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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. I am finding that i want to do less and less banking with Canada. However, there is still the need for a credit card once in awhile. I have funds in my account at Kasikorn and am wondering if i can do the old credit card with a limit attached to my bank account. I have had the account for 13 years and am on retirement for the same period
  2. a couple of thoughts 1. what is the punishment or what happens when you re stopped is there a breathalyzer asnd if you blow over what do the poice do ( I am not talking about brown envelopes) 2. To me it seems just as the people that lose theirl ives by living in dried river beds during monsoon season in India and Pakistan Songkran and NYE are Darwins way of controlling population and removing those of a lesser IQ. Drinking and driving, drinking and driving on a motorcycle and of course drinking and driving on a motorcycle at high speed with no helmet. The only way people are going to learn is if there are paddy wagons at the check points and people are actually arrested and taken to jail. Let's face it taking away a licence is not going to stop people here anymore than it stops people in NA. Drunks are going to drink and drunks if they have a vehicle are going to drive. The only deterrent is jail time and monitoring.
  3. My mistake old age just realized 2011 first time in Pattaya Revised history first sign getting old
  4. Starting in Toronto, Sue ran a call-in radio show where anyone, male, female, young or old, could call and ask anonymously any question they wanted about sex and would get an honest no-holds-barred answer. The topics ranged from birth control to how to make the happy to where to get assistance. Even there would be young teenagers able to call in and ask her opinion on their boyfriend's age and desires or what her peers were trying to convince her of. She ended up syndicated across NA. for those tht do not understand here is a brief history of Nurse Sue
  5. YOu obviously do not search the fun spots on the internet. There are thousands of people all over the world making money online through different pay systems. Do you think that everyone on Onlyfans is just showing family pics or how they dress on a night out or at the beach? Also some people like the bigger girls.
  6. I think people forgetting is what the military counted on they did a lot just before the election to look better but the damage had been done. I am hoping that the MFP have learned a few things about what they need to do to resolve issues. Like naming more than one person and making sure they are squeaky clean. I agree, though, that the military/elite will prepare the best they can to put in the stop gaps. But with fewer senators (supposedly) AND a PTP that may hemorrhage votes, the MFP should be stronger. You can best be sure that they are going to remind people of the games that were played to rob Thais of their government, It is going ot be interesting to see how well some of these parties do. I think the Dems are finished as a significant power party. The military parties will win some seats, but a lot of people are not going to be happy being reminded of the games they played, including letting Thaksi back into the country on a sweetheart deal. The idea that it will all be forgotten is a false narrative. You can be sure that people will be reminded, especially if the PTP screws up and does almost nothing they promised.
  7. In May, when the Senate changes, there is going to have to be some sort of vote, be it in the House of rep or somehow. Any attempt by the PTP coalition to simply appoint people they want will not make people happy and could cause an election at best or be strongly remembered and ridiculed in the next election, whenever that is. The PTP made a lot of promises and so far has kept none of them. The more they are shown to be military puppets, the worse it gets for them in the next election. Also, according to the constitution, there will only be 200 this time.
  8. The military is not going to be so quick to let her back in. She is their bargaining chip for the Senate elections.
  9. I agree with Sheryl. I have had cats that went outdoors and cats that lived in my house. Most just want to go out look around and come home. My present cat lives in my apartment and is quite happy but does not like to go outdoors unless it is on the balcony. The area I agree on is dogs. I have watched people living in areas where there is no room for dogs to roam. Do need a big yard, Unfortunatley if yo do not have a cage for your bird to live in the odds are that you willnot have the bird long.
  10. thanks, that is what I thought. I just have to be a good boy never had any issues doing it for 12 years, but I thought I would check. LOL
  11. That is the big question and is going to play a huge part in what happens this year for this country. There is no way the elite and army are going to give up the power that they have, yet PTP also has to get some of their supporters in there. The bottom line is that no matter what, unless there is a fair election for the Senate, the MFP will not get any support from the Senate for the next PM.
  12. LOL you are missing the point. First, I disagree. I think that you will see an increase in accidents and deaths. Also, any accident that has booze involved after 2 am will be attributed to the new rules. The SET is also based on the national economy. Very few of the companies listed are NA-based. It is affected by the stabilty of the country and right now tht is not so hot. 20 baht will not work or happen on all lines. The government can not afford to lower the rate for the main line from Khu Kot to Keha. That would mean that they would have to subsidize the private copy that runs it, and they are already deep in debt to them. To be honest, if you ask most people who take it, they have a hard time wanting it because the trains are already overflowing during rush hour times. Yes they would not mind cheaper rail but weighed against a 30-minute wait jammed on the platform at Morchit Siam or other stops no thank you Ther will not be an election in 3 years I would honestly be surprised if there was not one in 2024 or early 2025
  13. Yeah, it is one of the last mainstays of the area. I went there in the mid 90s. It really hasn't changed over time. Good food and also a family-type atmosphere. I agree the view from there is awesome and so is the food. I think the girl issue is simple they are trying to run a family or group bar. are yo sure the sgn was not for the bars that you have to pass to get to the restaurant
  14. My 90 days is up on 7 Jan, but I must also renew my retirement extension by 30 Jan. I re-submitted my online 90-day report. Will I get an extension, or should I just restart the process? Or should I submit my paperwork before 7 Jan? Let's face it, next week is going to be a busy week.
  15. YOu know it is not that long ago that countries were complaining about Thailand flooding the market with cheap knock offs. China started to produce things cheaper.
  16. Are you talking about the restaurant? Yes, it is nice. I think the best suggestion is just to go to an area and check them out there are some bars that do not have loud music along Beach Road but then again they don't need it because of the neighbors lol
  17. The PTP is walking a tightrope. so far they have done nothing to help the people or give them what they need. The question is what happens in May. The newly formed Senate is going to make a huge difference, BUT again, how much will the military demand and control the choices? Theoretically, it is supposed to be by election, BUT election and appointment by the MPs will not work for the military. If the 10k falls apart, there is a rise in death due to booze, and the country does not start to see the SET start to rise, there are going to be concerns. If the 20 baht system is not installed across the BTS MRT, there will be concerns. If BA grads do not see the 25k jobs, there will be concerns. The biggest one is going to be Thaksin and what happens after he is released. If it turns out that on his release date, he has a miraculous recovery and all his ailments are cured, then the Miltary, Dems, and BJP are in a world of hurt. The other main concern is what is going to happen to Pita and the MFP. If the NAAC and Elections try to disband the party, that will be the end for most of these groups. It is going to be an interesting 6 months for sure. PTP lasting 3 years NOT A CHANCE.
  18. The challenge is that people keep going there, so there is no need to hurry to fix things that are broken or corrupted. If you are biblical, consider that 19 years ago today, god tried to rid the world of the Sodom and Gomorrah of Phuket only to have the people build it back up bigger and more corrupt. The people still flock there the beaches are still the same. If people expect change, they need to do it with their pocketbooks. They really do not care if you leave unhappy because they know that in an hour, another plane of tourists with more money and a high sex drive is arriving. Hotels are full they can still afford to jack their prices. Why worry is some woman is upset bout the AC int he cab.
  19. This has about as much to do with Islam as Healous Thai BF kills ex because she left him. This is again an unstable Thai manchild that could not get his way so he acted like a child. After living in Pakistan for 3 years I can tell you that Islamic countries just like Christian or Buddhist countries have its share of wackos
  20. No offense but once you get over the squirts you might want to try. The aroma would be a HUGE turn off
  21. Forget the poor it is worse now across the board. In every country. The cascade started with the boomers and what our parents gave as a false motto. Go to school geta a good education get a good job with a company with a good retirement plan and you are set for life. Many of us bought that and because we have no retirement we have to keep working. This means fewer jobs for young people. In Thailand the idea used to be mom and dad move in with oldest that's not happening because kids can't afford a house big enough
  22. My advice pop in to a clinic and get some antibiotics to kill the bug that was in your curry. Electrolytes will also help but you need meds to kill the bugs
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