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Posts posted by DocN

  1. When will the Thai Government learn and appreciate that being able to say.... "Welcome handsome man", "Me love you long time", "I want go with you." and other such phrases is not a commendable standard of English nor is it useful outside of any bar.

    Seriously they need to put off joining AEC for at least the next 100 years as they'll never be able to complete when most other AEC member countries have such an adequate command of the English language.

    The irony is that far more ladies called to the bar are capable of carrying on a simple friendly conversation with a foreigner than most of those who have knelt before a member of the special family to receive a piece of paper. That's why hotel, restaurant and bar workers usually have better English skills because they get to hear and speak the language

    Half the problem with Thai students and graduates is they never get a chance to sit down with an English speaking foreigner and just exchange a few pleasantries which helps to break the ice.

    Most Thais who have learned some English are terrified of speaking English because they are afraid of making a grammatical or pronunciation error and being laughed at.

    Most English speakers trying to converse with a Thai aren't really interested if what they say is grammatically correct or not, as long as it makes some sense and they understand it.

    Rather sad really.

    ...and because there is an incentive fore them, to learn it!

    If you are having a "normal" job, where everything is so protected and no farang may ever enter and you may never speak English...what use does it have!

    The bar- girls, who learned this, because it is -more or less- essential to talk with your "customers" will be the winner of the ASEAN in Thailand!

    ...and good for them!

    • Like 1
  2. Oh...so suddenly the opinion of farang is important???


    I nominate that post for the 2013 post of the year. clap2.gif

    this isn't fair as it was Suthep who said "i don't respect farangs" not Yingluck UNLESS you can find any quote to show this is her attitude? so a quote from Suthep against farangs is being used to attack the government who are simply saying "other countries support a democratic election" which is what we all should be doing

    a) it is a Thai- thing, that farang have nothing to say here or intervene with anything- not a Suthep-exclusive- notion.

    b ) "The UN is not my father!" (Thaksin)

    • Like 1
  3. Doubt that Pridi himself would have much time for those who've signed this petition, nor some of the hacks currently masquerading as academics. Their job should be to encourage criticial thought, not suppress it.

    What critical thought is a female student expressing by climbing on the statue of the university's founder and and positioning her crotch next to the statue's crotch?

    What female student? The student in question is a bloke by the name of Mr. Saran Chuichai. A guy positioning his genitals against the statue's. I don't think the titles "MR" has become unisex.

    Mr. Saran Chuichai is a man dressed in women's clothing.

    ...and that makes her actions worse in ...what way, again?

  4. Magna Carter

    Its spelled Magna Carta; If you're going to write <deleted> about a country you clearly know little about, at least have the decency to do some very basic research first......

    I say fair play to him/her. Nice to see someone with the guts to stand up against the establishment....

    But most of all, it is pari inter pares.

    Don't you mean Primus inter pares? (First among Equals) Didn't you learn nothink at your school?

    ...ahm ...no... I meant "equal among equals"...and ahm... cheers!

  5. This is just sad!

    What about "I don't agree with what you say (do), but I will to my death defend your right to say (do) it"?

    This is just (again) the ultra-conservative seeing their way of life and their influence threatened and they need to silence the voice of a mind, thinking differently!

    3000 students can not "learn" in peace, because one student behaves "disorderly"?

    Maybe they should join that other university, where no one minds if you have your picture taken, not on the lap of the statue of the university- founder, but ...let's say...doing the Hitler-salute, in front of a Der Fuehrer- mural!

    Yeah...that would be fine, I guess!

    • Like 1
  6. Oh yeah...tourists will come in big numbers!

    Who hasn't heard of the famous Thai New Years- extravaganza, that attracts millions every year!

    Named in one breath with Sydney's Opera House and New York's Times Square, are Bangkok's Central World and..Phuket's Central...and Hat Yai's Centr....ahm....right!coffee1.gif

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  7. I find, with remarkable consistency, that the people who bring up the word "Thainess" are the same people who would bring up the words "Thai apologist." You know, the miserable farangs who can't cut it in Thailand so they have to cut down the Thais. OP, go back under your bridge--or rock if you prefer!

    coffee1.gif ...Thai- apologist much, huh?!

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