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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. The deal is to know what you want and be reasonable. Been here 15 years had numerous long time gf. Stayed away from the young 20-30 group because I know I would die younger and have little in common. I asked a 20 something on a date site why she was interested in some one late 50. She was honest I have money fairly stable and she will be in her 50 and able to find another husband after I croak.
  2. Eventually, one of these complaints is going to stick. As for Thaksin, I think the BJT and military are holding that over his head to make him a good boy and to keep him in their lane. Once he strays, they will drop the ball, and he will be gone. The absence of the PTP is a significant issue. Without their influence, the military elite is unable to establish a government. zThat would mean an election and I am not sure anyone wants that right now.
  3. What does she do all day if you do everything, It might be an idea to go out get out of the house more and visit places. As to her condition, it might be an idea to get her to see a doctor although that is like pulling hens teeth The comments about that is thai ladies is in fact true they hold it in but when it comes out Look out.
  4. Agreed but it's better than what they don't have now. Also you can make anyone signing off on inspection libel if found to have done brown envelopes. Again not the best but
  5. The arranged marriage is the biggest problem kids 14 years old are married to fat old men and are forced to do their wifely duties even if they have no idea. Or desire
  6. Hey it worked for thaksin. Courts should try him in absentia once charged the statute is looked after.
  7. The driver is definitley at fault for the deaths. I think what op is talking about is simply these questions What were 2 14 year old girls doing out at that hour or the night? Why were they not at least wearing helmets. (I agree probably woud not have helped BUT) Why are Thais not mandated to get drivers lilcenses and real traiing. Thai education talks a lot abut getting kids ready for theworld. maybe running a nike course and teaching the kids the rules wouod not be a bad idea. Again I am not taking way frmt eh driver of the trucks responsibilty BUT would you let your son or daughter drive a motor bike in any of the major cities at that hour of the night.
  8. Everyone wants to get rich quick why should we be surprised we see it every where else in the world as well. Suddenly Somchai is not the burden mom thaught he was and dad who hasnothing to do with him since birth and probably denied him as a child is looking for money. hle I agree that there has to be some sort of pemna;lty punishment I think the governemtn making these hand outs is sending the wrong message. All they are going to do is increase the level of people that abuse money and don't care about kids. Help with counselling the families. Put the money that will be wasted gvien to paretns into making the system better and creating a way to try to stop these indicents. Set up a national system where buses and large trucks need to be checked and licened by teh government on a yearly basis with drivers keeping not only a log of their hours driving but also a log of all maintenance to vehicles and any issues on a trip.
  9. I would be interested to know what vehicles they were riding. i.e. how many are due to riding a motorcycle without proper head attire or being secured to the bike? I have a feeling that school buses are safer than riding motorbikes. Also how many are from ikd riding bikes that they shouldnot be with too many passengers.
  10. It is a great way to raise funds and ensure that the ladies are bug-free and stay healthy. The people who will be upset are the cops in the areas that will lose money Would also make it mandatory that all streetwalkers be registered for" tax" purposes also. Or they can do like some places and crack down on the street prostitution and drive it into businesses and buildings. I might not be able to sell myself but hey I can open a ฟาร์มไก่ farm Ki
  11. LoL I love it. Using Clinton news network for Dems Is like saying hannity is middle of the road.
  12. You obviously don't live around here. There are no soi dogs in the area the road is pretty good. There has to have been a bus problem or a driver problem. I hope they check the under carriage and doa blood test of the driver. The only good thing was that it happened near a really good hospital
  13. I think there has to be some sort of control process. Not so much restricting but licenising and knowing who is brewing in what area in case of problems with the brews
  14. Pelosi. AOC the squad. Consider that the DNC used to be for middle class. Now it is for the rich, Hollywood and the far left. The GOP has always been the religious party. Kennedy became president as an anomaly catholic Both parties still have their roots somewhere you just don't hear about them. But consider that trump is probably going to set records for percentage of Latin and black votes by a GOP candidate.
  15. Reminds me of the old story of a white guy and black guy discussing the subject White guy says that coloured people have issues. Black guy asks who you calling colored You get cold your skin turn blue You lay out in sun it turns brown You get angry it turns red I am Black no matter what happens to me. So who are you calling coloured
  16. The question I have is why did the bar let him get that drunk. Chances are there were signs that he had already had more than enough. I know it's a tough call but
  17. NO, I think she is going to be the Asian salad lady. Make grandiose statements but not have a plan to do it. Raising min wage is not gong to do it if it did then LALA land would be the most prosperous in the world. 20/hr Rotten Ronnie
  18. Can you have a poll of leaders and not include Anutin and why if Thaksin is not supposed to be involved in politics and is not an active member of the PTP is he included. I also agree Prawit as an active leader should have been involved. This was a mickey mouse poll probably by a friends of T group
  19. The other option is to have the Thai person that owns the company sign a rental contract with you. You then just have to show that info. The challenge you might run into is them checking to see if it is a legit company.
  20. They will run in some form or other and be assured they will dot all I and cross all T's, We all know the powers tht be will be looking for loopholes. That is why they do not want to see an amendment to the Constitution; it would take away the NCPO's power. The only thing stopping the PTP and PP from joining forces on this is the fear that Thaksin will go back to jail. Remember, PT and PP have the majority. The one thing they lack is trust in each other.
  21. Paetong was asked how she thought daddy would look in prison and she would feel if she got the boot as PM There will be no changes to the NCPO charter as long as the NCPO backers are still inpower. The only way things change is if the People's Party gets a majority and the Senate gets the boot.
  22. Actually, you are safer with a bar girl than any other lady out there as they realize the need for condoms, showers, and looking at your johnson. The challenge is the average Thai girl knows nothing about birth control or safe sex. Hence there are so many young girls having difficulties. Also, the fact that she goes for Adrink and ends up in his room on her first date tells me this is not her first encounter.
  23. The probolem that American voters have is Which do you choose A President that to many is not likeable but at least has policies and is telling people what he will do. He has a business background and has made things happen in the real world, making a lot of people rich. Is known to be hated by other countries because he will not put up with their crap. OR The junior member of the GAFF machine. A lady with no policies. That can not talk without having a script and teleprompter. She will not be available to the press, and every time she meets a head of state, she laughs and giggles and gets nothing done. She has never had to build anything her staff leave her because of her working style. Screwed up the border The MAGA and GOP is going to support TRUMP. The Liberal left and black vote is starting to falter and may not come out. The question then becomes who do the independents see as their best chance to get the country sorted out/.
  24. There has never been a love affair or even tolerate affair between the elites and thaksin. The elite are opening doors and showing thaksin the stick if he doesn't follow what they want.
  25. Serial petitioner Srisuwan Janya is the main reason for this. There has to be a method of looking at MPs and senators, but this guy is ridiculous. If an MP farts, he submits a grievance. It is the same with LM. They need to have a screening system but there also must be a real means to monitor.
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