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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. My 90 days is up on 7 Jan, but I must also renew my retirement extension by 30 Jan. I re-submitted my online 90-day report. Will I get an extension, or should I just restart the process? Or should I submit my paperwork before 7 Jan? Let's face it, next week is going to be a busy week.
  2. for some, it will be masks OFF lol
  3. YOu know it is not that long ago that countries were complaining about Thailand flooding the market with cheap knock offs. China started to produce things cheaper.
  4. Are you talking about the restaurant? Yes, it is nice. I think the best suggestion is just to go to an area and check them out there are some bars that do not have loud music along Beach Road but then again they don't need it because of the neighbors lol
  5. The PTP is walking a tightrope. so far they have done nothing to help the people or give them what they need. The question is what happens in May. The newly formed Senate is going to make a huge difference, BUT again, how much will the military demand and control the choices? Theoretically, it is supposed to be by election, BUT election and appointment by the MPs will not work for the military. If the 10k falls apart, there is a rise in death due to booze, and the country does not start to see the SET start to rise, there are going to be concerns. If the 20 baht system is not installed across the BTS MRT, there will be concerns. If BA grads do not see the 25k jobs, there will be concerns. The biggest one is going to be Thaksin and what happens after he is released. If it turns out that on his release date, he has a miraculous recovery and all his ailments are cured, then the Miltary, Dems, and BJP are in a world of hurt. The other main concern is what is going to happen to Pita and the MFP. If the NAAC and Elections try to disband the party, that will be the end for most of these groups. It is going to be an interesting 6 months for sure. PTP lasting 3 years NOT A CHANCE.
  6. The challenge is that people keep going there, so there is no need to hurry to fix things that are broken or corrupted. If you are biblical, consider that 19 years ago today, god tried to rid the world of the Sodom and Gomorrah of Phuket only to have the people build it back up bigger and more corrupt. The people still flock there the beaches are still the same. If people expect change, they need to do it with their pocketbooks. They really do not care if you leave unhappy because they know that in an hour, another plane of tourists with more money and a high sex drive is arriving. Hotels are full they can still afford to jack their prices. Why worry is some woman is upset bout the AC int he cab.
  8. This has about as much to do with Islam as Healous Thai BF kills ex because she left him. This is again an unstable Thai manchild that could not get his way so he acted like a child. After living in Pakistan for 3 years I can tell you that Islamic countries just like Christian or Buddhist countries have its share of wackos
  9. No offense but once you get over the squirts you might want to try. The aroma would be a HUGE turn off
  10. Forget the poor it is worse now across the board. In every country. The cascade started with the boomers and what our parents gave as a false motto. Go to school geta a good education get a good job with a company with a good retirement plan and you are set for life. Many of us bought that and because we have no retirement we have to keep working. This means fewer jobs for young people. In Thailand the idea used to be mom and dad move in with oldest that's not happening because kids can't afford a house big enough
  11. My advice pop in to a clinic and get some antibiotics to kill the bug that was in your curry. Electrolytes will also help but you need meds to kill the bugs
  12. Being Canadian has its advantage we can still do monthly with a letter from the embassy and bank statement Bank account is a hassle that you may need to save ATM fee. I came in on 3month. Jack I thought first year was free 800 needed to renew. When did that change.
  13. It would be interesting to know if they are able to flag your entry in the system so that the Land crossings can see things.
  14. WOW I did not realize this was going to be so big a topic thanks everyone for the input. Also GF is happy I amnow wering a mask more often on the BTS and in crowds
  15. I don't think it is a simpler view of life. We had our issues in the 70's as well Gay men, aids, black white, native Cdn and immigrants. The big differences are that in those days you had to be accountable for your beleifs. There was ot the disparaty of media we didnot have social media that you could hide from. If you sent a text it was from your phone under your name not some unknown that you could hide behind. people back then were also more willing to discuss issues and not label people just because we slightly differed. Vegetarions were strange but we did not label them nor did we hear them calling us murderers. Gilrs that played road hockey, climbed trees and played war were not misgendered they were just tomboys that liked playing with their friends. Businesses ran on making money and providing a good service and good product for a fair price. This de4cade is going hrough it's own version of the summer of love and glower power, The one thing they have not figured out is that like they will once they get into the real world work force and try to raise a family a lot of what they are preaching about disappears.
  16. I agree but would also sue him. In this country it is illegal not to have I'd the cops know who it is if you called them to investigate. If you didn't then it is your fault so just pay.
  17. 4 words GET A GOOD LAWYER. They are not going to talk to a farang. They will talk to a lawyer who can find other upset people and file a legal claim.
  18. That's the part that confuses me. It is such a small part of the population why is the left liberals cowtowing to it or are they that desperate for a cause.
  19. How many DUI charges were laid Personally I think most bars will close do to lack of customers after NYE
  20. Firstr few years I used to leave presents at houses after eveyone went to bed. Parents used to tell GF to thank me and she just looked at them asking what for. LOL Only stopped because they all grew up.
  21. Canadian Military GUYS will kick your assets. It is the politicians that are pussies. None of the Liberal following of Petit Pierre ever served in the military. The Trudeau family has been trying for decades to castrate the military. He sees what Joe is doing and is trying to out woke him. 40 years ago the liberal government put a separatist in the minister spot. The idiot refused to talk to Anglo or bilingual Anglo soldiers. in order to ensure that he had the base commander send us all home. Since it was a Friday, we all went to the mess and started beer calls early. Talk about a lot of pissed-off Franco phones as they had to stay at work and talk to the idiot. the local MP invited me for a beer after a town function because she wanted to know what happened. The Base Commander came to sit down and join her but she told hm to leave. My Monday morning was interesting to say the least. Enrollment will decrease, and it will be interesting to see what happens to these machines. LOL Surprising what can happen in a room with no cameras.
  22. Masks were widely used and sold here prior to covid during the winter months against the PM2.5 and flu season. I think that was part of the reason that it was so easy for people to start wearing them with covid. most of them already were.
  23. The Democratic Party was the military elite's arm of power. Unfortunately for them, the military decided that they wanted their own party and that killed the Dems. The next blow to the party was not reading the tea leaves. When they realized they were being abandoned unfortunately the old guard said they could march through. The prognosis for this party is that they will become like a lot of other Thai parties just a vehicle for a couple of old men to get more money out of the system and maintain a semblance of power. When you court and vote for your long-time rival PTP then you are admitting you are done and dusted and do not really mean what you say. Then you bring in an old fossil that said he would quit if they lost as your leader instead of someone younger who understands where the people are going.
  24. on here it is not his mouth lol
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