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Posts posted by DocN

  1. The thing is if you do not or cannot get physically involved in helping in a situation like this the least you can do is use your phone to call the medics for help (or even the police) depending on where you are and what the situation is.

    ...if you are not busy, using the camera in your mobile to film the sh1t out of the situation, to put the result on youtube or your facebook- page, that is...

  2. Apart from the fact, that I will never get my head around it, why (as someone already said) when such a tragedy is going down, someone has no other thought than, how it may influence tourist numbers...


    No burning down Bangkok, no massive floods, no bombing...nothing, that happens in this country, can ever tarnish the numbers of tourists! But if Egyptians are killing each other,it might influence the numbers, a tiny little bit...

    ...I need a Paracetamol....

    The flooding and all the other stuff going on had a huge effect on Thailand's tourism industry; this is the first year in ages that the tourist industry is rocking.

    The tragedy will soon be off the front pages, just like Syria...... Let's face it: most people do not really give a rat's ass what happens in some 3rd-world country (unless they live there).

    According to the almighty (and completely dellusional) TAT...it didn't have any impact...at all...ever!

  3. Apart from the fact, that I will never get my head around it, why (as someone already said) when such a tragedy is going down, someone has no other thought than, how it may influence tourist numbers...


    No burning down Bangkok, no massive floods, no bombing...nothing, that happens in this country, can ever tarnish the numbers of tourists! But if Egyptians are killing each other,it might influence the numbers, a tiny little bit...

    ...I need a Paracetamol....

    • Like 1
  4. Dear Democratic Party

    thanks, for explaining the world to us!

    But be assured: as diplomats, we actually live here...and we are not completely stupid!

    We follow Thai- politics and we do not believe your crooked world- view, nor do we believe the world- view of any other party.

    We'd rather make up our minds ourselves!

    But thanks again, for being patronizing and once more making clear to us, that we are just the stupid foreigners, who simply do not get, what is going on!

    Best regards

    Your foreign diplomats

    • Like 2
  5. "...and an ad-hoc mechanism put in place in the meantime to deal with such cases, in order to provide immediate assistance..."

    Maybe some of you should start learning to read!

    It is mostly about immediate assistance!

    Many of you act, as if these poor sods would be given a nice house and some staff to keep it clean, along with some large amount of cash...for free!

    And by the way: there are many ways that hit-the-fan.gif than just being drunk and hanging around with "prostitutes half their age"!

    Some of the coldhearted and simply stupid and hateful comments on here by some know-it-alls are truely a shame!

  6. So this is what 60% of ThaiVisa forum posters are like. Eye-opening!

    "In some cases, these foreigners... often having being duped or robbed by Thai former wives or partners..."

    ...and of course the usual, emphatic reaction on TV is "som nam na", "what the f... do I care", "deport the idiots" etc.

    Oh of course, if it's foreigners we must show sympathy. But god forbid if the article in question is talking about Thais!

    You will find that this is not a forum which assists the Thai people in their delusions of normality nor those who subscribe to the erroneous belief that this is a caring nation in any manner except the financial.

    If you want to praise these people, look elsewhere. We here are blunt and honest, and we tell it like it is, without blinkers or the starry-eyed view of those who do not see the reality.

    We may appear to be uncaring and vicious at times but it is done in the hope that someone, somewhere here might just finally take notice and instigate change.

    Yep...helping people in need is totally wrong!

    If you want a job, you will find one!

    If you don't like it, go home to your Nanny-state!

    I hate people, who are just looking fir handouts...

    Honestly...I really hope, that some of you-by some mean twist of fate- wake up in a situation, where they need help...and run into a bunch, like yourselves!

  7. I lived is several parts of town so far.

    My top choices would be:

    Soi Rangnam: decent area with a lot of local lifestyle, small shopping- center with supermarket, BTS-station nearby, lots of nice local restaurants and pubs.

    Narathiwas/ Sathorn: excellent BTS/BRT- connection, rather quiet in the many side-sois.

  8. bla bla bla bla.....join forces...fight Thaksin regime ...for goodness sake come up with a platform and new ideas for the country and win elections by pushing your ideas and vision for the country team up with the press which is willing to look beyond different colors in politics and expose the shortcomings of this government and all other fraudsters running this country behind the scenes.

    Stop your obsession with Thaksin and let him come back - you will find out after a few days of hysteria his shine is long gone and he will soon be just a long gone memory!!!

    He was only the face of the TRT party nothing else used by the elite to control this country - most of the good ideas TRT had was from other members of the party not him at all - expose him as the fraud that he is and people will realize he is not the solution for Thailand.

    Stop whining about Thaksin get rid of the crooks in your own ranks and come up with something new that brings Thailand forward into the 21st century - promise people you get rid of all the old faces who have no idea what's good for the country and reform!

    Promise them you will get rid of the bimbos who have ruled this country directly and indirectly - force them out - and the majority of Thai people- who have no clue where and who to turn to - will thank you for it!

    Promise them to get rid of all the corrupt elements in this country mostly in uniform and in business - and the Thai people will stand behind you as one! Promise them to change laws which protect the crooks and pass laws that make them pay big time for robbing the country - and people will love you!

    Promise them to kick the civil servants who provide a lousy service in the ass instead of paying them off - and make them provide a service to the Thai people for the tax money they spent and the benefits they receive. The ones who resist wil realize very soon that they can easily be replaced even if some services are interupted temporarily! Make the Thai people believe they deserve better than this!

    Thais - as uneducated and brainwashed as many are - or seem to be - are not that stupid anymore they can very well distinguish between a good thing and a fraud!

    Be sincere for once and a landslide will be yours - the Thai people are waiting for a knight on a white horse to break the status quo - they are sick and tired of it - that much I know!

    You're deluded.

    Thais, especially the herds in the north who ensure a red electoral victory every time, are moulded to be apathetic automatons. As such they are not sick and tired of anything. They don't understand politics or its relevance to their daily lives.

    You can dress up your stall as much as you want, but political affiliations are not based on self-assessment of facts.

    The saying 'you can lead a horse to water.....'

    The 'herds in the north", huh?!


    I am so happy that the "elite in Bangkok" in opposition to that, is always on the edge, having their fingers on the pulse and are eager to reform the country and bring it forward!


    I am really happy that the PAD is such a progressive force!

    I am so happy, that Abisith and the DEMS were doing so much for freedom and education!

    I am so happy, that finally the elite wants to step up and ensure a better education for the "herds in the north", so next time, they know better, who to vote for!

    I always find it comical, when the loom and doom in Thailand is always connected to the "herds of the north"...and never to the guys and gals from yesteryear, who had the chance for centuries, to make a change, to work for equality and to educate the masses...only...they didn't give a frog, because the status quo is exactly what they wanted.

    They just started crying and complaining about the stupidity of the "herds from the north", when they started to vote for the wrong guy!

    If there is no will here, to change something substantial, something that is inclusive and is not leaving one group behind, so the other group can live a life in decadent luxury (or at least in a state of not giving a sh1t!), nothing will ever change...until the whole construct in this fairy-tale kingdom, simply blows up!

    Ignoring your paranoia about the Amart, who don't seem to have screwed the country as much as this government for the people.

    If the people in the north are kept in the dark about politics, it doesn't say much for democracy.

    It's almost a 'vote here' for Thaksin, the milky bar kid with a gift for everyone. Anybody else is wrong because they aren't Thaksin.

    Keeping the electorate ignorant helps the red apologists with the argument 'the Democrats are unelectable'. Until the electorate compare policies, the electoral results are meaningless. If the northern electorate were given the ability and will to understand, their voting intentions would be more easily seen as educated. Until that time, their right to vote will be manipulated.

    Any feedback on my request for the red apologists to identify what Thailand will look like if the present government use their electoral majority to force through policies unopposed?

    If the people you are backing up so much had any interest in educating the poor...why didn't they do it long ago?

    Sure Thaksin and his gang are feeding on that...but to blame him for the uneducated masses is simply bizarre.

    Thailand is no democracy and (IMHO) will never be!

    It is just not enough to let people vote every now and again and then stand up and shout "Look! We are a democracy!"

    There is no freedom of speech f.e. but then again...there never was!

    "Lest majeste" rings a bell, maybe?

    And if the powers that be have enough of one government, there is always the army, to make things "right"!

    Do you really believe, Thailand would be a better or even a different country, with another colored government?


  9. bla bla bla bla.....join forces...fight Thaksin regime ...for goodness sake come up with a platform and new ideas for the country and win elections by pushing your ideas and vision for the country team up with the press which is willing to look beyond different colors in politics and expose the shortcomings of this government and all other fraudsters running this country behind the scenes.

    Stop your obsession with Thaksin and let him come back - you will find out after a few days of hysteria his shine is long gone and he will soon be just a long gone memory!!!

    He was only the face of the TRT party nothing else used by the elite to control this country - most of the good ideas TRT had was from other members of the party not him at all - expose him as the fraud that he is and people will realize he is not the solution for Thailand.

    Stop whining about Thaksin get rid of the crooks in your own ranks and come up with something new that brings Thailand forward into the 21st century - promise people you get rid of all the old faces who have no idea what's good for the country and reform!

    Promise them you will get rid of the bimbos who have ruled this country directly and indirectly - force them out - and the majority of Thai people- who have no clue where and who to turn to - will thank you for it!

    Promise them to get rid of all the corrupt elements in this country mostly in uniform and in business - and the Thai people will stand behind you as one! Promise them to change laws which protect the crooks and pass laws that make them pay big time for robbing the country - and people will love you!

    Promise them to kick the civil servants who provide a lousy service in the ass instead of paying them off - and make them provide a service to the Thai people for the tax money they spent and the benefits they receive. The ones who resist wil realize very soon that they can easily be replaced even if some services are interupted temporarily! Make the Thai people believe they deserve better than this!

    Thais - as uneducated and brainwashed as many are - or seem to be - are not that stupid anymore they can very well distinguish between a good thing and a fraud!

    Be sincere for once and a landslide will be yours - the Thai people are waiting for a knight on a white horse to break the status quo - they are sick and tired of it - that much I know!

    You're deluded.

    Thais, especially the herds in the north who ensure a red electoral victory every time, are moulded to be apathetic automatons. As such they are not sick and tired of anything. They don't understand politics or its relevance to their daily lives.

    You can dress up your stall as much as you want, but political affiliations are not based on self-assessment of facts.

    The saying 'you can lead a horse to water.....'

    The 'herds in the north", huh?!


    I am so happy that the "elite in Bangkok" in opposition to that, is always on the edge, having their fingers on the pulse and are eager to reform the country and bring it forward!


    I am really happy that the PAD is such a progressive force!

    I am so happy, that Abisith and the DEMS were doing so much for freedom and education!

    I am so happy, that finally the elite wants to step up and ensure a better education for the "herds in the north", so next time, they know better, who to vote for!

    I always find it comical, when the loom and doom in Thailand is always connected to the "herds of the north"...and never to the guys and gals from yesteryear, who had the chance for centuries, to make a change, to work for equality and to educate the masses...only...they didn't give a frog, because the status quo is exactly what they wanted.

    They just started crying and complaining about the stupidity of the "herds from the north", when they started to vote for the wrong guy!

    If there is no will here, to change something substantial, something that is inclusive and is not leaving one group behind, so the other group can live a life in decadent luxury (or at least in a state of not giving a sh1t!), nothing will ever change...until the whole construct in this fairy-tale kingdom, simply blows up!

    • Like 1
  10. A lot of "sick" people on this forum who rant about everything and who have little idea of fact and up market tourists. Thailand has everything for wealthy tourists. They don't see the things(exaggertated) these TV posters mention because they don't live the same kind of life. Up-market tourists rent limosines and jet skis from the luxury Hotels they stay at they are not interested in low class resorts like Pattaya and the sleasy parts of other resorts. They are protected by the security of the five star Hotels they stay at. They never have problems with police or scams or any of the other things that other tourist face.

    Thailand has some of the best hotels in the world with private beaches and a host of other attractions. The TAT is right to try and attract more High End tourists.

    I agree with you.

    Thailand has everything for high end tourists.

    Some of the greatest hotels in the world (Oriental Dhara Devi, for example), excellent service everywhere, limousines, plenty of high end restaurants, large yachts for charter, private jet companies and helicopter tours, fashionable beach clubs and other entertainment venues, luxury tented camps in the mountains for the nature lovers, top class department stores, the best spas in the world, plenty of golf courses... I don't see anything missing.

    But most members of this forum never go to such places. It's another world.

    High end tourists do not get scammed by Tuk Tuks, they never approach one smile.png

    So very true.thumbsup.gif

    Yes, so very true. And there is more you guys didn't mention too, that all the low life forumers clearly fail to understand about the high end quality types. First, they dont just mostly use limos but they actually have their own special roads so they dont suffer from traffic congestion or bad air. And if they do decide to taste real thainess then if taking a tuk tuk, say, they are provided an authentic hiso one with an always smiling driver who always provides the best service he can and would never attack a hiso foreigner. Havent you seen the marketing campaigns, well, those shots are from hiso thai world that loso cheap charlies scum dont get to experience. And if the high so types decide to leave their resorts and shop then they stroll on clear, sweeping pavements largely free of vendors apart from one or two who smile cheerfully at the foreigners as they sell their organic street food or happily display beautiful thai silk or craftwork, with no hard sell or aggression as they are just happy to be there to show such wonderful artistry. And if the hiso types want to go out to a bar or club, then these are not in sleazy patpong or pattaya where touts and thugs rightfully assault and abuse the loso falang scum, but in parallel universe lala thai land in which bills are never padded and the bar staff and security never engage in orgies of violence for the tiniest of excuses but if a hiso falang got a little tipsy they watch over them carefully and ensure their safe return to their hotels. Sometimes the tipsy hiso falang has even met a local girl and these encounters often end happily ever after, not in murder, fraud or both as with loso falang and the local girls in parallel hiso world are never motivated by money. I wish i could go to parallel hiso world but alas, i am just loso scum.

    ...and what you all don't understand: TAT is full of it and your hi- end tourists are not, what they are aiming for.

    These guys are here already and there are only so many of them.

    What TAT fails to communicate, is that what they understand as "hi- end" is nothing but mass- tourists, who would rather stay 2 weeks at the Amari, than at Pongs Guesthouse.

    They want numbers AND revenue.

    They just don't understand, that there are only a hand full of Victoria Beckham's around!

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