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Everything posted by pedro01

  1. You think gay people aren't normal people? Wowser.
  2. A good move in my opinion but it really depends on the offences included. California is suffering from an epidemic of shoplifting after the passing of Prop 47 in 2014, which made shoplifting items valued at more than $950 a misdemeanor in California. Not quite the same thing but if you give a get out of jail free card for some crimes, it's reasonable to expect them to occur more frequently.
  3. This is a good point. I came up with this the other day and whilst I agree that "It's no sausage without meat" - I still had no idea what to click.
  4. We hear a lot of people in Thailand talk about how they couldn't live in Bangkok because it's too crowded/noisy/polluted. I feel like a lot of people who make these comments have probably only been to the CBD and not spent much time out in the suburbs where life runs (in my experience) at a much slower pace and it's less crowded. Anyone got any thoughts on this? Did you choose to live in the center of Bangkok or somewhere quieter? And how is it working out?
  5. Sure - my point is that there is a reason for Hooters to exist in the US and it does the "flirt with the customer" thing waaaaaaaaaaay better than they did it in Pattaya. Language barrier I guess. But without the harmless fun you get in the US - the place simply can't live up to the US Hooters experience. Without that - it's just a bar with a bit of eye candy in a town rife with eye candy.
  6. Aimed at expats? Why would you limit yourself when 99% of the population is Thai?
  7. Bangkok has suburbs too. It's quite nice where I am - there are lots of Klongs if you want a walk and it's not too built up (yet). I think it's a good balance of having everything that Bangkok has to offer, whilst not being stuck in the thick of it in terms of traffic/pollution. This is the 2 kids out with me for a walk - during COVID - hence the masks.
  8. The 'concept' of Hooters isn't just the appearance of the girls. I've been to MANY hooters in the US and the girls there like to have a laugh and flirt with the customers a bit. Thats always been missing in Hooters here, probably because of the language barrier. Its an experience in the US, an escape from political correctness, a bit of harmless fun. It never had that vibe here.
  9. Head over to Soi 11. Plenty of decent, modern bars/clubs with up to date music.
  10. With Sweden in, NATO will be undefeatable.
  11. Looking good at 43 years young.
  12. Well, I imagine he's quite poor - and it's hard to look down on him without walking a mile in his shoes.
  13. They need this in the UK. Presuming there's a cloud powered version...
  14. Your options are... - THC oil - which I find a bit hit and miss due to the amount of time you need to let it sit under your tongue - gummies - which I prefer as you can better control the dose. There's plenty of imported gummies from CA here. For a first timer, 20mg of THC should be sufficient to help you sleep. So it should be fairly inexpensive. It does take an hour or so to properly hit you, more if you take on a full stomach - smoke/vape - which is the fastest way to get the effect. When you buy the weed, make sure you get Indica and not Sativa as Sative can keep you awake, whereas Indica will have you nodding off nicely. If you can't get a pure Indica strain then get a hybrid that is 80/20 Indica/Sativa.
  15. Actually - they are catering to a completely different audience. Not everyone wants to sit in a beer bar with a Leo wife-beater on from lunchtime.
  16. Actually - if you read the article - it seems like you might have to get them BEFORE you arrive in Thailand.... That means the online travel agents will need to somehow add this to their systems (they might not want to). It's also a bit unclear what goods or services you need to buy to get a free sim card.
  17. Seems like a smart move to me. I recall it was open 24x7 back in the late 90s - that was a hoot.
  18. Carabao are OK Band for me - but I think Maleehuana are way better. The lead singers voice is haunting - well worth a listen.
  19. Are you suggesting there are villages here with no electricity or banks available?
  20. and any bets on whether that toddler had a helmet on...
  21. I am not sure that would make things better. I bank in Isle of Man and they definitely have no double taxation agreement with Thailand. There are privacy laws that may help - but I fail to see how this would help at all.
  22. I have a high-ish offshore income but I have no plans to leave. We've had it good for a long time and it's yet to be seen how this will all play out - but I like it here and I never chose Thailand for the tax benefits.
  23. it's not one of their coolest features for sure
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