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Everything posted by Gweiloman

  1. Prey to their tactics? Which tactic is this? To encourage us to use less petrol/diesel or reduce pollution in the cities? Will be interesting to see how they will recover their taxation income. Higher road tax perhaps? Definitely won’t be higher electricity prices lol.
  2. It costs me about 100 baht to travel 100 kms in my 2 ton SUV PHEV. Costs me almost 200 baht to travel the same distance in my Mazda 2 hatchback. I don’t need to know how many kWh a litre of gasoline contains to know which is my cheaper option.
  3. My Thai wife doubles up as the maid. I double up as the dishwasher, rubbish disposal man, dog walker, driver, gardener, handyman…
  4. I have no issue as to whether someone prefers petrol powered or diesel powered or any other types of fuel/energy. I personally own both petrol and diesel powered vehicles as well as a PHEV. However, it doesn’t cost anything nowadays to educate yourself better on what is arguably the biggest issue concerning mass transportation today. You might even appear as “well informed “.
  5. Yes, very interesting indeed, that some people can believe an article written by a kid who looks like a teddy bear. One thing for sure; China is indeed benefitting from the war and the longer it drags on, the more China benefits. Thank you America and Europe ????
  6. It’s a great app to while away the time while the other half is off buying food at the market ????
  7. Why would I need to replace my battery? It’s guaranteed for 8 years by the manufacturer and even if I need to replace it (highly unlikely), the price 8 years down the road is likely to be significantly cheaper than it is now. An ICE may be cleaner in the long run but I would definitely prefer to be driving behind another EV than a diesel fume belching pickup.
  8. Correct, that’s what I stated in my post.. I only pay peak rates if I’m doing a road trip. Most of the time though, I either charge at home during the day using solar power or go down the road to charge at PTT after 10 pm (off peak rates) or on weekends.
  9. It’s a lot cheaper to drive an EV than an ICE. Public charging costs only 4.5 baht (of peak) per kWh. It is less than 3 baht per kWh charging at home if you have TOU meter. Sweet are my dreams.
  10. I don’t live in China. And, unlike you, I’m not important enough for China to spy on me. I hope you don’t have Tik Tok on your phone ???? ps: Google does spy on me though
  11. Well, China’s influence in the world and especially Asean will only continue to grow, particularly in the infrastructure sector. Will you boycott the HSR if and when it comes to fruition? Will you not install solar at home because the panels and inverters are Chinese made? Deny yourself all the wonderful electronic appliances and items made by Xiaomi, Huawei etc? Continue to pay double for petrol when it costs only 1 baht (or less if you have solar) per km for EVs? I could go on and on about how the emergence of China has made my life immeasurably better. Look around your own house (or room, for some) and see if you can replace all the Chinese made products you have. Foolish is he that cuts off his nose to spite his face ????. China and Chinese people are everywhere. Deal with it ????
  12. That’s what I thought so I was a bit confused about the extra 3 months extension. Still am lol
  13. ???? Education is important. Shame not everyone got one. Are you going to tell the Laos DPM that you know what’s better for his country than him? Didn’t think so.
  14. From your link, the word that jumps out at me is may, may, may. If you own a gun, you may use it to shoot your children or they may use it to shoot you (it has happened, in you know where). For that matter, if you own a car you may drive it off a cliff to try to kill yourself and your family. That happened too (again in the same country). Why don’t you give actual examples instead? (Hint: there aren’t any).
  15. Sorry to be pedantic but she can stay over 90 days if she likes. She just needs to do the 90 day report. On another note, your last statement is interesting. Let’s say that my “extension’ on my non-O based on retirement expires on 30th April. Are you saying that if I exit Thailand before that and re-enter on 29th April, I will only need to do my new annual extension sometime in July? I have been on non-O for over 17 years and never thought of doing this (not that it really matters from a financial perspective).
  16. I get the feeling that Tesla is trying to move as much stock out of the door as possible and at as low a price as possible to try and stay ahead of BYD. More than that however, I feel they will try to shove a subscription based model down their customers throats. Personally, I won’t touch a Tesla with a 10 foot pole, all the more since they won’t even include floor mats. A deal breaker IMO. The only interaction I will ever have with anything Tesla related is if they’re superchargers will charge/cost less than PEA/PTT per kWh.
  17. In many cases (Africa), they could never ever raise the funds by themselves. Contrary to what a lot of less informed farangs think, the loans from the World Bank and IMF incurred much, much higher interest rates than loans from China and Chinese companies. That’s one of the many reasons why the majority of African countries prefer to deal with China than Western countries.
  18. It is significantly more expensive to charge an EV at public stations vs home charging in the UK. Here in Thailand, it’s cheaper for me to charge at PTT/Bangchak (off peak) than to charge at home. I love Thailand lol.
  19. The Global South is moving at unprecedented pace away from the collective West and rapidly de-dollarising as the latter is in clear decline. Thailand would do well to follow accordingly. The so called debt trap diplomacy has been thoroughly debunked and only brought up by those who is brainwashed by state funded MSM.
  20. For Malaysia, it’s one month. You will need all the necessary insurance coverage. Also a letter in English which details the same information as the log book plus car passport and number plates (the latter 2 are new). You will then need to show all these to the Dept of Transport Malaysia at the border and get the permit (free). Make sure your tint is not too dark.
  21. No doubt, many will be critical and disappointed. But the important thing is that many Thais will welcome the Chinese tourists with open arms. As it's their country, us foreigners have zero influence.
  22. UN, yeah right. Everyone I know could not care less about this proxy war. That, is reality.
  23. This is an European issue, nothing to do with Thailand. I’m glad Thailand, like most of the world, is neutral on this.
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