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Posts posted by DocN

  1. Where did it say she messed with the flag, she replaced it with a black flag apparently - but that would not have been a statement about the flag and country but about the leadership of the University.... the flag is too good for them. If it were against the flag she would have burned it like they do in countries like the USA.

    Even 99% of the foreigners here know that it is a bad idea to mess about in LOS with three things: His holiness Lord Buddha (such as pointing at a Buddha or monk with your feet, placing a Buddha statue on the ground, etc.), Royalty and the national flag. If I were to manage an university and one of my students would mess about with one of those three things, he/she would be kicked out and I would give a rat's #$$ whether he/she/it has a transgender agenda to hide behind, respectively is using that gender thing to pin conspiracy accusations on my appointed teachers.

    Appearing politely dressed in public while fighting this (unneccessary) fight could also help...

    Yeah...so...you want to move from the conservative things that hold you, society and your country back by...exactly 100% honor all of those things?

    You might understand, that revolutions hardly ever started by obeying rules! (and I use "revolution" in the widest of senses)

    • Like 1
  2. you mostly-Bangkokian middle class protesters should be mindful that you are not the majority of the people, and that Bangkok is just one part of Thailand

    LOVE IT - great piece

    ....and those up North should appreciate that it is the Bangkokians and people from the South that generate the money for Thailands economy. We should not allow this government to waste this on stupid populist policies and the rice scam in particular. They should also realise that despite Yingluck's insistence, it doesn't benefit them that much and that Abhisit's rice scheme was far cheaper and DID benefit the poor farmers (as they openly admitted before the last election).

    Get your heads straight, or I have a right to call you buffalo's (ostriches is probably more applicable) as that is exactly how you appear to me!!

    Did you, by any chance, eat rice lately?

    I guess, this is exactly one of the problems in this country!

    Either, no one should thank anyone, because all are simply doing their jobs...or all should thank each other, because everybody is doing their job. Doing their job, eg. contributing to the wealth ans prosperity of the country!

    I know, it sounds communist, but why is a civil worker in Bangkok better than a rice or tobacco- farmer in Nong Khai?

    ...and unless people really understand, that all are equally important and equally worth and unless that is exactly was is tough, you might as well forget about "democracy"!

    I'm eating rice right now actually, but what has that got to do with anything.

    This rice has further endebted Thailand as the public's tax money has been paid out of the government coffers to Thaksin's cronies, rice millers and exporters. It would be cheaper to give the farmers money to sit on their backsides and do nothing!! We could then buy rice from Cambodia and Vietnam to eat as it is cheaper and will not be a drain on Thailand's economy.

    You will not find anyone around with more idealistic socialist views than mine. I am better than no one and no one is better than me.

    I do realise however, that countries rely on income from educated people and not people who till the fields and whether you like this or not, this will always be the case. I also know that whilst a government tricks the poor into voting for them because they don't understand politics and then abuses democracy is a recipe for disaster.

    Keep the golden goose happy and the country will prosper, pander to the uneducated and it will go down hill.

    I am a simple realist rather than someone living an unobtainable utopian dream!!

    ...ahm...did you even read beyond the rice- question and did you get the point, I wanted to make?

    Utopian dream?

    If a change in education- policy is already and unobtainable utopian dream...then how about Sutheps claim of rooting out corruption for the next elections?

    Don't bother!

    Have a good day!

  3. you want a country compamy name thaskin ?bah.gif

    let People vote free clap2.gif

    no red no yellowclap2.gif

    nobody control your vote clap2.gif

    isaan this Moment suckbah.gif

    you not go give your voice to red you got Problem bah.gif

    they (red) bah.gif know what you vote

    this is not Demokratiebah.gif

    Democracy is rooted in socialism, which is rooted in communism. Funny you neglected to mention republic. It is more of a democracy than you think.

    You describe "no red no yellow" but then you decry the red and avoid decrying the yellow. It demonstrates your lean towards what? The yellow. Your post is wasted and has no credibility.

    It's not about politics with your demographic. It's about freebies and wasting most of those freebies and cannibalizing the opportunities and leaving waste and destruction behind you.

    Look around you and tell me that you aren't aware of the extreme social problems which exist right on your doorstep: the feral children, the rampant crime committed by your fellows, the numerous books that lie around with dust collecting on them, the shirking of responsibilities and accountability towards your lunatic behaviors, the rampant alcoholism, gambling, swindling, cheating, lying, killing, youth gangs, youth pregnancies, cheating on tests, scoffing the very laws which might provide security and safety around your neighborhoods and on the roads which you travel; ...not to mention the manner in which you enforce racist and discriminatory policies, behaviors, laws, towards your foreign brothers and sisters from Laos, Burma, Cambodia, and the entire world.

    Your demographic intentionally endeavors and strives wholeheartedly to cover up your own inability to build, create, manufacture, construct any dreams, hopes or possibilities of dreams and hopes.

    Your demographic allows jealousy and greed to shackle the ankles of those who are capable of helping; moreover your culture breeds laziness, apathy, procrastination (There's no emergency and crisis in Thailand until it happens) and a sense of belief that other people have the responsibility and duty to pull you out of the very problems you create for yourselves.

    At almost every step which opportunity provides for you, your demographic, and all the other demographics in your country, I read, witness or hear about that opportunity wasted for the reasons listed above, and then some.

    You seem to think that the fruit tree grows from the top down. It does not. It first plants it roots in good soil and then grows the stalk which becomes the trunk and the branches and leaves and finally the fruit. The entire basis of your culture, your FACE and the many sordid behaviors (when no one is looking) is the fallow soil that all of this is lunacy is founded in.

    So, please dispense with your narrow-minded views about politics and that somehow a bunch of scofflaws, cheaters, liars, racists and cowards are going to make their lives better if they have a clean slate and get to vote from within their rank and file. You see, it is the little things that pull you down. Those little things are the elements which you are capable of changing. You have that empowerment; ...but what do you do with it? You waste it at every step.

    Your demographic is the problem because you refuse to be the answer. Again: look around you. Read the local paper. Do these things and then tell me whose responsibility it is. Parliament? Yeah. I thought so.

    ...and doing it the way you mentioned is going to magically transform Thailand into the HUB of all good things in the universe.

    I regret to have to tell your demographic something that you should already be aware of: change begins with you all, but being (more than likely) uneducated and biased into the belief that you have reached your full potential as a human being makes it impossible for you to understand that change begins with you, and not with anyone else.

    Having coups is not the answer - Teaching yourselves to be responsible and accountable on a personal level is.

    Continually scoffing your own laws and attacking the very leaders who are elected, immediately after the get elected is not the answer - Putting your own house in order, and then cleaning up your neighborhoods and treated your fellow Thais (and those who visit your country) with dignity, fairness, honesty and respect is.

    Blaming everyone else is not the answer - knowing where your children are, and making them learn and grow up to be good citizens and to have decent social skills and behaviors, and being a good example to them is.

    The dirty laundry list is too long, and the politicians are just the dirty underwear on the top of the stinking pile.

    Of course... all of this is merely my own, stupid "Farang" opinion, and I apologize if you are not Thai, but this nevertheless applies to that demographic.

    Very well said...and to be completely ignored, unfortunately!

  4. you mostly-Bangkokian middle class protesters should be mindful that you are not the majority of the people, and that Bangkok is just one part of Thailand

    LOVE IT - great piece

    ....and those up North should appreciate that it is the Bangkokians and people from the South that generate the money for Thailands economy. We should not allow this government to waste this on stupid populist policies and the rice scam in particular. They should also realise that despite Yingluck's insistence, it doesn't benefit them that much and that Abhisit's rice scheme was far cheaper and DID benefit the poor farmers (as they openly admitted before the last election).

    Get your heads straight, or I have a right to call you buffalo's (ostriches is probably more applicable) as that is exactly how you appear to me!!

    Did you, by any chance, eat rice lately?

    I guess, this is exactly one of the problems in this country!

    Either, no one should thank anyone, because all are simply doing their jobs...or all should thank each other, because everybody is doing their job. Doing their job, eg. contributing to the wealth ans prosperity of the country!

    I know, it sounds communist, but why is a civil worker in Bangkok better than a rice or tobacco- farmer in Nong Khai?

    ...and unless people really understand, that all are equally important and equally worth and unless that is exactly was is tough, you might as well forget about "democracy"!

    • Like 1
  5. He can't say that without some serious backing... This is history in the making. You can agree or disagree with my opinions on the forum but this has never been done before. Wow!

    Are you thinking what im thinking ? I suspect you are. whistling.gif

    I am usually not very much on the same line with the Local Drunk (not with this one, at least thumbsup.gif )...but I totally agree.

    Either that or Suthep has completely lost it!

    "He ordered", "She did not obey..." <deleted>?

    • Like 1
  6. I think, it is all a bit of this and a bit of that.

    Of course, in a time were every household has access to internet, it is more likely that "the poor" might want to have a piece of what "the rich" have.

    Having said that: it is not about "rich vs poor", "red vs yellow", "Suthep vs Thaksin"...there are shades of gray and many things play into what we see of Thailand now.

    The biggest part of it is, that you can not take a feudal society and say "...and from now on, we are a democracy"!

    What this country urgently needs, is a "crack down" on the hierarchy- system, followed by education, education and more education.

    And here we are again: who will mainly be opposed to that crack down (and the education of "the uneducated")?

    To say it is not at all about "elite" vs "poor" is as wrong as the opposite.

    The poor would love to have what the rich have, especially if it doesn't involve work. Those prepared to work, but trapped in an uneconomic industry, have homes, own land and family/village relationships, while the work that pays requires relocation. So if somebody is prepared to buy their vote by topping up their income, why not. That the money allocated is mostly stolen, that their children are not getting the education to earn more, or the health services they need, is of little concern.

    But don't be surprised that those paying most of the tax, and then seeing it diverted to corruption and vote-buying instead of improvement, get a bit angry.

    Isn't it interesting, that the "rich" and "educated" don't give a hoot about educating the "poor"?

    They complain, that they are uneducated, when they don't do as they should.

    ...and only at that time!

  7. For those who don't understand and think, it is a freedom of speech- matter, if you are only paying taxes:

    This is NO democracy, there is no freedom of speech and no matter if you pay taxes or not- if Thailand tomorrow decides that ALL OF US farang have to go home...that is what will happen!

    You and your opinion are not welcome here!

  8. I agree, foreigners must not take part in it and if they do then my question to them is, what will their government do if Thais or foreigners in their country participate in such protests or mob against the power.

    Yeah....ahm...not a good point, because in MY COUNTRY that is covered under freedom of speech, expression, right to demonstrate...IF you are a resident and not on a holiday, of course!


  9. I think, it is all a bit of this and a bit of that.

    Of course, in a time were every household has access to internet, it is more likely that "the poor" might want to have a piece of what "the rich" have.

    Having said that: it is not about "rich vs poor", "red vs yellow", "Suthep vs Thaksin"...there are shades of gray and many things play into what we see of Thailand now.

    The biggest part of it is, that you can not take a feudal society and say "...and from now on, we are a democracy"!

    What this country urgently needs, is a "crack down" on the hierarchy- system, followed by education, education and more education.

    And here we are again: who will mainly be opposed to that crack down (and the education of "the uneducated")?

    To say it is not at all about "elite" vs "poor" is as wrong as the opposite.

    • Like 2
  10. Suthep could be close to committing lese majeste

    The Royal decree is for an election signed by HM

    The trick about lese majesté crime is that it is never applied for Democrats. biggrin.png

    I better not comment further, as I know I will definitely be ban.

    More digging needed. I wonder who pay for his trip to Rome.


    oh please...comment further!

  11. Why do i think of Adolf Hitler every time i see Suthep. Same acting infront of screaming people. They want totally control with their selected friends. But i AH had bigger support from the people than Suthep.

    But I keep thinking of Nelson Mandela. Maybe both are black, both have violence history (killing or order the killing of many people), but both eventually flip over and became the democratic leaders of their respective countries.

    I know, you are just a troll...but you should really be ashamed of yourself!

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