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Posts posted by DocN

  1. With PTP in power and especially if Thaksin gets back you can expect more of this type of policy, times ten!

    Oh yeah...remember the good ol' days of the Abisith- government?

    Not one web- page blocked, no censorship whatsoever, by no means the highest- number of web- sides blocked?

    The days when freedom of expression had one field-day after another!

    Things were so much better than! coffee1.gif

    What an apologist you are.

    Intercepting social media messages in the manner suggested abbove is a million times more evil than blocking websites,

    Yeah...that's me!

    I have a loooong history of painting eveything gold, the PT does!

    And you?

    I guess, you could be called a selectivist: Thailand's history began with Thaksin, is Thaksin and will end with Thaksin.

    Everything in between didn't happen, wasn't that bad or should simply be forgotten.

  2. 1) Dear The Nation- don't you have anyone, proof reading your articles. I am not even native English- speaking, but I cringe over the abysmal English!

    2) the same youngsters will bribe themselves out of the next police- control they get into and will do absolutely nothing in terms of political work and/or -when asked- will gladly hold upright the political and social status quo, if it will benefit their own needs!

  3. But I'm not Buddhist. Politics and religion. Never a good mix.

    No, but you live in a buddhist country so respect their rules


    The moment they respect their rules!


    2 wrongs doesn't make it right

    Ahm...bit of a flawed argument, don't you think?

    If someone wants to shove some rules down, everybody's throat...shouldn't they lead by good example?

    But they don't!

    They don't even keep their own rules- and by "they", I don't even mean the average Thai, but the guys who put these stupid rules in place.

    I have not studied Buddhism, but I guess, there are rules about...let's say...drinking alcohol, drug- use, the killing of other people...

    Just think about it for a second!

    Holier than thou' comes to mind!

    ...and by the way: if you have ever been to the "entertainment" - parts of town, you can see (not only on religious holidays) how the teachings of the Buddha are raped and kicked on a regular basis.

    So please, don't give me the "Buddhist- country"- crap!

    As with all religions: it is Buddhist/Christian/ Muslim...when you need it to be!

    The rest of the time? ho gives a hoot about the teachings of Buddha?

  4. Internet-freedom has no dark sides!

    The internet itself may have...

    IMO the internet has no dark sides either any more than has a hair dryer. It can be thrown into a bathtub to electrocute someone, or used to dry one's hair, but that doesn't make it bad or good; dark or light. The internet is an implement. The "dark side" is a reflection of some of the users.

    That's why i said, it may have....

  5. "As it was Mother's Day tomorrow, members of the public visiting Lumpini Park would be offered free vegetarian meals and the opportunity to purchase consumer products such as vegetable oil and sugar at 30 per cent below the market cost."

    Well...at least, they didn't pay the protesters anything or lure them in, with populist measures, like the Reds did!

    Pathetic clowns, all of them!

    Ah, let's see, free food and shopping? Sounds like they are offering rewards for those who come to their protest.

    ...I hope, you understood, that I was being cynic...?!

  6. "As it was Mother's Day tomorrow, members of the public visiting Lumpini Park would be offered free vegetarian meals and the opportunity to purchase consumer products such as vegetable oil and sugar at 30 per cent below the market cost."

    Well...at least, they didn't pay the protesters anything or lure them in, with populist measures, like the Reds did!

    Pathetic clowns, all of them!

    • Like 2
  7. I agree pedophiles should be stopped. Problem is, their definition of a "pedophile" is somebody who sleeps with a girl who is one day short of her 18th birthday.

    Pedophile to me is somebody who likes 8 year olds, not 15 year olds.

    I fell in love with a 15 year old 41 year's ago.I was 16.

    Anyone who falls in love with a 15yr old that is over 18yrs old is

    a perv in my mind.

    ....soooooo...schools are full of pervs, with many 19 year olds falling in love with 15 year olds?!

    A bit of a broad generalization, don't you think?

  8. the majority of protesters were elderly,

    Of course the majority of protesters were elderly.

    Look around you and you will see that most people in this country have to work for a living.

    Most of those of working age cant take days off to join rallies no matter how strong their feelings are one way or the other.

    obvious....unless you pay them like the reds.

    But also that Thaksin topic was so often re-heated that most people are bored by it. That doesn't mean they agree.

    I think not much will happen till he comes back. But I might be wrong....

    Yeah...basically everybody is bored with that...but that didn't keep you from mentioning it once again.

    So...just for balance reasons...of course no money was ever paid in the 2008 raiding of the government house or to any person that took part in the airport- blockings.

    All the people there were in it for pure enthusiasm...like so many in Thailand!

    • Like 1
  9. Another way to put in, it isn't easy for westerners to project their own political preferences onto Thai political factions. I don't see any existing Thai political faction that is consistent with my personal politics. Perhaps the best we can hope for is as little pain as possible during the process of maturation of "democracy" in Thailand.

    Well as Westerner I wouldn't be so proud of our own Democracy. Take as example: USA, Germany and France and look at the parties, the system of election, how the parties make promotion and how the media situation is.

    The only differences I see: a bit less corruption in the west and a way more professional look of things. But if you look careful, than there is still a lot corruption in the west and in some cases it is far less democratic than in Thailand.

    In Thailand the problems are very visible. In the west they are much better hidden.

    I'd take any of the mentioned oh-so-flawed democracies over Thailands utterly corrupt, hypocritical, pseudo- democracy in a heartbeat!

  10. post-140342-0-27158300-1375793317_thumb.

    Nai Yang Beach at low tide.

    This picture was taken from the Imperial Adamas, which is located at the end of the beach. From here it is about 400 meters into the "nightlife". Some nice bars and pubs, some shops some simple restaurants...I liked it a lot! For sure my favorite place on Phuket.

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