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Everything posted by pedro01

  1. She saw a psychiatrist who said she's good, fortunately. She was shaken, walking into school the first time was tough but she seems to have put it in the past where it belongs.
  2. 1 expulsion, the rest suspended. The school took it seriously after some 'nudging' My gal went back to school for 2 weeks before the break up
  3. Actually, unless this news is a reprint from somewhere in the past decade - this is a second!
  4. That's hilarious. You talk about 'they' deciding when the president will step down. Clearly you dont think or care if Biden is in control. Democracy is officially over in the US.
  5. Name calling doesnt work any more. It shows a lack of class/character but also reveals a lack of actual talking points. Hitler, felon, rapist, pedophile - the left tried it all but none of it stuck on the Teflon Don. It just ended up backfiring on the left.
  6. Lololol That train left the station on Saturday. You just look silly repeating this rhetoric now.
  7. He is an actor. You really want another Trump?
  8. If women in general aren't interested in you, it might not be them.
  9. Teera needs to take his cup of tea, shove it where the sun dont shine and 'f' off while he's doing it. I get people not drinking. I cant fathom trying to stop others drinking.
  10. Thats always been a bumpy route - I've had the same tokyo/lax. It seems to be signifucantly worse Sept-Oct in my experience.
  11. I got baked bean bin Villa last week - about 80thb. As for the couple - anyone that comes on holiday in Thailand and eats baked beans - should have gone to Malaga instead.
  12. Why would factory workers get drunk all day? Do you look down at them?
  13. Yeah - swinging the pendulum in the other direction is still racism.
  14. We just gonna let that "humanized mice" comment slide?
  15. Correct. No impact on the election. Trump is set to win by a landslide. Nobody wants Kamala as President.
  16. Unfair poll - taken at 8am to 10am Saturday - all the stoners were still unresponsive
  17. What a vivid imagination. The family whose "dad is ok" are not even from Thailand. Must be very strange living in fear.
  18. One thing. I did speak to the father of the boy that had his scholarship revoked (we spoke b4 the scholarship was revoked). He promised his kid would have his devices taken away - but the kid was still on social media. The kid even sent social media messages saying "my mom is angry but my dad's ok".
  19. Another boy is suspended. This is the lad that touched her in the pool. I spent a lot of time on the phone with his dad, who genuinely appears disgusted with his son's behaviour. He detailed the punishment his son will suffer over the long summer holidays - it is tortuous enough to believe his parents are putting in best efforts to prevent it recurring. He even told me "if you go to the police, we wont stand in your way" they told the kid the same thing.
  20. Back to topic. Daughter is still shaken. Spent yesterday watching movies with her. One boy has had his scholarship revoked and wil not be back at school. Meeting with school in a few hrs.
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