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Posts posted by YipYipYa123

  1. just box up his shit and leave it outside

    change the locks and if he tries to break in call security and the police

    keep the door barricaded and reinforced with your other furniture if necessary for as many days as need be

    buy enough food to last you a week or two and stay quiet so he wont know if youre home or not

    you dont have to hurt him and he cant hurt you

    he will move on if he cant get through your door and the other neighbours and condo managment will take action if hes camping in the hall off his head on drugs

    and maybe solve the problem for you

  2. Starbucks is the most exprnsive and the cake is not very tasty. Amazon has poor coffee and latte. Black canyon looks like a fast food eatery. I am always happy to find a small private places , where coffee is made with love, great atmosphere and some homemade cakes or waffles. But they are hard to find in Thailand.

    Gesendet von meinem Nexus 7 mit Tapatalk

    dont think any one makes a few hundred coffees a day with "love" :D but i understand the small stalls

    that sell a decent coffee are usually better than the super greedy franchises

    the advantage the franchises usually have is a prime location, and creature comforts like ,aircon , soft seats and maybe wifi for those that are too

    stingy to pay for unlimited 3G etc

  3. There are of course companies that do background searches in Thailand. And there are two credit bureaus which track individuals' credit-worthiness.

    Names changes are of no consequence, as checks are done by the 13-digit ID number.

    Do some googling and you will find what you want.

    Using a third party company you have no way of knowing if the report you just paid for is true or they just made it up like mr somchai boonchawongisat is a good guy ......or am i missing something ?

    if they said anything else under thai law he could sue them for defamation ?? best ask in the laywer a question like this ..........

  4. the wind blew my door closed locking the keys inside the condo once

    i went down to reception and they said it willl be 300 to call a locksmith

    i said ok ,call him

    the guy arrives ,pulls out a thin piece of wire and opens the door in about 2 seconds

    basically the same speed it would have taken to open it with the key ,i was like <deleted> and he just smiled

    and i had to pay him 300 for 2 seconds work ......:o

  5. i doubt you can walk in with someones name on a piece of paper and ask for a background check on a thai national ...........especially as a farang

    but tell us if it works ........might be useful to check staff or something ,probably not though as many crimes are sorted out with cash and the paperwork

    gets shredded if a suitable payment is offered to "forget" the crime in plenty of instances ......

    thailand is still a very long way behind the west in such matters especially uniform conformity when it comes to differnt stations and their interpretation of

    the law

    even in bkk alone it costs 500 if your caught using a certain underpass and the next one is policed by a differnt station and it only costs 200 to illegally use

    their underpass on a bike and they are a mile apart on the same road ..........go thailand !thumbsup.gif

  6. A couple of weeks ago I went to Coffeebeans and something-or-other, on the corner of Sukhumvit and Soi 22, under the Holiday Inn.

    Big, big shop.

    The coffee cost me 110 baht. Before I ordered I asked if the Wi-Fi worked.

    Oh, yes!

    I paid, I sat down, the TV web page took three minutes to load.

    A huge coffee shop, brand new, with no plugs for charging and no toilets for moving along the coffee … I'd say that's expensive.

    the coffeeshop outside honda bigwing in bkk is 130 or 150 i think for a large iced coffee,i was shocked a brand ive never heard of was charging so much

    but it was a sunday afteroon and no other place seemed to be around so we paid it ,if the coffee was exceptionally good i wouldnt mind but ive had better cups from stalls for 25 thb ................amazinng thailand eh :D

  7. Ok, I can see 2 reason how you fit "more" in than the tank "holds" 1) your gauge isn't accurate, by that I mean, a fuel tank is usually tapered at the bottom so fuel can be emptied, think of a funnel, great amount at the top than the bottom, 2) a tanks capacity does not take into consideration the filler tube.

    theres no way over 10 litres could be "lost" in the tube between the tank and the injection system but i would agree that guages are mostly not accurate ad stayy full for too long and then decrease rapidly from half full to empty warning

    same on bikes as well,gauge says its full until its half empty

  8. Their prices are no different where ever you go, pay the same price in the UK as you would in Thailand, or thereabouts. I don't mind Starbucks, air conditioned coffee shop and decent enough coffee, but I agree there are better places. My regular place has no air con, but has a bakery and makes decent coffee. I like to go and sit there on a day off and pass the time.

    As I spend the majority of my time on Koh Chang, the invasion of the big chains has not happened as of yet, and hopefully won't.

    not even a mcdonalds or kfc yet ?

  9. i seen a man and woman beating the crap out of each other in a restaurant one sunday afternoon

    roaring and screamig abuse at each other

    he was calling her a whore and she went nuts and slapped him and he grabbed her by the neck and starting

    slapping the jaws off her and dragged her inside the apartments but she was kicking and screaming

    none of the thais intervened ,most looked away or pretended they didnt notice or just kept eating their noodles

    as if it was nothing ,i was thinkig of helping but she did hit him first and i dont know the story of how it started either

    so maybe she deserved it ,who knows TIT

    I have just read 16 posts and i am disgusted with MENS advice.What would you cowards do if it was somebody close to you?Thailand, is where the west was 50 years ago,thankfully laws and attitudes have changed but looks like men have bought their old attitudes with them.I would rather do "something" than live life as a coward.As far as "maybe she deserved it",words fail me.

    maybe she fukd his brother or his best mate

    i dont know ,do you know?

    at that time i didnt understand much thai and of course

    i could have blindly taken her side just "because shes a woman" and knocked him out

    but where would that leave me when the cops get down ?

    what if she didnt appreciate my help ?

    what if i got arrested for assaulting him ?

    what if the mo cyc guys on the corner (who were just watching ) decided i was wrong and jumped in ?

    too many variables to get into a fight you dont know anything about and not speaking much thai back then

    impossible to explain what happened if all ends up being "my fault "

  10. wouldnt drink sb coffee if it was free ................every foodcourt has a choi doii coffee frachise coffee is only 35 and taste better

    amazon is ok too for 60 but more comfortable and free wifi

    both prices are for mocha with ice

    outside my house its 15-20 thb at the side of the road

    • Like 2
  11. dont know if its cheap or not but i had a back tooth (molar ) that was giving me mild grief for a year

    and i waited as long as possible because i dont love dentistry but it only got worse

    a dentist in lat phrao diagosed it as a stage 3 cavity and filled it up with grey metal stuff for 700b

    (if i waited much longer they would have had to pull it out ie stage 4 cavity )

    That might be that old fashioned mercury filled metal stuff....

    oho dear ,am i going to die from mercury poisoning soon ? :)

  12. Normally cancer is diagnosed as 'stage 3' - believe your cavity was 3 surface and was filled with normal plastic filling.

    he had a cartoon style chart which showed a 4 teeth in degrading order :

    1st one 25% damaged

    2nd one 50% damaged

    3rd one 75% damaged

    4th one 100% damage -need to pull it out ...etc

    mine was in the 3rd category so he was able to fill it with whatever that stuff is ,

    looks and feels more like metal than plastic though but il take your word for it

    because i dont know much about this subject

  13. Yes, I should specify that I'm quite well built and those 3B Bestatin are 20mg tablets.

    Prices can vary wildly from one pharmacy to another with the private hospital/clinic pharmacies usually being the most expensive. Pay for advice from the doctor and then check the hospital price for the medicine and buy elsewhere if needed. The same applies for blood tests etc: often much cheaper to get them done at a lab yourself and then go and see the doctor with them.

    Bestatin is sold without prescription.

    where can you get blood tests alone without any consultation with a doctor ?

    Any hospital. Just specify the tests that you want and state also that you don't want to see a doctor. Note of warning however, there's lots more to reading and understanding blood test results than just looking up ranges on the internet.

    i know ,but in europe they told me my liver enzymes (alt and ast i think ) were off the charts about 7 years and they wanted to retest to make sure the first test was accurate because i was young but drinking a lot of whisky at the time

    so id be curious as to how they are now (still have the first results on my email to compare against )

  14. You must have a pretty low opinion of Thais if you think they can't enforce their own rules or deal with offences themselves without a foreigner doing it for them.

    I suggest you take you colonialist attitude and start packing

    That is a strange reply.

    He has some valid points.

    He is asking his own kind where the line is in the sand, I don't consider it colonialism. I don't even know why you brought that up.

    I actually feel the same as him actually, although i choose not to point it out, I prefer the Thais make up their own mind about a situation like that, and judge them as individuals rather than generalising, which if we were all honest we also generalise against Thais from time to time.... I see no difference, so I don't worry about it.

    I personally always look at a country's social conventions and the 'dos and don'ts' before i visit a different country and culture... But that is just me, not everyone does it.

    I never cross my gate without a shirt as i understand it is considered a bit vulgar yet not in a serious sense. More in a gossipy sort of way and more among the women.'

    I like to be shirtless inside my air con house, and at worst would sit outside in the garden to have the odd ciggy back when I smoked, and sometimes a few Thais may walk past the house and stare at me... But I consider what I do on my property is my choice... But if the Thai family appear, I quickly go and grab a shirt.... Just out of respect.

    I wouldn't personally go over and tell them to put a shirt on, but if I ended up being drawn into their company and a chat with them, I may think about dropping it discretely into the conversation if they knew about how 'some' of the Thais feel about being half naked in public places while at the same time stressing it is totally their own choice, but just sort of letting them know on the quiet, and then give a little smile.... I would be very surprised if it were met with abuse, they would probably thank you for sharing your local knowledge... I know I would.

    I am totally with you.

    A couple of years ago, I saw 2 Western backpackers waiting at the train station resting their feet (+ shoes) on the seats facing them. They were surrounded by around 20 local travelers including a few Monks sitting just a few meter from them.

    I simply had to go straight to them and politely inform them of the rudeness of such an attitude in Thai culture. I didn't feel like a policeman, fighter, arrogant colonialist or whatever. Just felt like something had to be done about it.

    I could see they were exhausted and hadn't realized at all the offense. I could also see that the locals didn't feel like going to tourists to show their discontent. They immediately adopted a correct attitude understanding the situation.

    I just feel that we, in our position of foreigners with some insight into the local culture, can make a difference in such circumstances to fill the obvious cultural gap that leads only to a bad mutual perception with no intend to create it.

    To call this colonialism is just stupid

    I take the third class train

    Last of the big spenders has spoken... :)

    • Like 1
  15. i seen a man and woman beating the crap out of each other in a restaurant one sunday afternoon

    roaring and screamig abuse at each other

    he was calling her a whore and she went nuts and slapped him and he grabbed her by the neck and starting

    slapping the jaws off her and dragged her inside the apartments but she was kicking and screaming

    none of the thais intervened ,most looked away or pretended they didnt notice or just kept eating their noodles

    as if it was nothing ,i was thinkig of helping but she did hit him first and i dont know the story of how it started either

    so maybe she deserved it ,who knows TIT

    • Like 1
  16. I know many Thai guys (and a few girls as well) who can put down a bottle of whiskey solo in a night. You guys must have the wrong friends...

    There maybe a few men but not many drink the quantities , I think you might be mixing with the wrong women if they can put down a bottle solo... It takes some time to build the tolerance to knock back whisky like water so your girlfriends have probably spent some time in the bars lol

    You may wanna sit down for this one as much of this is going to come as a huge surprise to you:

    It's actually possible to have female friends here who are not girlfriends. Shocking I know. Also, in polite company, when someone references a female friend of theirs, it's rude to suggest that friend may be a prostitute. From your comment, it's fairly obvious the sort of female company you keep, but I'm not going to come right out and call your friends hookers because I'm not an a**hole. For your information, I don't know any bargirls. As for the drinking thing, I guess I just have cooler friends than you. It helps not being a bitter old man

    ok ,so your girl "friends" are just alcoholics that drink bottles of whisky solo

    this isnt making your story much better tbh .............

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