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Everything posted by pedro01

  1. Well, that'll scare the government. Its right though, docs wont prescribe weed when they get paid to sell pharmaceuticals. Plus theres still those that doubt the medical benefits.
  2. I know people that have/had problems with weed. One was a girl and her case was very severe and she ended up in detox. For some it's an escape. Myself - never seem to have had a problem with it at all - except a bit of a cough after a long session.
  3. My pre-legalization hook up has started plugging his brand on Line again. He'd gone quiet and opened a shop. Prices are cheaper too. He had a medical M license all the time but obviously his 'sales channels' were non medical ???? Not sure if the timing is coincidental but looks like he's going back to the old delivery model.
  4. why - you think Srettha was just spit balling?
  5. This is going to be the trick. That 8-10 million Baht is savings, not earnings. Taxing your savings when you bring them in will need to somehow be separated - making the whole thing a farce IMO
  6. And the strain you are putting on your heart will take it's toll some at some point. It's not healthy.
  7. yeah - that's what I meant - when Thaksin was in charge ????
  8. I was going to say - they tried this already during Thaksin's reign didn't they? And they turned out to be a pile of crapola.
  9. Actually - it caught fire then crashed ????
  10. I'd stick with major brands too.
  11. I paid sin sod - basically enough to cover the price of the wedding - which was a blast in Isaan. We had a mor lam band playing on a stage in a rice field - and the wedding ended in gunfire. Epic. Still married 16 years later...
  12. different groups of people.... I wasn't a fan of Thaksin when he was PM to be honest - especially after the red shirts took Rajadamri... But after Prayut - I would have Thaksin back as PM in a heartbeat. The country has stagnated under the military and they still have their fingers in a lot of the pies. So yeah - people can change their minds on him. I know I did.
  13. would he have been convicted by an independent judiciary? One case was a government loan to Myanmar for a billion dollars at rates that caused a loss on the loan. The money was for telecomms equipment from Thaksins company. I think for that case, the answer is yes, an independent court would likely have found him guilty.
  14. Considering it was a toss up between a Shinawatra and Srettha for their candidate for PM - I would say it's a safe bet that the influence is there.
  15. What laws did they break?
  16. This has all been agreed. Its a done deal. If rules bend a bit, dont be shocked.
  17. The famous "does Bruno Mars is gay" is still the gold standard in absolute gobbledegook - https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/does-bruno-mars-is-gay
  18. can someone translate this article for me? Except this bit, which is a gem "He had been shot and killed once more"
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