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Posts posted by Smokemachine

  1. They should ban the Democrats on their own without ask the CC. Since they can reject the CC, why now ask CC to ban them?

    The picture is getting clearer. The TS regime is getting larger and uncontrollable. They have been showing they are above the laws numerous times. Even now the new uniform head leaders are siding them.

    I think THailand is going to have a President soon. All the lackeys will welcome TS on the red carpet.

    Fortunately for everyone involved, you are wrong.

    So far as I can see, PTP and the TS regime is getting weaker by the day.

    The Military top brass only 'appear' to side with them because they were hand picked by TS in the first place, as a matter of fact, they were put in place just prior to the amnesty bill hitting the house. This shows it was all part of the plan.

    Fortunately for Thailand, there are a much stronger core of the military (both past and present) who are firmly NOT on the side of this rabble, and this will all become clear in good time.

    There are very influential elements that are in fact on the side of the protesters and one word from them and you just watch them spring into action.

    The PTP are a spent force, they may win an election because they have managed to fool the silly northern farm yokels and are able to spew taxpayer's money into the bank accounts of all the village chiefs. But as a force in politics, the writing is on the wall.

    Sure... Quite a few people spout on about the protesters and their 'crazy' leader and unjust mission, but they are the people who are in the ascendancy, they are also not the ones who are coming out with desperate attempts to destabilize their political opponents, the PTP mob are doing it.... several times a day in fact.

    Just read through all the threads in this news section.... PDRC are making demands, PTP are making 'attempts'.

    When we can see the NACC proceed to arrest the individuals with corruptions charges, then it really means they are going down.

    Otherwise they are still very strong as before.

    Online there is a video clip of a conference showing i think they are reporters or which agencies questioning Jatupong and another fellow about the rice scam scheme, they can't even say out the actual figure of selling, profit and loss. When they give some figures,they thought they can pass through. People start to drill them with extensive questions about the figures. They only keep giving lame explanations. And look at their body language, its already unconsciously admitting something is going on. I believe in the conference meeting room, people have already see through them. But until now no one is in deep trouble yet. Is it because NACC still ongoing investigate? Or already investigate but always the same reason EVIDENCE NOT ENOUGH?? If their power has lessen, then we should have see NACC actions soon.

  2. The demonstration is no longer in use. YL doesn't care at all. She just keep insisting she is democratically elected, what can you do? Mr suthep?? And more politicians are joining PTP. Who don't love money?? Dear suthep, you used to love money too right two decades ago? Now you change for patriotic, who will believe you? Everyone like millions of baths in their pocket. Just give it up, dear suthep. Let them conquer and hopefully those normal citizens vote them will have good returns. If not, we can just wish them good luck for the rest of their life

  3. I agree with aguy, I don't think this is a very significant forum, and Thaksin's comments are just fluff. One Asia ? that's even less likely than one Europe. There's probably even less consensus amongst Asian countries than there is in Europe. Thaksin is still a small player in this part of the world, but his 'delusions of grandeur' problem has kicked in.

    Not One Asia. Probably he meant "My Asia"

    He is always in the delusion mode.

  4. They should ban the Democrats on their own without ask the CC. Since they can reject the CC, why now ask CC to ban them?

    The picture is getting clearer. The TS regime is getting larger and uncontrollable. They have been showing they are above the laws numerous times. Even now the new uniform head leaders are siding them.

    I think THailand is going to have a President soon. All the lackeys will welcome TS on the red carpet.

    • Like 1
  5. Suthep is the only one who dare to bring them down openly. But too bad because of his past wrongdoing, people start to question his credibilty and his real intention. Accusing him of trying change the current " TS DEMOCRACY" system to his dictatorship.

    The reform party should have find a new face with clean records to challenge the TS regime. Then probably will shut these pro-TS mouth up.

    All these TS supporters conveniently pointing on Suthep while nothing is talk about the current govt.

    The current picture is painted like a ex-con man, a madman, a cun_t man, or whatever man they can put Suthep as is trying to take down our beloved YL govt. A government who is scamming caring for the nation and the thai people.

    burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif

    So many are helping TS. What will Thailand's destiny be??

    wai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cA.gif Sa toot........

  6. Suthep is the only one who dare to bring them down openly. But too bad because of his past wrongdoing, people start to question his credibilty and his real intention. Accusing him of trying change the current " TS DEMOCRACY" system to his dictatorship.

    The reform party should have find a new face with clean records to challenge the TS regime. Then probably will shut these pro-TS mouth up.

    All these TS supporters conveniently pointing on Suthep while nothing is talk about the current govt.

    The current picture is painted like a ex-con man, a madman, a cun_t man, or whatever man they can put Suthep as is trying to take down our beloved YL govt. A government who is scamming caring for the nation and the thai people.

    burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif

    So many are helping TS. What will Thailand's destiny be??

    wai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cA.gif Sa toot........

  7. Suthep is the only one who dare to bring them down openly. But too bad because of his past wrongdoing, people start to question his credibilty and his real intention. Accusing him of trying change the current " TS DEMOCRACY" system to his dictatorship.

    The reform party should have find a new face with clean records to challenge the TS regime. Then probably will shut these pro-TS mouth up.

    All these TS supporters conveniently pointing on Suthep while nothing is talk about the current govt.

    The current picture is painted like a ex-con man, a madman, a cun_t man, or whatever man they can put Suthep as is trying to take down our beloved YL govt. A government who is scamming caring for the nation and the thai people.

    burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif

    So many are helping TS. What will Thailand's destiny be??

    wai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cA.gif Sa toot........

  8. Suthep is the only one who dare to bring them down openly. But too bad because of his past wrongdoing, people start to question his credibilty and his real intention. Accusing him of trying change the current " TS DEMOCRACY" system to his dictatorship.

    The reform party should have find a new face with clean records to challenge the TS regime. Then probably will shut these pro-TS mouth up.

    All these TS supporters conveniently pointing on Suthep while nothing is talk about the current govt.

    The current picture is painted like a ex-con man, a madman, a cun_t man, or whatever man they can put Suthep as is trying to take down our beloved YL govt. A government who is scamming caring for the nation and the thai people.

    burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRR.gif

    So many are helping TS. What will Thailand's destiny be??

    wai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cA.gif Sa toot........

  9. Suthep is the only one who dare to bring them down openly. But too bad because of his past wrongdoing, people start to question his credibilty and his real intention. Accusing him of trying change the current " TS DEMOCRACY" system to his dictatorship.

    The reform party should have find a new face with clean records to challenge the TS regime. Then probably will shut these pro-TS mouth up.

    All these TS supporters conveniently pointing on Suthep while nothing is talk about the current govt.

    The current picture is painted like a ex-con man, a madman, a <deleted> man, or whatever man they can put Suthep as is trying to take down our beloved YL govt. A government who is scamming caring for the nation and the thai people.


    So many are helping TS. What will Thailand's destiny be??

    wai.gif Sa toot........

  10. A phone from Dubai

    TS: Idiot!! NEw election is coming.I need the votes from the north side buffalos. You better settle the rice scam scheme for me.

    TS lackey 1: Yes Sir, I will do it right now.

    Announcement: All right all the farmers, dont worry. We have the baht to give you. YOu have to trust us. Ptp is always here for you. Dont listen to other people BS. They are just jealous of us. We have the ability to "take" whatever we can,while they can only look at us dropping saliva helplessly. Don't forget, we are the real ''DEMOCRACY''. Democracy= TS, TS=Democracy.

    And oh ya, coming election, we are going to give you "bonus" again. Who care for the farmers??

    Only us, PTP. Right? smile.png

    Farmers: YEs!!! TS, HOoray!! TS,hooray!!!

    TS lackey 1: WHat a bunch of idiots~ -____-

    TS lackey 2: Once we are re-elected, millions of bahts once again in our pockets. cool man~

    TS lackey 3: ''DEMOCRACY'' is always with us. wink.png

    • Like 1
  11. So you think the 30 baht per house too a hospital per visit was a bad thing for the working people of Thailand??? WHO was that??? Mr T.

    so try seeing things with a balanced view even if you don't like the party, credit where credit is due I say...

    try looking past your bias and see the meeting of different sectors/factions for what it is, if agreements are made and not kept then let the people judge her.

    sound fair enough?

    Then you would applaud the people who removed the 30-Baht charge, and frown at the people who subsequently re-introduced it, right ? wink.png

    Tell me you do not think he introduced the 30 baht health care Scheme to help people, IT was for the votes this man has no charity in him Period.

    In the starting,he really did something for the people and nation.economy boost. No doubt he is good in business minded. People like him because of his business ideas. But things start to change after he has more authority and a greater goal.look at the present. What has become of the Thailand government? Everyone aware of the corruption level has to bring to another level. If throughout the times, he is purely contribute for the nation and not to be over ambitious. He is still the PM of Thailand. But too bad, he hunger for more power, over greed ,he has forgotten his thai people. He created the red army. They are arming with guns,grenade launchers. They didn't care about their Bangkok city and their fellow thai people. They bomb the city, innocent lives sacrificed. All because of what?? He just want to overthrow Ahbisit.

    Look at today the anti-government protesters. Pro-reds pointing how bad they are,cutting electric,water,block the government house etc.,is it really as bad as the red protesters(sometimes I don't know want to call them red protesters or red terrorists) who destroy BKk in 2010?.

    You are right that we should give some merits to TS. He should come back as serve his sentence. As for other pending charges, the judges may take into consideration for his past merits and contributions to the nation.

  12. only you can tell how mad this guy is and infected so many people with his human virus

    Who? Suthep?? Or Thaksin? Referring to Suthep: he is the only one leading the way to stop PTP & Shinawatra from further destroying the country. No one else has had the balls to stand up, go on trial, face the music.

    Nothing, I repeat, nothing will happen to Suthep.... He is well protected and has massive amounts of baht behind him....

    Please enlight us

    Not only massive amounts of baht behind him, ONE powerful backer is behind him.

    Imagine Suthep can command the police for duty by ORDERING.

    WHo can have such authority? I LOVE THIS MAN (Not Suthep)

  13. I am sick of the pro-TS here keep only pointing at Suthep. What if today the person is not Suthep who want to overthrow the TS regime? What if he is only a Thai common citizen? What have you got to say?? After questions about the corruptions, problems and responsibilties,trying to above the law. Doesn't YL as the elected PM has any role to play?? SHe need not give any answer??? Dodging here and there. She HERSELF should have feel bloody shamed and volunteer to quit her PM position.

    Some people may say whoever in-charge ,corruption is still around.

    No change, means thing is done. Forever in TS regime, corrupted, citizens having hard life.

    Try to change, may have chances to have a new corrupted free nation. It is very hard but slowly start better than no start.

    I personally believe after this time protest, Suthep himself will aware that power is still belong to the Thai people and they will unite and come out together to kick your ass out if you are doing harm to their country and their beloved Supreme leader (i do not mean Suthep). Suthep is not a dumbass either. He will not want to become same like TS, hated by so many own Thai fellow people. After this Suthep will take the corruption seriously (I personally believe).

    NO change, everything same same

    Try change, may have something no same.

    Why not give a change?


    I am sick of Farangs backing either side & giving their worthless opinion on a wholly Thai matter. In the end, all the crap being spouted by farangs on this subject is irrelevant, so why bother making arguments for either group of fanatics..?

    Are you staying in Thailand right now?

    Yes? Working? Married? Retired? Holiday?


    I think you are shallow. Forgive me if I'm wrong. Oops..

  14. I think your biased one way. doesnt matter about suthep or any ordinary common thai citizen. u either want democracy or you dont. the population of 65 million people have a say in this. not 200,000 following suthep. Elections are the way. If the democrats had policies that encourage a bigger swing towards them then they would be government. Lets consider all parties were vote buying in the last election.

    Thais will ultimately cry murder if they return to a dictatorship. Voters numbers count in a democracy

    I am sick of the pro-TS here keep only pointing at Suthep. What if today the person is not Suthep who want to overthrow the TS regime? What if he is only a Thai common citizen? What have you got to say?? After questions about the corruptions, problems and responsibilties,trying to above the law. Doesn't YL as the elected PM has any role to play?? SHe need not give any answer??? Dodging here and there. She HERSELF should have feel bloody shamed and volunteer to quit her PM position.

    Some people may say whoever in-charge ,corruption is still around.

    No change, means thing is done. Forever in TS regime, corrupted, citizens having hard life.

    Try to change, may have chances to have a new corrupted free nation. It is very hard but slowly start better than no start.

    I personally believe after this time protest, Suthep himself will aware that power is still belong to the Thai people and they will unite and come out together to kick your ass out if you are doing harm to their country and their beloved Supreme leader (i do not mean Suthep). Suthep is not a dumbass either. He will not want to become same like TS, hated by so many own Thai fellow people. After this Suthep will take the corruption seriously (I personally believe). You may call me naive.

    NO change, everything same same

    Try change, may have something no same.

    Why not give a change?


    You all keep using 'Democracy'. TS and the red shirts keep using DEMOCRACY. So the current so called democracy ,how useful for the thai people?any benefits? WHat has this DEMOCRACY has help us so far?

    The word DEMOCRACY hear very nice but does it really help thai people? When this word DEMOCRACY used is only benefits for the corrupted individuals, then why we need democracy? WHere dictatorship may infact helps the nation.

  15. After this Suthep will take the corruption seriously (I personally believe). You may call me naive.

    Do you know about Suthep's corruption two decades ago....naive...555555...cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    You have mentioned TWO DECADES AGO.

    PEople can not change for good???

    IF you can ask TS to come back serve his sentence and clear whatever his charges. Prove to people he has also change good for the nation. We can also give him a 2nd chance. Isn't it???


    Naive should be use on those red buffalos.

  16. His Majesty the King endorses House dissolution decree, national election set for February 2

    It appears that it is time for Suthep to cool his heels, before his true colors begin to show. Continuing with his demands will have him going against the King's wishes.

    Don't use our Supreme leader as your shield. Low tactics.

    WHen YL elected as PM, doesnt she need to pledge to do her best, contribute for the nation and all thai citizens? When she has done all the wrongdoing stuffs, she has already against our Supreme leader's wishes.

  17. Tearful PM seeks justice for her Shinawatra family


    BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra burst into tears during a press conference at the Army Club after the first meeting of her caretaker cabinet late today.

    The press conference was held to assess the ongoing anti-Thaksin demonstrations and to prepare her cabinet for the caretaker role after the dissolution of parliament.

    She insisted on staying on the caretaker role until a new elected government coming into office, and called on protesters to end the protests and return homes as now a general election has been set on February 2 next year.

    At one point hen she was asked by reporter on one of the demands of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee that calling on members of the Shinawatra to leave the country, Ms Yingluck could hardly control her emotion, bursting into tears.

    She said she also had feeling same as those at the protests but would like that they should not accuse all members of the Shinawtra family.

    She admitted that she has now retreated so far and did not know where to retreat further.

    She asked sympathy from protesters for her family saying “we’re all fellow Thais, and why do we have to hurt one another.”

    She asked if the protesters wanted her to not even set foot on the Thai soil.

    She then left the press conference immediately without further questions.

    Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/tearful-pm-seeks-justice-shinawatra-family/

    -- Thai PBS 2013-12-

    Now using sympathy tactics. When her red army attack our innocent thai citizens, did she and TS think for US!!!???

    • Like 1
  18. I am sick of the pro-TS here keep only pointing at Suthep. What if today the person is not Suthep who want to overthrow the TS regime? What if he is only a Thai common citizen? What have you got to say?? After questions about the corruptions, problems and responsibilties,trying to above the law. Doesn't YL as the elected PM has any role to play?? SHe need not give any answer??? Dodging here and there. She HERSELF should have feel bloody shamed and volunteer to quit her PM position.

    Some people may say whoever in-charge ,corruption is still around.

    No change, means thing is done. Forever in TS regime, corrupted, citizens having hard life.

    Try to change, may have chances to have a new corrupted free nation. It is very hard but slowly start better than no start.

    I personally believe after this time protest, Suthep himself will aware that power is still belong to the Thai people and they will unite and come out together to kick your ass out if you are doing harm to their country and their beloved Supreme leader (i do not mean Suthep). Suthep is not a dumbass either. He will not want to become same like TS, hated by so many own Thai fellow people. After this Suthep will take the corruption seriously (I personally believe).

    NO change, everything same same

    Try change, may have something no same.

    Why not give a change?


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