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Posts posted by DocN

  1. You can not have everything alltogether, I guess!

    But I am a sucker for Khao Lak: the beaches are very nice, the "Degree Pub" is a good place to hang out (they do Carabao and Thai- reggae- covers...

    I also came to like Nai Yang Beach on Phuket. Very relaxed, good portion of "nightlife" and cool beach bars...

    smile.png Any pics to share, Doc?

    Many of the Khao Lak Beaches and some of Nai Yang.

    Unfortunately, my sh1tty camera is too bad to take decent night- shots...

    • Like 1
  2. "Niemand hat die Absicht, eine Mauer zu errichten!" - Walter Ulbricht/ August 1961/ Berlin

    I wanted to let this stand on it's own...but I reminded myself, that this is an international forum.

    So: the above quote is by W. Ulbricht (PM of the German Democratic Republic).

    He was asked at a pressconference and said that "No one wants to erect a wall in Berlin"....

  3. You can not have everything alltogether, I guess!

    But I am a sucker for Khao Lak: the beaches are very nice, the "Degree Pub" is a good place to hang out (they do Carabao and Thai- reggae- covers...

    I also came to like Nai Yang Beach on Phuket. Very relaxed, good portion of "nightlife" and cool beach bars...

    • Like 2
  4. Yeah, yeah..."it happens everywhere, not only in Thailand"...blah blah...

    Do me a favor: give me your e-mail- adresses and keep me updated about your life.

    The moment (and I hope it never comes) when your wife gets mowed down by a drunk motocy- driver or your daughter dies, from being forced to swallow acid or is left behind in a baking- oven- like van...let me be the first to tell you "Don't be so upset...it happens everywhere...not only in Thailand"!

    What does that statement has to do with anything?

    This just happened in Thailand...and nowhere else!

  5. You forgot to add an election that PT will win, again. They only ever 'lose' when the army gets involved.

    Your idea of democracy is clearly very different from mine.

    If the democrats started bribing and kowtowing to farmers and peasants like the Red PT, it would be different. But they have integrity.

    Yeah , sure! They have integrity, they never bribe!

    I can give you the telephone numbers of at least 3 people, who got offered money from the Dems in the last general election...just not enough!

    Integrity my a...

  6. I find it hard to believe a 14 year old girl submitting without a fight to a 65 year old without a notion of future benefits to come...

    As long as the buddhist monks irregular activities are confined to the erotics, one shouldn't worry much.

    I would start worrying, if a buddhist monk decides go emulate the Middle East men of cloth.

    Could you imagine, Buddhist Brotherhood or the Party of Buddha??!!

    The mind boggles!

    ...that is a joke, right?!

    You are joking...please, tell me, it is so...

    "the erotics" as in "rape"??

  7. After working 30+ years in the environmental protection field back in the States, one thing I find interesting in this situation is that I have not heard or seen any Thai or foreign environmental group (or fishermen) screaming bloody murder about the effects on the marine and avian life that will result from this. You hear a lot of people complaining and worrying about the money to be lost from tourism but that's about it. If something like this would have happened in places like San Francisco Bay or California coast back home, there would be countless environmental groups, fishermen, birders, you-name-it screaming for the local, State, and Federal government and the company involved to react ASAP.

    Because the almighty Baht is God in Thailand.

    And forward thinking does merely exist!

    So: they may estimate, what 3 days/ weeks/ month of clean up might cost them, but they have no clue/ no interest, what damage might arise later, when the reefs are dead, the fish are gon and tourists will wipe tar from underneath their feet, 2 years from now!

    • Like 1
  8. I think you'd take a gun long before the rest of us; you're always the most bitter, angry poster

    .At least the rest of us are admitting things.

    Some guy is plowing your woman and insulting you...what would you do?

    Imagine another guy was spunking a bun in your favorite oven.....

    I couldn't care less what you think.

    Violence is no option anyways and I am not "admitting things", because that is not how I would handle stuff!

    If you think, it is okay to settle things with (gun) violence...feel free to do so.

  9. Then you haven't been there.

    You admitted you take them and accompany them. So you're attracted to them...that's why you defend them. Its ok to admit it.


    What the hell are you talking about?

    I suggest, instead of spouting complete and utter BS, you put the crackpipe down and actually READ some of my posts!

    You can actually meet ladyboys and even talk to them, without being attracted to them.

    I "meet" a lot of men in pubs and bars, actually talk to some and still I am not gay!

    But I guess, the concept of just talking to people, meeting them is utterly new and strange for you?!

    You can actually go to pubs and bars without shagging someone!

    Even in your "tourist" areas- try it, you might learn something!

    ...oh well,,,forget that last part!

  10. It has been wayyyyyyyyy to long, since the last crisis for tourism.

    And I am sure, they will find a way to profoundly f$#% up this one.

    ...oh...and of course we are not even talking about the long term effects, like dead corals, empty (ex-) reefs, lumps of tar on the beaches...

  11. DocN quote:

    "In my 6 years living in Bangkok and another 12 years as a tourist, I have not even one time had a bad encounter with any ladyboy and surely never saw them as a one group crimewave. I don't know, where you hang out -though I would really love to...so I can avoid ever meeting you- but maybe you should give those places a second thought!

    On my closing note: again...the OP is about a human being (why am I not surprised, you think the "infestation"- thing is cool?!), who was killed over a minor sexual offense, which could have easily been dissolved by getting her off the bike and let her walk home. There was no need for any physical violence, like a bullet to head!

    Maybe you should just think about that, instead of your borderline childish "he/she"- issue! "

    Ok I give up, I can see that my logic is not making headway. Call them whatever you want, and I will certainly do the same. But I still believe my usage of the English language will be far more precise than yours. Regarding you never had a bad encounter with a lady boy, you must spend a lot of time at home, live in Isan, or avoid every tourist area ........I have spent 14 years here, and am guessing I have seen 20 times more of Thailand than you have ever seen. And yes I have had numerous bad encounters..... And yes I hope I never meet you either, as I am sure I would be bored to death.

    But it sounds like we move in much different circles, so I will not worry about that too much.. :-)

    Ooooooh,,,I bow to your superiority, master!

    By the way: living in Bangkok for all the 6 years, last 3 of them close to Patpong and a frequent guest there in bars and pubs.

    2 ladyboys in my company and many more I met in bars on Phuket, when travelling there.

    Over and out!

    If you've ever stepped into those tourist type areas, you would certainly have encountered belligerent ladyboys if alone.

    I'm not sure what you're trying to prove with so many bitter posts within the thread; as for good or bad people, case by case.


    Got it now?

    BTW: I am not trying to prove anything! I am just shocked about a) how many people find the question "he or she?" more interesting than the fact that human being died and b ) how many are on about she had it coming!

  12. So - if the motorcycle driver had been a woman and the passenger had been a man -- and the male passenger had reached around and touched the vagina of the female motorcycle driver -- it would have been called sexual assault in most countries ... Twisting the interpretation of the law to make it not sexual assault because a male (female impersonator) reached around and touched the penis of the male motorcycle driver is a bastardization of the law...

    Women all over the world have reacted to sexual assault - even touching - with violence, gun play, knife play, etc. and most of the time in such situations it is considered self-defense ....

    Bottom line - when people (male or female or pretending to be the opposite) sexually assault another person of either sex - then the perpetrator can expect all sorts of reactions - even violent reactions - even violent reactions with weapons ....

    So it would seem the perpetrator was naive and even more to think that touching another male's privates would be OKAY ... Stupid is as Stupid does...

    Oh sh....not another one! coffee1.gif

  13. Look at the body language of the alleged murderer. He sits there like he owns the place. Here's someone who looks like he's getting away with it.

    Here, 'Face' is of utmost importance. By turning himself in, he gained face - might get only a few years or even probation.

    Another nut- job with a gun!

    Another fruitcake, unable to solve a problem like a civilized person!

    RIP the victim

    This from a person who doesn't understand how humanity maintains freedom.

    <deleted> are you on about?

  14. DocN quote:

    "In my 6 years living in Bangkok and another 12 years as a tourist, I have not even one time had a bad encounter with any ladyboy and surely never saw them as a one group crimewave. I don't know, where you hang out -though I would really love to...so I can avoid ever meeting you- but maybe you should give those places a second thought!

    On my closing note: again...the OP is about a human being (why am I not surprised, you think the "infestation"- thing is cool?!), who was killed over a minor sexual offense, which could have easily been dissolved by getting her off the bike and let her walk home. There was no need for any physical violence, like a bullet to head!

    Maybe you should just think about that, instead of your borderline childish "he/she"- issue! "

    Ok I give up, I can see that my logic is not making headway. Call them whatever you want, and I will certainly do the same. But I still believe my usage of the English language will be far more precise than yours. Regarding you never had a bad encounter with a lady boy, you must spend a lot of time at home, live in Isan, or avoid every tourist area ........I have spent 14 years here, and am guessing I have seen 20 times more of Thailand than you have ever seen. And yes I have had numerous bad encounters..... And yes I hope I never meet you either, as I am sure I would be bored to death.

    But it sounds like we move in much different circles, so I will not worry about that too much.. :-)

    Ooooooh,,,I bow to your superiority, master!

    By the way: living in Bangkok for all the 6 years, last 3 of them close to Patpong and a frequent guest there in bars and pubs.

    2 ladyboys in my company and many more I met in bars on Phuket, when travelling there.

    Over and out!

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