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Posts posted by DocN

  1. Looking for new ways to deride Thais?

    So are you a hillbilly when you talk with a Toothpick in your mouth?

    Are you a redneck when you chew tobacco?

    Having a bad morning?

    Not in the mood for some light- hearted fun?

    NO...please don't answer!

    • Like 1
  2. yeramanee...can't really figure out why....


    Actually, apart from her big smile ... it's actually a well constructed photo.

    Rule of '3rds'

    attachicon.gifyermanee-109269 - 3.JPG

    How it works is, in this order.

    First you look at her Eyes (believe it or not)

    Then you look down to her Chest ... looking 'down' into cleavage is always much more fun then looking at it, or worse, up to it.

    Then look up to the beer ... to the handle of the beer she's offering you.

    Then back to her ...

    I don't know one person here who hasn't admired that Avatar ... licklips.gif

    I'm a fan.


    It's one of my favourites but have to disagree.

    First thing I notice is the cleavage, then the eyes and finally, the beer (unusual for me)

    But true enough then back to the eyes.

    I'm not really a fan of 'larger' ladies, prefer petite, but they always get your attention.

    I am German, so...it's the beer first (suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure!!!!)

    • Like 2
  3. Propaganda. Maybe.

    And how much corruption paid for the cop's "Smartphones"

    Most reds cannot afford one!

    Pitty that his dad did not own Red Bull, and the, maybe, invented assaillants did not use a Ferrari to hurt, sorry kill acop.

    Be the latter you get away free. Bet daddy's in the ruling gang.


    Yeah...wild speculation.

    My ex- gf was buying a TV (before we met), that she clearly couldn't afford.

    She paid 5oo THB every month, to pay it off!

    Smartphones cost 4.000 Baht, if you don't get the newest model, so...what the f%$# are you on about?

    • Like 1
  4. And what about his 2 arrest warrants ? Are they only jokes ?

    are your buddy Taksins a joke? At least Suthep stays to face whatever comes to him instead of showing a yellow cowards back and running.

    I would rather wait, to see what happens on that one!

    And by the way: don't you- by now- get the feeling, that he may have backup, which makes him untouchable?

  5. bravo! all you can answer are just emotional invectives and ad hominem arguments!

    1) Thailand is developing and choosing a pattern of developing now. On one scale is a commonsense, on another is the pressure from all this left-liberal fundamentalists and international bureaucrats. Sadly, western world all together still has a lot economic power which still lets him to impose it's corrupted values and drag many nations to the same grave, but western hegemony is already broken. 10 or 20 years and Western world will be left alone in it's deadlock.


    a) UK lost all it's infulence and power around the world, there is no way for British to spread their civilization around the Globe anymore.UK is not an exemplar for other nations anymore

    cool.png UK lost it's wealth compared to other countries. British citizen lives far worse than 100 years ago (comparing to other nations development of course).

    c) British nation is disappearing quickly under waves of immigrants with alien culture and growing amount of lumpens - parasites, who was grown by more and more socialist cabinets...

    if it's a success, so what is fail?

    You are!

    Bye bye!

  6. In an ideal world both parties should be working towards a standard of education that allows everyone to make an informed decision.

    this is a perfect example of leftist idealism and denial of truth

    the truth is majority is not and will never be enough conscious to make a wise decision.Its never happened (even in UK "universal suffrage" was introduced in 1918, and where is the British Empire now?) Masses are exposed to fears and phobias and behave according to their instincts. Populist, a person who knows how to push these buttons, will always win a person who tells the truth. Because most of the population don't want to hear the truth, they want to hear that the one to blame for there misery and poverty is someone else.

    And populist will deliver what masses need - rob intelligent and successful minority in favor of stupid and unsuccessful majority.

    The result will be the growth of percentage of lazy and unsuccessful majority - this is what you have in Europe, Africa, Latin America and US now.

    Don't you realize: Western world is not a pattern, or a goal to achieve for developing countries anymore. Developing world feels sorry for what Western countries are entrapped in by socialist ideology.

    Please keep your moldy ideas for yourself.

    clap2.gif At least you are an expert in what you do!

    Trolling, that is!


    Well, where is the British Empire now?

    Some might say, it has evolved into a democratic nation called Great Britain and is a well respected, leading world- nation (I know, to some it is not, but...).

    But most of all, it is pari inter pares.

    "...this is what we have in ..."- so tell me what you have/

    I assume for a minute you are Thai (a shame, really!)- so tell me what YOU have here?!

    I know the answers you have and I already know, they have nothing to do with reality and they will make me laugh...before I cry!

    The pattern for your idea of development sure doesn't come from the moldy west...they don't even come from this planet!

    In all the post I read from you, you pose yourself as a backward, sexist, rascist ...and I could tell you what you are, but you, sir , are not worth loosing my posting rights!

    • Like 1
  7. yes, because elders make a favor when they share there knowledge with youth. And youngsters are appreciated for what they are getting from elders. This is how human civilization works.

    do YOU have any knowledge to share? I think, I know the answer...

    Yep actually I have!

    The knowledge that you are a troll!

    The first part of your post, is actually describing one of the major problems, this country has!

    I hope , you are not Thai!

    I would loose all hope, right here!

  8. Brilliantly said!

    No it's not! It's suggesting all those opposed to Taksin are well heeled, maid employing, Fortuner driving hi so's. I can tell you, they are most certainly NOT. Who is this idiot? He really should get out more dry.png

    O-hooooooooooooooooooo...but is sure is okay to call all Thaksin supporters uneducated farmers, stupid buffalos, the unwashed and similar stuff!?

    • Like 2
  9. Complete and utter bull...

    So, if I am member of a sportsclub, I can not criticize the coach?

    If I am member of a political party, I can not criticize the leader?

    As soon as I am at one university, the director is God and I bow to his every word?!

    She has more balls (unintended pun) than you have and obviously a lot more brain, too!

    Sports club is a voluntary organization, but if you disagree with a coach on his point of view to training - the best way is to find another one.

    Political party is a union of similar minded people with the same goal, so they choose there leader among themselves and have a right, even an obligation to criticize him

    But the university is different - students don't elect the Rector, they just asking for a favor to be taught buy him and his professors, if they don't like how they teach, or there political views, or there political beliefs - just find another uni.

    it's like you come to the store and criticize the way how they lay out the goods on the shelves - if you don't like it - the door is behind.

    They ask for "the favor" to be taught by him???

    Yep...you are totally full of it!

  10. Stop it, let an impartial group investigate it so far and see how much and where the 350billion is right now and how much is missing and unaccounted for....that'll show em

    ...an "impartial group", that will be coming from...where?

    So better not to check it at all ? Proof is proof unless faked of course.

    Just remember the articles about government not letting people vote against it and paying people to vote for the flood projects. Go back in the archives here its been shown already here.

    What is so difficult to understand about my question?

    I asked, where that impartial group would come from.

    Do you have an answer for that?

    So what are you on about?

  11. who do you call this transvestite "her"? gender is not what one can choose by himself (herself) but an objective reality. This transvestite, "Neko" (pussy cat in Japanese, I guess) should definitely be expelled from the uni, he does not deserve an education.

    When he was admitted to Thammasat he was granted a main right - to learn, and if he is not interested in that - just give a place to someone who does!

    Deeds of the Rector is none of his business - "Neko" did not establish it, didn't contribute to it in any means - so why should he has a right to assess the rector's actions?

    Didn't you take note, that all these leftist activists in Thammasat who get media attention, are katoeys? This has an easy explanation: "if world does not accept me, world should be changed" - this simple idea fuels radical youth all over the world.

    Sad but true.


    ...and you notice that you are using your right to express yourself, no matter if you are right or not...something that you deny her!

    ...and please also explain, what did you achieve to earn the right to criticize her?

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