuzzy now. He did a lot of projects. Hard to remember them all. I wonder what that place of his was called.
  5. If this a 1 year extension of a previous 1 year extension then they will quite possibly want a 12 month statement showing every transaction to be sure your balance never dropped below the required minimum amount. They won't accept one though printed from your online banking. You will need an official one printed by the bank no older than a week from your extension application date. The ones from the bank usually only show transaction amount, date, and type of transaction. Usually it doesn't show payee or payer. In the future use a different bank account for your daily expenses. Could even setup a separate account at the same bank just for that. This way in the future your 12 month statement won't show anything more than the ongoing balance and the interest deposits.
  6. What's changed? He ran the air-con day and night and you don't?
  7. If you were to use fans only at night (and no more than 2 hours of air-con during the day) then your bills would probably drop by 60%, assuming no faulty meter.
  8. AC units use the most electricity out of anything in the home. If I only use fans, computer, phone chargers, microwave, refrigerator, hot water heater for shower, TV, air filters, and a few lights, then my bills run around 1,000 Baht. But air-con can drive that up by 10X, depending on BTU and usage time. If you got a new condo with new air con units then the problem is probably not anything gone bad, but more likely a faulty meter and/or you are using a lot of air-con BTU. If you have a clothes dryer and run that once a week for a few hours then that could use a lot of electricity too.
  9. Ambient temperature in my place averages 28-34 without air-con. Ive got 3 condensing units totaling around 65,000 BTU I think. I have a large space. So when I use the AC I have to turn on all 3 condensing units at once. If I run them all for a couple of hours a day my bills are around 2,000-2,500. If I run them for 3-4 hours a day in March-May my bills have run as high as 5,000. And I have never ever run them at all overnight. If I ran mine overnight then my bills would probably be around 10,000 (or more). So if he's got a similar amount of BTU capacity running throughout the night, then 6,500 Baht doesn't sound that high. My figures are just estimates, but I'm just saying 6,500 Baht isn't over the top if his BTU capacity is in the 65,000-70,000 range. But I would still look into the possibility of faulty electrical meters first.
  10. If I understand his setup correctly, he's got three wall units (living room and one in each of the two bedrooms) which are all powered by just two large condensing units. I assume both of those condensing units are running at night when he's cooling the two bedrooms if his bill is very high. In most condos you would have separate condensing units for the bedrooms and the living room. And each of those condensing units would then be smaller in capacity. Since he only has two condensing units in total they could be bigger ones than if he had 3 separate ones for living room and two bedrooms, which means they're using up more electricity than 2 smaller ones would to cool the same space. The best solution might be to put in some smaller capacity condensing units just for the two bedrooms that each use less power when he runs them overnight.
  11. TBH, if you have around 85-100 sq.m. of interior space then you are likely to have a total of about 65,000 BTU of cooling capacity between all your AC units. If you run them in the bedrooms every night at 23 degrees and sometimes during the day, then a bill of around 6,000 Baht a month might not be that unusual.
  12. That's definitely known to happen, but less likely in a high-end condo.
  13. The issue could quite frankly be a faulty electric meter. I had my electric meter changed recently (free of charge) by the MEA and I was told that the MEA automatically replaces meters every 10-15 years. I was concerned that my bill might go up after they replaced it, but in fact my bill dropped by about 40% after changing to the new meter. Sometimes faulty meters spin too fast and accumulate a reading that shows a much higher number than actual usage. I would ask the MEA replace the meter and pay them to do it if they are unwilling to change it for free.
  14. I was wrong. It was called "Bash" when Daryl Scott opened it in the early 2000s at 37 Soi 11. And now it's called Sugar Club in that same space. He also had a club called Superfly on the corner of Saladaeng Soi 1 for a while.
  15. Why continue posting here and continue being a pesky being that nobody wants?
  16. Price is right. But looks like 10% THC at best. Would probably be fine for making edibles or infused oils. Probably not great though for smoking or vaping.
  17. I think Hillary might be at the end of Soi 11, past Levels and on the corner by the turn. Daryl's place was located at 37 Soi 11. TBH, I think it's still called Sugar Club and that was what he had also named it. From the interior photos it basically looks the same as before. It could actually still be the same name and interior. Just different management: https://maps.app.goo.gl/RbY5SAf7eBLuUZZE9?g_st=ic
  18. Indeed age is showing. But what's happening in Sukhumvit now isn't very inspiring and if it was like that 20-30 years ago I don't think I would have been interested in it then either. Don't think it's just age. Places change and time changes things even more. Back in the day it was the weekly Stickman blog and the Sunday Trink page for all your nightlife updates. But frankly I don't give a hoot! 🦉 😂
  19. Was Daryl's club in Soi 11 called the Sugar Club or Twisted Republic perhaps? And I think it was around the same time that The Ministry of Sound closed down in Soi 12. Lastly, there was a disco in the basement of the Novotel Hotel in Siam Square that stayed open quite late too. CM2 I think it was called. Not a lot of fun though I recall.
  20. Kings Lounge, Kings Corner and Hollywood were big from the late eighties until the mid to late nineties I believe. The name Funky Dojo rings a bell and I do vaguely recall Daryl doing something in Patpong, but can't remember it so well. I do remember a big corner bar on the other Patpong cross through Soi which had live acts on the ground floor and was a big, open air place. This must have been late nineties or early two thousands. Daryl also opened another club in Soi 11 after Mystique closed. Can't remember the name and it's called something else now. It had 2-3 floors too, an elevator, and a midget who ran the elevator.
  21. Thinking back to Patpong and remembering a bit more now, the two upstairs discos might have been called Kings Lounge and Kings Corner. And the popular disco on Patpong Road itself I was thinking of might have been called Hollywood. And then there was Lucifers!
  22. I had a Mystique card. It was great to have. My understanding was that it was the noise complaints from influential people living in the adjacent condo block that eventually got them shut down. He had built the building with proper sound proofing, so there was very little sound outside, but the condo owners didn't like it being there anyway.
  23. Nope, I didn't judge anything except the chances of the guys getting home safely who were passed out in a puddle of their own urine and vomit in the parking lot behind Thermae. 🤮🤢🤦🏻‍♂️😂
  24. Yes, Spicy was the other one I couldn't remember. Never went there either. I remember the building at the mouth of Soi 1 with all the bars. Never spent time there. Wasn't an after hours scene though. There was the 2 upstairs after-hours discos on the pass through Soi between Foodland and the main Patpong Road. Can't remember the names. Both were a lot of fun. They going at around 2AM. There was also a great bar with dance floor ground floor on Patpong Road itself. I guess it was considered a disco. Big local expat hangout. Can't remember the name. A bit more obscure, but on Petchaburi there was another after hours coffee shop in a hotel called the Siam Hotel. Was more of a local scene with lots of girls eating and drinking after finishing work in the soapy places. It was a carbon copy of Thermae though without the foreigners. And there was the coffee shop in the Rex Hotel further up Sukhumvit.
  25. At that time it was managed by Dirty Disco Daryl. He brought in the acts. Then he moved on an opened up Mystique in Soi 31 as I mentioned. Mystique had Daryl's touch and had everything Q-Bar had and more. No stealth-hooker scene at Mystique either.
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