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Posts posted by YipYipYa123

  1. The Martial Law, I think would only have significant effects on the political class who normally use the other uniformed tugs to get to high places with ease, as the presence of no-nonsense, metal helmet, heavier gun carriers and non-bribe taking uniformed men are now in control of most places. I think you are even safer now under Martial Law, if you should ask me...coffee1.gif

    I agree, until the staet extortion of regular farangs I think this is probably going to benefit most people especially expats sms the army are not harassing normal citizens...... At least not yet

  2. Steer well clear of any groups of expats, in my experience they allplay the one-upmanship game. There is always one who knows it all and done it all. Most are piss-heads and pass there day drowning in there own glory.

    Are you suggesting the OP steer clear of ThaiVisa ?

    We can but hope...

  3. Nostalgia for the country you left so you could come and live in a country with an endless Summer and beautiful women ? I admit that a few of the locals sorely tried my patience today, but whether I die here or someplace else in Asia, I have no intention of ever returning to Australia. Ashes to ashes, and they can spread them over Pattaya Bay for all I care. As others in this thread have already pointed out, life is too short for this talk of death, particularly at 50.

    Off topic,

    I was thinking about this the other day (death), can't say I know many over 65 whose life I would like to be living, and absolutely none over 70.

    You need to be practical about this, 50-60 you can still have a great time, but over 60, life goes downhill fast.

    Hugh heffners life might be allright?

  4. My husband met a Thai woman, I think she was his masseuse. Over a month or so she saw he was spiritual and did yoga. She told him that she had been living in a monastery with the monks for 7 years. She said her heart was broken because her Australian boyfriend went back to his wife. She also told him she hadn't had sex for 7 years.

    She got my husbands birthdate and said the monk she took it to said they were meant to be together as they knew each other in a past life.

    Needless to say my husband was enchanted and started an affair with her. I caught him out and left him. She now has all his assets in her name so I can't claim anything.

    I ask the question, do Buddhists that live in a monastery act this way and continually go for married men? Also would she have sex with my husband after a couple of visits? I think not. I think she got exactly what she wanted and all his assets as well.

    Any opinions????

    Sounds like you want the man's assets more than the man himself... The girl and yourself have more than a few similarities but you lost and she won by the sound of things....

  5. Pay if you get arrested, until then keep the money in your pocket

    After a new tax year a lot bigger debts than this are simply written off because they can't get the payment from the person

    Don't worry about police, they would have arrested you by now if they were going to and the rest is scare tactics

    Police don't work for insurance companies, debt collection companies do that job in Thailand and if you don't own properties or anything they have nothing to take

  6. mine is usually rounded down if they put in an extra fraction of a baht's worth of gas to the nearest 10thb

    anyway ,anyone worried about 50 satang round up has got much bigger problems .........

    YipYipYa, what if you were the gas station and you did that to 53,231 customers a month, or if you were the parent company and held 641 stations . . . "anyone worried about 50 satang round up has got much bigger problems ........."

    Then I would be probably more wealthy than am now, my point still stands

    If half a baht roundup is worrying anyone, what are they going to do in a real crisis ?

    Resort to mini-economics, as you have apparently done.

    i feel sorry for you defending someone who makes a thread about half a baht roundup in oil stations ......

  7. but in order to get a work permit, you first need a business visa tied to it, which requires a company in Thailand that would employ you and meets all requirements to do so. So how would someone working "over the internet" be able even to obtain a business visa, much less a work permit?

    You have basically two options.

    1) Establish a company to Thailand or buy an empty company. Get it meet the requirements in order to use it to sponsor a business visa and work permit. Then use it to sponsor yourself a business visa and work permit.

    2) Find a Thai company that offers a service in which they hire you and sponsor your visa and work permit, in exchange of you paying them money. In other words, you'll sign a work contract with the company in which the company hires you for one year at a pay of 50.000 baht (which is the minimum for farang workers), and you'll sign another contract with the company in which you agree to pay the company 50.000 baht + their fee for this service every month.

    So the question is really whether you want to save money or time. If you want to save money, you go with the first option and spend a lot of time figuring out how the visa and work permit systems work. If you want to save time, you go with option two and pay.

    I personally spent too much time with the option number one and after realizing I have better things to do with my time, I went with the second option. Smooth as silk.

    That would still be illegal, if company x gets paid to make a work permit it will state the reason and type of work and address it is to be carried out

    A work permit is specific to the job so buying a work permit and then working at your own business will still be illegal

  8. mine is usually rounded down if they put in an extra fraction of a baht's worth of gas to the nearest 10thb

    anyway ,anyone worried about 50 satang round up has got much bigger problems .........

    YipYipYa, what if you were the gas station and you did that to 53,231 customers a month, or if you were the parent company and held 641 stations . . . "anyone worried about 50 satang round up has got much bigger problems ........."

    Then I would be probably more wealthy than am now, my point still stands

    If half a baht roundup is worrying anyone, what are they going to do in a real crisis ?

  9. This is a Thread that appears regularly ( every a few weeks) on TVF. It is usually posted by a relatively new member, Nothing unreasonable about it . I believe most of us had a similar reaction by the time we reached a couple of hundred posts.

    This forum can be informative, entertaining, and at times frustrating

    .We are all here in Thailand and by virtue of that fact we share,

    whether we want to admit it or not.

    some personality traits. many of them positive but some of them...

    well not so muchlaugh.png

    and these negative personality traits manifest theme selves in some unpleasant ways.

    My advice to the OP is ,

    Take the good and ignore the bad, accept the fact that it will not change, develop a sense of humor, and enjoy it.

    It is like bad sex

    If you cant avoid it , lay back and enjoy it.biggrin.png

    What's bad sex? O)

  10. The paper Logo'ed cup is worth more than the contents in it.

    It's the ambiance, clean bathrooms and generally upscale patrons, along with menu commonality across all platforms of the franchise.

    Paying $5 for a some coffee concoction generally keeps the riff-raff and cheap-charlies out.

    This is a plus, leaving mostly successful, intelligent people to frequent the establishment.

    Finally, someone interesting to possibly talk with.


    I would rather drink my coffee in peace than talk to anyone who thinks Starbucks coffee is good.... Go figure

  11. Years ago an unwanted visitor decended upon us and royally took the piss for 32 days. I got rid of him once I had established that he had never flown in an airoplane by purchasing a one what ticket to Bkk. By the time he realised what I had done he was 500 miles/12hrs away from my wallet/fridge/motorcy....

    That was the best THB 2k I ever spent & there has never been a repeat:)

    Are you saying 12 hours flying time is 500 miles and this cost you 2,000 baht?

    i assume he means the thai guy was flow somewhere it would take 12 hours to drive back from ...........

    • Like 1
  12. This exact thing has been in the news. Normally it is female passengers (tourists mostly, but also Thais). Not read about any new cases this year.

    i remember reading a young japanese girl was picked up at the airport i think and the taxi driver raped or tried to rape her

    wasnt very long ago so it still happens for sure

    even a rescue medic volunteer who was supposed to bring a thai girl in distress to hospital raped her instead of taking her to hospital

    and she was found dead the next morning having drowned in suspicious circumstaces or something

    a lot of scumbag rapists in thailand ,even a policeman raped a young girl in a toilet when she went to the station to complain about another crime ?

  13. I've had mixed experiences with a couple of different Thai girlfriends. One thing that sticks in my mind, however, is the following. A couple of years ago my girlfriend had a friend who owned a beauty shop. She stopped by often to chat and I also got to know her girlfriend and her Farang boyfriend and they always seemed nice to me. One day her girlfriend was telling her friends in the shop that a woman she knows.......HAD VERY GOOD LUCK.........HER FARANG HUSBAND DIED SUDDENLY.....HE LEFT HER OVER 15 MILLION BAHT!!! This is good luck? Your husband dies? I still shake my head. To my surprise every woman in the shop agreed....THIS WAS GOOD LUCK!!! Not one word of how the poor guy passed away or sadness about his sudden demise!

    if this were back in the west and a guy had an older wife die and then he unexpectedly inherited 15 million pounds/euros/ dollars etc you can bet

    a lot of his friends would think he was a lucky son of a b itch :D

  14. It's not Thai culture to see the white man as a walking ATM, it's all of Asia. Well educated Thai men tend to pay a much higher dowry for their educated 'to be' or "arranged" wifes. Dumb white people tend to misunderstand real culture vs hearsay.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    they usually buy beautiful girls age 16-18 as well when paying big money dowrys

    the girls many farangs end up with are the garbage who cant even get a thai man

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