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Posts posted by DocN

  1. But didn't he win yesterday? He said so.

    D-Day.. Ending the fight.. Peoples victory..?

    Yes, he won yesterday. In fact the "People" won yesterday.

    And there is more for the "People" to win today.

    Yingluck will follow the fate of her brother.

    And all the Shin will have to leave for Dubai.

    Follow by all related to him.

    They can build aan empire in Dubai if they want.

    The "People" don't care.

    No Shin = No Corruption.

    Suthep has led the "People" to the promised land.

    The Moses of God, the Mandela of Thailand

    Oh look...the troll is up early today!

    • Like 1
  2. Wow...100.000...that is only 900.000 short of what they wanted...coffee1.gif

    It is also a number given by CAPO ... totally rubbish

    If you are not seeing the twitter feeds from all over BKK then you have no clue.

    Current estimates are over 1M ... when we get some numbers from unbiased observers we will have a better clue. In some places the march to gov't house is 4 hours in and going ... and the starting point still has not cleared.

    1) oh...yeah Twitter! The new bible!

    2) unbiased observers, like...who?

    3) I am not saying, the numbers might not be rubbish. I am just saying, if it is 100k, then...

    4) even if it would be 3 Million...that would mean exactly...what?

    That there were load more unsatisfied people then there ever were red protesters during their infamous burning of parts of bkk. You seem to only count protesters as those wanting the government to stop. How about those who are not protesting and want the same. If you use that same logic back in 2010 .. I think you get my point.

    Whereas those who are protesting now, are totally forgetting some other 15 million, who voted (yeah, I know: all bought votes...) the for the current government.

  3. Wow...100.000...that is only 900.000 short of what they wanted...coffee1.gif

    It is also a number given by CAPO ... totally rubbish

    If you are not seeing the twitter feeds from all over BKK then you have no clue.

    Current estimates are over 1M ... when we get some numbers from unbiased observers we will have a better clue. In some places the march to gov't house is 4 hours in and going ... and the starting point still has not cleared.

    1) oh...yeah Twitter! The new bible!

    2) unbiased observers, like...who?

    3) I am not saying, the numbers might not be rubbish. I am just saying, if it is 100k, then...

    4) even if it would be 3 Million...that would mean exactly...what?

  4. Well it is nice to see all the pro red/Thaskin farangs finally making a showing.

    What boggles the mind is that all you supporters of the corrupt come from real democracy's that would have put

    the PTP to bed a long time ago. So could it be that you all are dabbing in heartless heart of no morality?

    Just to get that straight: there was an election here in 2010, as fair an election as Thailand ever will have one (which of course means: not fair at all, vote buying on either side, corruption running wild etc.) and parts of those who are now complaining, shot themselves in the foot with their brilliant "no vote"- strategy.

    The outcome: one party more or less is the government, rules as they wish, fills their pockets, makes decissions mostly for their own...which simply every government since the stone-age has done...and all the (note: I am not saying "you"!) supporters of the opposition are now out in the streets and want to not only negate the outcome of that election, but are calling for a complete handover of power, to an un-elected government, to re-write the constitution and basically end all democracy, but at least "one man- one vote"...

    From which country are you, where that is even slightly okay?

    (Yes...I know! Thaksin= bad!)

    You seem to be missing something. The REASON people are protesting. Because of this shame, probably illegal amnesty bill that the current government tried to push through. This was the spark of the protests, where the people said, ok we've accepted all the crap decisions you've made, rice pledging scheme and all, put the country into billiions of debt to fill your pockets, but this is the last straw.

    If this happened in any other country, I'd bet there would be outrage as well. Trying to pass amnesty to convicted (not suspected) criminals and the biggest one at that. So it's all nice to say, accept what has happened. But being in power does not give a government the right to do as they wish. They are supposed to represent the people and for the last 2 years, they have worked with one main goal in mind................and people now see that.

    Nope- didn't miss it!

    I just happen to think, that this is only one reason for what is going on.

    If you break down this whole mess, it starts with a country, that is per se not fit for democracy.

    You can not just step up one sunny day and tell a feudal, hierarchic country that from now on it is a democracy!

    One part of democracy is equality- do you see any equality here?

    There is no real education, there is no freedom of speech...democracy will never work ina society like the Thai society.

    So...if you want to make it easy (which many here seem to do) blame Thaksin and the present government for the chaos.

    But you are just fighting the symptom.

    The disease still stays!

    I said it before: If this government steps down, if you really get rid of Thaksin and we meet here again next year, it will all be there: the inequality, the corruption, the injustice...there will just be another name on the cover!

    They are playing democracy- a system, they don't embrace, they don't want, a system, they don't even understand!

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