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Posts posted by Smokemachine

  1. "I continued working until a stone hit one of the cats living here. I wanted to save the poor animal, so I carried it in my arms and ran away," she said, adding that when she returned she found that her desk had been ransacked.

    So now the cat is the alibi of this office lady, proving that after the lady returned from running away, they found her desk been ransacked.



  2. I was wondering when they might get around to gathering evidence on the roof.

    The article made no mention of them even venturing up there for the first step in their investigation.

    I wasn't expecting any conclusions, just that hopefully during their inspection of the building that they might wander up there and look into the most pressing issue regarding the building.

    They don't have to go up to the rooftop to investigate for the first step. Why? They already knew what's going on exactly.. why still waste time to check??

    Oops.. Before other op start to bash me, i admitted this is my own assumption.



  3. He said that at 9.15am on Thursday two male protesters had climbed a building and sprayed live rounds down on police officers below, killing Pol Senior Sgt-Major Narong Pitisit, a traffic policeman from Bangkok's Talat Phlu Police Station.

    Luckily these 2 protestors were so well camouflaged that they weren't seen by the drone or by the 10 police in black that were on that same roof.

    For some reason this press release has the sound of Chalerm about it, hick.


    Yes, this YouTube clip shows Sutheps men in action.▶Sutheps men in action- YouTube

    This is just an isolated indecent. Most protesters are kind hearted generous people like you and me.

    This is a fake video exposed by some facebook friends. These are the real policemen impersonating as protesters. Inside the video,i think they mentioned getting gun inside the car. How come they know there are guns inside the car? The guys hit the car window not long after, it seems like there is someone inside the van and he threw all the stuff out to the floor. Lastly at 6.38 you can see a guy standing back in the video saluting to a man who approach him. It's should be his superior.

    People can have different perspectives. But overall many viewers has feedback great doubts in this video clip.

    • Like 1
  4. Like I have said before; Why call for an uprising against the caretaker government when all this idiot has to do is wait 6 more weeks for the election then the Thais will make their own decision who they want running their country.

    Seems quite stupid to me really. I mean why doesn't he just spend the next 6 weeks on his campaign stratagy and follow the King's ruling?

    Very simple really; an election has been called so let the people elect.

    The thing is he doesn't want the people to have a say. He wants to speak for them and make the country his own.

    Yes, he does not want the people to vote because they refuse to vote the way he wants. Thus, he advocates an undemocratic council to run the country and protect the Sino-Thai elites from the people - the rural Thais in the north, northeast and other parts of the country. We should not forget that urban people in the north and northeast also do not support him.

    We should not forget that urban people in the north and northeast also do not support him.

    May i know who are the urban people you mentioned? Which area? Does they represent the others?

  5. And here we also have the uniform group at the top assassinating people

    Another link is the police are providing real ammunitions to the anti-riot police.



    First link:

    I see many injured. Some of them are compatible with rubber bullet wounds, sure not live rounds. I see someone on the roof. They can be anti riot police, but could be anyone else. Hardly can tell they are armed.

    Nothing new I'd say and no evidences.

    Second link:

    I see sure nothing well organized, weapons distributed. We are anyway in SE Asia, sure not in Japan, UK, US, Germany, France. What you would expect?

    And how this video would be connected with violent behaving of police or using live ammo, grenades?

    Believe me, if they would have want to be violent and use them we would be talking about another black day like back in May 2010.

    Is more shocking in my point of view the video of police attacking car. Even here we will never know what happened in real in that chance.

    I guess, over reaction from police to some order that car did not respect. But is just my guess, far from tell is an evidence.

    There's no need to post the same video many times. I saw it. I also asked you in another post: can you tell they are shooting from this video? Seriously?

    There are witnesses at the actual ground seeing shooting coming down from the rooftop.

    But if you ask me, what i see in this video is a bunch of youngsters playing firecrackers at the rooftop celebrating coming new year. What a good place they choose on the roof-top of the ministry’s building near the Thai-Japanese youth centre in Din Daeng which has isolated by the police.

    • Like 1
  6. maybe by sniper?? A cameraman got a photo of some uniform guy at the rooftop targeting people.

    And you are right it's best to stay away from the trouble.

    Got an info in the facebook, 1 of the girl in the car is a volunteer nurse.

    the one with the yellow shirt? Cops 've had it : picture of a machete wielding protestor before inside the stadium:

    And here we also have the uniform group at the top assassinating people

    Another link is the police are providing real ammunitions to the anti-riot police.



    First link:

    I see many injured. Some of them are compatible with rubber bullet wounds, sure not live rounds. I see someone on the roof. They can be anti riot police, but could be anyone else. Hardly can tell they are armed.

    Nothing new I'd say and no evidences.

    Second link:

    I see sure nothing well organized, weapons distributed. We are anyway in SE Asia, sure not in Japan, UK, US, Germany, France. What you would expect?

    And how this video would be connected with violent behaving of police or using live ammo, grenades?

    Believe me, if they would have want to be violent and use them we would be talking about another black day like back in May 2010.

    Is more shocking in my point of view the video of police attacking car. Even here we will never know what happened in real in that chance.

    I guess, over reaction from police to some order that car did not respect. But is just my guess, far from tell is an evidence.

  7. You are commenting after 'did not watch the whole thing' which means ignorance.

    It was totally disorganised (look it up in a dictionary) and you certainly won't learn anything by not watching it. I admit I could be mistaken about the grenades as I'm not a weapons expert.

    You're also making an accusation without proof and it would seem nothing but prejudice. I will remember to place zero credibility on your posts.

    The same poster who posted the video claimed that the first linked contained a photo of a uniformed group of people assassinating people. Even though all you saw in that photo was some people standing on a roof top. And that is people, as in plural. Even though only one fascist was killed. You then expect me to watch a video, several minutes long, from the same poster? That is not ignorance. That is just not being dumb.
    I know what disorganized means. I just didn't know what you meant by it.
    And accusing a group of people without evidence isn't OK to you, unless that group is Thaksin related, obviously.

  8. And here we also have the uniform group at the top assassinating people

    Another link is the police are providing real ammunitions to the anti-riot police.



    All I see is some people on a roof. But nice to see that you've got a vivid imagination.

    This is the video that show the shooters at the rooftop.

    I think next you will tell me this bunch is playing firecrackers at the rooftop celebrating coming new year.

    • Like 1
  9. First picture show clear wounds made by rubber bullets

    The second video show protesters, farang and police and no proof of live rounds.

    You can't see anything in the 2nd video!? No live ammunitions??

    Please wear your sighted glasses and watch again.

  10. And here we also have the uniform group at the top assassinating people

    Another link is the police are providing real ammunitions to the anti-riot police.



    All I see is some people on a roof. But nice to see that you've got a vivid imagination.

    Sorry i don't have the video clip to that photo. Otherwise i'm willing to share with you my vivid imagination.

  11. People inside the car did nothing and even pleaded the police not to hit them. But the police still destroy their car.

    Are the police actions justifiable??

    I'm wondering...


    copper been killed probably by anti-govt protestors - anti govt protestors driving around - happens everywhere best to keep away from the trouble if you dont want to get hurt methinks.

    maybe by sniper?? A cameraman got a photo of some uniform guy at the rooftop targeting people.

    And you are right it's best to stay away from the trouble.

    Got an info in the facebook, 1 of the girl in the car is a volunteer nurse.

    the one with the yellow shirt? Cops 've had it : picture of a machete wielding protestor before inside the stadium:

    And here we also have the uniform group at the top assassinating people

    Another link is the police are providing real ammunitions to the anti-riot police.



  12. People inside the car did nothing and even pleaded the police not to hit them. But the police still destroy their car.

    Are the police actions justifiable??

    I'm wondering...

    Cowards in riot gear attacking women. That's why no one respects these 'policemen' and have nothing but disdain for them. It's no wonder they're mostly allies with the Shinawatras.

    Yes, the gang of scum that beat the taxi driver almost to death, and smashed up his taxi, for daring to drive on a road that was legally open.

    Must be allies with the Shinawatras, too.

    For the taxi driver, some witnesses in the facebook commented that the taxi driver tried to throw self-made bomb to the public, try to escape but come to traffic red light, he was badly beaten up. Not sure how accurate is this info.

    Nevertheless it is wrong to physically hit someone or attempted to cost someone else life.

  13. People inside the car did nothing and even pleaded the police not to hit them. But the police still destroy their car.

    Are the police actions justifiable??

    I'm wondering...


    copper been killed probably by anti-govt protestors - anti govt protestors driving around - happens everywhere best to keep away from the trouble if you dont want to get hurt methinks.

    maybe by sniper?? A cameraman got a photo of some uniform guy at the rooftop targeting people.

    And you are right it's best to stay away from the trouble.

    Got an info in the facebook, 1 of the girl in the car is a volunteer nurse.

    • Like 1
  14. Bangkok's Finest.

    "To Serve and Protect"

    The protestors feel they can do as they wish. If the police is blocking the way and order you to turn around and you don't and instead you reply with a cocky attitude, that is not smart. They are the law and to challenge them is unwise.

    That is a protestor's truck, driven by a woman (same tactic used before) loaded with provisions and other artifacts for the protestors. Why they disobey the police? Because so far they have gotten away with it. Thais are not used to having to face the consequences of their unruly behaviour.

    The conclusion in this video is police ask the lady driver to turn around and she disobey with a COCKY ATTITUDE and so the policemen start to whack her pickup. So can we say the policemen's actions are justifiable?

    And you mentioned "They are the law"

    WHO are the law??

    Sorry i'm just wondering... unsure.png

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