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Everything posted by Gweiloman

  1. Yes, I wish they would dispense with the zero covid policy as it seems extremely harsh at the present, given what we see happening in other countries.
  2. Ukraine’s defence is greatly aided by weapons from NATO and the US. Russia’s not doing too badly, considering.
  3. But correct in the case of taxis I have encountered. LPG seems rather cheap so why aren’t there more such vehicles in Thailand or other parts of the world? Also no car manufacturer that I know off sells a LPG powered car. Surely they are missing a trick? I see plenty of LPG stations everywhere so range anxiety should not be a problem.
  4. Home invasions or robberies tend to occur where the perpetrator believes there are things of value in the property that he can steal. No point risking robbing the home of a person who has less than you. That’s why my home has never been invaded.
  5. Incorrect. Fuel prices soaring is due to sanctions imposed on Russian oil and gas and the bombing of NS2 which effectively ended the possibility of re-supply of Russian gas to Europe. Kids starving in Africa is partly due to majority of grain being shipped to Europe instead of Africa, I believe. I don’t know why Russia wants to steal Ukraine’s grain as it has much more grain than Ukraine but unable to ship it out, I believe.
  6. Correct. If Ukraine didn’t bomb the Kerch Bridge and Sevastopol, then like you said, Russian missiles and drones would not be hitting the power plants.
  7. From your post; Quite the dilemma for Russia, A grain convoy has left Odesa in defiance of a RU blockade
  8. In the long run, granny charging is better for the battery than fast charging (according to what I read). However, it’s rather inconvenient if you require a lot of charge each time, due to the speed. If I had an EV, I would install a wall box. Since I’m only getting a PHEV, albeit 34 kWh, I will try using a granny charger only. I will still install the wall box as it comes free with the car. Sorry, sorry, not free as it’s included in the price of the car already ????
  9. What KhunLA said is not incorrect. I have many a time put my luggage in the passenger compartment due to lack of space in the trunk. LPG seems rather cheap so why aren’t there more such vehicles in Thailand or other parts of the world? Also no car manufacturer that I know off sells a LPG powered car. Surely they are missing a trick? I see plenty of LPG stations everywhere so range anxiety should not be a problem.
  10. I didn’t read anywhere that Russia is blockading grain shipments.
  11. I believe they are completely different class of vehicles. I was very surprised at the size of the good cat (it’s bigger than it seems from pictures).
  12. What are you talking about? I was responding to another poster’s rationale in making judgements. Your post has no relevance to what I wrote. Please don’t throw around baiting posts on a willy nilly basis.
  13. But surely that’s a small price to pay for the huge savings in fuel consumption? Just imagine how much roof space you can construct for 350k baht ????
  14. Correct. Russia guaranteed the safe humanitarian corridor for the grain shipments. This is no longer in play should military action be taken in the Black Sea.
  15. I’m sure they do. It just depends on whose interests will be served as to whether they release the footage or not.
  16. GWM had a better system in my view. Booking was done on the GWM app/website in the comfort of my own home ???? Incidentally, were there extra benefits for being among the early purchasers? I obtained a 50,000 baht discount for being among the first 300.
  17. Pattaya has arguably the greatest concentration of western tourists in Thailand. If one were to judge westerners based on these tourists behaviour and actions, then I think it would be an extremely flawed view. What do you think?
  18. I’m not an EV zealot obviously, since I don’t even own an EV and am only mainly concerned with saving money. LPG seems rather cheap so why aren’t there more such vehicles in Thailand or other parts of the world? Also no car manufacturer that I know off sells a LPG powered car. Surely they are missing a trick? I see plenty of LPG stations everywhere so range anxiety should not be a problem.
  19. You’re right. It’s not physics or chemistry; just common sense.
  20. End result, more bombing in Kyiv, leaving more parts without power or electricity. Not a winning strategy for Ukraine but maybe for another country.
  21. Nevertheless, the end result is that the grain shipments are disrupted. The countries that have been receiving the grain, be it poor nations in Africa or European nations will now be paying more for the grain. So sad.
  22. Kerch Bridge got bombed, Ukraine got the sh*t bombed out of them. Didn’t they realise that bombing the ships that escorted the grain ships would also have consequences? Either stupidity or intent to escalate.
  23. You made a claim, I made a counter claim. Unfortunately neither of us can back up our claims so both are unsubstantiated.
  24. Apologies, I forgot to add that it would be bad for many suppliers if Chinese tourism doesn’t resume soon.
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