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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. Check out soi 11 lots of clubs there some rock mostly DJ
  2. The other 2 will be up to their home countries to make a deal with the Thais. Would suggest they do about 7 here and then get deported.
  3. No will to do so and people ignore them anyway. Here is a novel idea: put a bounty on all people riding bikes without helmets. For every ticket written and paid, the RTP person who writes it gets 20 baht. The person writing the most tickets in each province gets 10K Divide bangkok into quarters so there are more cops looking.
  4. He may have also thought that if he moved to the side, he would be ok. After living on a main railway and seeing many deaths, people do not realize that trains will suck you in if you are too close. It is not a pretty sight but he was not standing in front of the train if they could do a visual of the body. She may have identified him by the bike and other things.
  5. Good luck with that. Remember teh senate? Everyone thought it would be better lol Until they get a real chance to redo the constitution, there are always going to be issues.
  6. They arenot powerless to make a decision they are powerless to subpeona a person. That could be a good thing. It means that Thaksin can have the power to come in and speak or not. If he does speak then he can be asked a lot of questins that he probably would not like answered as well as a look at his books. If the ECC sees smoke they can then boot it up to the NACC for them to make the next call. That would tie in BIG TIME WITH THE PAPERWORK THAT WAS JUST SUBMITTED and would not be a good look for PTP or Thaksin. It is possible that the NACC could disband PTP bar Thaksin and his family from any involvement in politics (including money)
  7. I always use experts. That way, I can save as much money as possible and ensure that I am doing it right. Also, having someone navigate things for me is never a bad thing here, so I do not miss anything in translation. LOL
  8. So the military party is dead. We are now back to a 3 party system with many hangers-on. PP PTP BJT This will get interesting.
  9. The headline should not be tht he is being investigated the headline shuld be the people signing onto the charge. You have 2 people that, for the longest time, were diametrically opposed to each other, along with the money behind one of the other parties. You can be sure that if they are involved, the i's have been crossed and the T's crossed, and there is enough information and proof to make these charges stick. Thisis one that the NACC can not just slide under the table. Thaksin and teh PTO may be in trouble now.
  10. Great info. I am truly surprised that there are no accountants who are searching for Expats. You would think there is a very large market especially for an English speaking accountant or tax specialist
  11. The big problem I have is that you have a big price tag and get just enough to call a snack. Give me RR Rib at Landmark at least there you get a meal that fills you up.
  12. Rayong would be the best location BUT does it hve the ability to handle the people and infrastucture. Chatuchak is a good spot; however, you are closing off all buses in that area. Access to the JJ market will be screwed, and traffic on Vibhadi Rangsit will be a joke when it is busiest. Not just for the race weekend but also for gearing up as they have to redo all the roads and routes. The other catch is that the price for a ticket will be way out of the means of most people living here. It might bring people to the city but again it is only going to benefit the 5 str hotels
  13. The death penalty is a detterent and should be on the books BUT take a look at the crimes that we have had recently that should have been deathrow. Cyanide Annie for one. Major drug lords for another. Itf the drug lords are left in prison they a can still run their organizations from within the wals. The simple solution is to have the death penalty and actually use it for these crimes. I agree that a person could be innocent, but in the cases mentioned, there is little doubt. The bottom line is that people in this country and those visiting are warned about the laws on drugs. I kind of like Indonesia and their system. Anyone want to know google Bali 9.
  14. No, the difference 40 years ago was that when you bought, you got what you bought, although some added PCP or the weed that you bought was really weeds. Now these days, because of lack of care as well as worry about the police if you buy real cocaine or drugs, they make thier own and call it Also 40 years ago kids were usually smarter and would not just buy off of joe shmo.
  15. I just wondered if you have been to any of the major hotels here in Thailand. Most of the staff that look after your room are not Thai. They have a work visa that allows them to work here for a set period of time.
  16. There is a reason I am sure that Daddy picked little sister instead of him. It could be that he dropped out of Thammasat or that he got caught cheating during a Poli Sci exam. I don't think anyone in the Thaksin family farts unless they check with Thaksin
  17. Considering that this 40-something man still lives at home and has no real job on his own, I would say that he is under daddy's control as well as his sister's. Something tells me that Tony is doing what he has done every time he got in power. Push the line and get burnt when the elite say enough and disband his party and remove it from power. Consider that the last 2 coups were due to his government over stepping the line. I think he is going for strike 3. It will depend on how the elite feel they control the senate. If they have firm control of the senate, then they have firm control of the government for now and will be happy to see if BJT can convince powers that be to let it form a government to run the country.
  18. Samet would be good go to the resorts away fro the dock
  19. Huge difference between people that walk across the border and those that are invited and go through the legal H2B visa process. I will bet that a lot of these people are making a hell of a good salary to send home.
  20. I am average for a 68 yearo old farang LOL but all the girls tell me I am HANDSUM lol
  21. NO, but as a hetero, I, like everyone else, can rate a woman's beauty. Tell me that when you go out, you do not look at girls and look twice at the good-looking but see girls that are average looking or not your type.
  22. It isn ot how I rate myself it is how she rates with other girls working in her market.
  23. No, what they are saying is that Daddy needs to be there to actually move the strings and do the ventriloquist acts with the Paetong puppet.
  24. What is her ability level in the sciences? I have a few students who had trouble with that, and they found a school that could help them and tutor them. That is the best way. What does she want to study in medicine? There are various levels, ie being a nurse is not as strenuous as being a doctor.
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