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Posts posted by DocN

  1. Without a proper education and a hearty "good bye" to the old structures, where everybody "bows" (literally) to the "superior" and accepts evrything without questioning, no solution will ever bring Thailand anywhere.

    Proper education -- yes - definitely, but don't kill the culture. Many other countries have a culture of respect and it makes them very charming.

    Respect has to be earned, not imposed on!

    As long as everything, the "elders" or the "superior" do and say is okay, without questioning, with no debate and without any kind of logical thinking and some kind of social justice, this land is doomed!

  2. The DEMS, sadly enough, have only one subject and one subject only: "Thaksin"!

    Instead of showing a way into the future, instead of being progressive, instead of even being interesting, they just beat the old (dead) horse! Over and over and over again!

    If you want more voters than just the same same old -if you want the voters, who usually vote PT- you have to show them a way, have to integrate them and give them something, why they should vote for you!

    Not why they should not vote for PT!

    Your arguments are perfectly rational, but, I don't believe they apply to thailand's democracy - certainly not the version we currently witness.

    Who feels negative towards the Democrats because of their performance/actions in parliament?

    Certainly not the PT electorate.

    I will stand by my opinion that sheer apathy will reign, certainly in the north. Even if there was parliamentary democracy and the Democrats were perceived to be a cutting-edge party, it wouldn't make any difference to the voters in the north.

    If an ox was a PT candidate it would be elected.

    I share your logic, but honestly believe it is misguided in today's thailand

    Of course you are right.
    It's easy to know what's wrong, but I'm damned if I could offer an opinion, let alone suggestion, for how things might be made better, or even begin the path to make things better.

    Will things be better when KT departs this mortal coil?

    He is the focus of support in the north, where the electorate can be relied on to act and not think. (hang on, am i wandering into an education thread?).

    After all, he is the focus of anti-PT sentiment. He is also the brains behind thailand's current situation - Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts.

    I believe the electoral playing field may be more level at that point, when the electorate in the north will need to be rounded-up and pointed to a new savior.

    I believe Abhisit has the right ideas, but is frustrated and thwarted by the current version of parliamentary democracy. It's difficult to present party policy when trying to get sense out of PTP is like trying to nail the proverbial jelly.

    Okay, here I think you are wrong.

    I think, he is as hollow as everybody else.

    But even if, that would not be the case: I remember a CNN- interview, when he started as PM, where he said, that Thailand would have to think about and discuss the LM- law. You know, what happened next!

    I think, he is a puppet of the establishment.

    Even if he may have some ideas...his masters will count him out, time and time again!

  3. The DEMS, sadly enough, have only one subject and one subject only: "Thaksin"!

    Instead of showing a way into the future, instead of being progressive, instead of even being interesting, they just beat the old (dead) horse! Over and over and over again!

    If you want more voters than just the same same old -if you want the voters, who usually vote PT- you have to show them a way, have to integrate them and give them something, why they should vote for you!

    Not why they should not vote for PT!

    Your arguments are perfectly rational, but, I don't believe they apply to thailand's democracy - certainly not the version we currently witness.

    Who feels negative towards the Democrats because of their performance/actions in parliament?

    Certainly not the PT electorate.

    I will stand by my opinion that sheer apathy will reign, certainly in the north. Even if there was parliamentary democracy and the Democrats were perceived to be a cutting-edge party, it wouldn't make any difference to the voters in the north.

    If an ox was a PT candidate it would be elected.

    I share your logic, but honestly believe it is misguided in today's thailand

    Of course you are right.

  4. The Dems dont get it, without reforming themselves they will not win an election for many years to come. AV is a gentleman but unfortunately find it difficult to connect to the poor and uneducated. Without their vote the Dems cant win.

    The only way the poor and uneducated vote is because they are paid and made promises!

    Both sides pay and both sides make promises.

    The only difference is that one side doesn't pay enough and one side makes promises to the poor, whereas the other one is making promises to the "middleclass" and elite!

    • Like 1
  5. One of the most xenophobic countries on Earth is "urging" Malaysia...?

    Thailand is one of the most xenophobic countries on Earth? You are joking.

    First prize has to go to Saudi Arabia, which has a blanket ban on non muslim tourism. Then you have Burma with it's obsession with trying to exterminate the minorities, the Big Kiddie China where xenophobia is beyond belief. Add to that Pakistan, Afghanistan and North Korea. Cuba with it's ban on tourists mixing with the locals. Iran with it's hate everybody philosophy, along with South Africa that has a proxy war still going on between the blacks and whites, and more perturbing, tribal and xenophobic attacks are daily between blacks in South Africa, including horrific murders and burnings. Zimbabwe with it's anti white pogroms, Rwanda need I say more, Somalia, Yemen, possibly even Syria too. Xenophobia bubbles under in Kenya and other African states. There's even a case to be heard against Argentina, Venezuela and other South American countries that appear to want to blame the white man for everything.

    There's a few more borderline cases such as Japan, Vietnam and others again.

    Thailand doesn't even come close.

    Thanks for the interesting lecture on things I do not give a hoot about!

    Indeed, why pay attention when you can just make sh!t up?

    Yeah...ahm...you may have missed the intention of not exactly being factual and I also think, you got my intention!

    But go ahead, be condescending all day long, if it makes you happy!

  6. One of the most xenophobic countries on Earth is "urging" Malaysia...?

    Thailand is one of the most xenophobic countries on Earth? You are joking.

    First prize has to go to Saudi Arabia, which has a blanket ban on non muslim tourism. Then you have Burma with it's obsession with trying to exterminate the minorities, the Big Kiddie China where xenophobia is beyond belief. Add to that Pakistan, Afghanistan and North Korea. Cuba with it's ban on tourists mixing with the locals. Iran with it's hate everybody philosophy, along with South Africa that has a proxy war still going on between the blacks and whites, and more perturbing, tribal and xenophobic attacks are daily between blacks in South Africa, including horrific murders and burnings. Zimbabwe with it's anti white pogroms, Rwanda need I say more, Somalia, Yemen, possibly even Syria too. Xenophobia bubbles under in Kenya and other African states. There's even a case to be heard against Argentina, Venezuela and other South American countries that appear to want to blame the white man for everything.

    There's a few more borderline cases such as Japan, Vietnam and others again.

    Thailand doesn't even come close.

    Thanks for the interesting lecture on things I do not give a hoot about!

    • Like 1
  7. Please Thailand does not need more Muslims n the country especially these types that can be converted into right wing Islamic terrorists just like the Somalians. Send them to other Islamic countries or else put them on the boats and tow them off. The Human Rights Grps and NGOs can go screw themselves! Where are they when these muslims cause problems for other citizens . The muslim religion is such that it claims that all non-believers are infidels and they classify us as worst than dogs that can be killed vice versa thats the way we should treat them.For those of you non-muslims who defend them, I pray the day will never come when u or your loved one is hurt by the actons of these muslims.In fact whenever possible, boycott muslims products and services.

    That's the spirit! Don't help people because they could become terrorists. Or do help them and they will be so grateful that they will also become terrorists. Not all muslims are like that. Yes, they tend to be more seclusive with each other. Don't they deserve any basic human rights. If no one helps them, the same thing could happen to anyone.

    Not all muslims are like that, sure I agree, BUT a muslim that condemns the actions of those that kill and maim in the name of Allah are scarce. How does it go, "all that is needed for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing"?

    I seriously and honestly believe that THESE Muslims right now, have enough problems, not to give a F*** about some radical islamist blowing up people in a far, far away corner of the earth...

    • Like 2
  8. Please Thailand does not need more Muslims n the country especially these types that can be converted into right wing Islamic terrorists just like the Somalians. Send them to other Islamic countries or else put them on the boats and tow them off. The Human Rights Grps and NGOs can go screw themselves! Where are they when these muslims cause problems for other citizens . The muslim religion is such that it claims that all non-believers are infidels and they classify us as worst than dogs that can be killed vice versa thats the way we should treat them.For those of you non-muslims who defend them, I pray the day will never come when u or your loved one is hurt by the actons of these muslims.In fact whenever possible, boycott muslims products and services.

    What a nice and emphatic person you are!

    I guess, you are the heart of your community and everybody turns to you, for advice full of love and wisdom!

    Meanwhile, back in the real world....

    • Like 1
  9. If anyone is interested: I tried it!

    Tastes like a red fruit- tea!

    Cold served, I found it to be refreshing and somehow little sugary!

    Does it state the sugar content on the side of the bottle/can?

    Bottle...and only in Thai! clap2.gif

    Understand. I always look for the largest number% and ask a Thai if this is sugar. Normally it is around 30-40%.

    Largest number here is 10%, so...not much to worry about....

  10. The thing is if you do not or cannot get physically involved in helping in a situation like this the least you can do is use your phone to call the medics for help (or even the police) depending on where you are and what the situation is.

    ...of course you can only do that, if your mobile is not "occupied" with filming the sh1t out of the situation, to put the result up on youtube or your facebook- page...

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