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Posts posted by Smokemachine

  1. "Although the premier did not inform the coalition partners herself, she was quoted as telling her allies that she "had done the best that she could", the source said."

    In the 2.5 years she has been the Prime Minister the best she could do was to lead Thailand to the point of no government today!!

    to be honest with you and as a totally unbiased onlooker she seems to have handled the whole thing with some class. I think (and it's only my opinion of course) is that this Suthep chap is a first class sociopath. he can't win an election so he tries another way to rig it in his favour by doing his best to rid Thailand of democracy and lead by mob rule, anarchy is the word. He wants to tear down a democratically elected government (which shows what the people think of him, right? They'd rather have a convicted criminal's sister at the helm than Suthep or anybody else) and install an unelected "people's council". Who decides who will be on this council? Suthep? So he wants to be a dictator and some people (like you for example) think this is better than a democratic option? You might be right but back to your statement, it seems to me Suthep is responsible for bringing down the government not the PM.

    "it seems to me Suthep is responsible for bringing down the government not the PM."

    Had her government (and make no mistakes because she says it was her government) done its job then there would be no mass demonstrations and dissolution of parliament.

    It doesn't make any difference what she did or did not do. Suthep wants to be the dicator here, no matter what. I'm interested to know what you think she didn't do that she should have done better. In a normal democratic society if the people are not happy, then when the elcetions come around again they say that with their votes, that what demcoracy is about right? She won a no confidence vote so what else? Listen to some mental case who is 2nd only to Thaksin in the corruption stakes? Somebody who stands up and says we don't want democracy - when he means HE doesn't want democracy because it interferes with his personal agenda?

    I am sick of the pro-TS here keep only pointing at Suthep. What if today the person is not Suthep who want to overthrow the TS regime? What if he is only a Thai common citizen? What have you got to say?? After questions about the corruptions, problems and responsibilties,trying to above the law. Doesn't YL as the elected PM has any role to play?? SHe need not give any answer??? Dodging here and there. She HERSELF should have feel bloody shamed and volunteer to quit her PM position.

    Some people may say whoever in-charge ,corruption is still around.

    No change, means thing is done. Forever in TS regime, corrupted, citizens having hard life.

    Try to change, may have chances to have a new corrupted free nation. It is very hard but slowly start better than no start.

    I personally believe after this time protest, Suthep himself will aware that power is still belong to the Thai people and they will unite and come out together to kick your ass out if you are doing harm to their country and their beloved Supreme leader (i do not mean Suthep). Suthep is not a dumbass either. He will not want to become same like TS, hated by so many own Thai fellow people. After this Suthep will take the corruption seriously (I personally believe).

    NO change, everything same same

    Try change, may have something no same.

    Why not give a change?


    • Like 1
  2. Call from Dubai

    TS: Dear Sis, not to worry. I have already personally instructed all my buffalos to put you in as the candidate again. Suthep they all want to play right!? Nevermind... Keep call for elections, my buffalos will just keep nominate you. What the big deal?? What can they do? Long-sao,

    you must su-su!! I still waiting to come back Thailand to eat my tom yam goong! Once got the 2.2 trillion baht, you just go buy what ever is in your shopping list. OK!?

    YL: OK!! Anyway I do as PM is easy job. No need meeting, people ask, i act blur. "I don't know". Anything,just follow the script. Something happen, just say i'm not in-charge. I will now write down my shopping list first. hooray!!! ^^ Miss u, my bro.

    • Like 1
  3. Personally, I think that anyone involved with protests and government overthrow should be banned from politics for at least 10 years if not forever.


    I think that the only way this country will ever have a true democracy is when both parties find a common ground and those that don't like what the other party does wait and change the government through elections and not courts or protests.


    Makes my whole family cry everytime either side has a fit

    I think should start ban the red leaders mp first.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  4. 100.000 only???

    What a loss of face for insane Suthep smile.png

    And the majority were bought from the deep south...

    Sorry, "brought" smile.png

    If it's only 100.000 it is a very good news. It means that there are less brainwashed extremists than I thought.

    Sound people would never follow or support Suthep in his acts of treason and insurrection.

    100000 is BS. Protesters are in millions.

    • Like 1
  5. I don't understand what's this protest for.

    Do this people realized that it will be new elections soon and that PM is dissolving the government?

    People start to realise even with voting for new election, most highly will lose again to PTP. Their corrupted supporters are too many. And many underhand methods may be going inside the government and maybe even in the declaring voters vote process. Hence, they will not choose the election process. It will never eliminate the TS regime. Right now, many people are forced with no alternatives but just heads on with the current government and demand a people council, hoping to have a new group of representatives to wipe out the TS regime. Now it;s like the cowboy style 1 to 1 fight. You 1 gun, I one gun. Either you die or I down. No stepping back. Some people will feel no matter who incharge, corruption is still ongoing. But people know right now the most evil one needs to clear out. No change, confirm die. Try to change, there are hopes for the nation.

    Personally,i feel if Suthep is taking care back of the nation. He will be very cautious not to be the same steps as TS and more sensible dedicating his work for the nation. He knows the people will do the same to him like TS after this time a deeply large protest if he ends up be an other corrupted @sshole.

  6. Has anyone noticed that no one has been shot today? Why is it that they only time people get shot or hurt is when the Red Shirts are around.....

    Really? Thais only kill themselves at night. I will come back to this post tomorrow at the same time and I'm sure we'll have a different count.

    They are now just protesting by walking. How are they offended other common people? If they are hurt, who do you think first the group of people will target them at this timing?

  7. Geez, why can't Yingluck understand this?

    Suthep does NOT want new elections because he or the Democrats can't win them.

    They want a people's council who then elects the PM. The people of Thailand should not be allowed to vote anymore.only then will they achieve true Democracy.

    Why is this so hard to understand, Yingluck? Geeeeeez....

    You are wrong. YL knows well and she is playing the game. THat why no matter what, she can't accept Suthep request. Once people council set up, TS regime is over. Busted from Top to bottom.

  8. Not all anti-govt supporters are with Suthep. In the surface, all seems in the same line. Why? All are going for the same goal.

    Your comments and your claim of not being partisan to Suthep are not consistent. So one or the other must be wrong.

    And by the way, i'm not a fan of Suthep.


  9. YUP 9TH IS THE D-DAY. Hope everything will ends well. I think most people know the outcome on 9th. The TS regime is too large. Most probably Supthep will lose badly. When on 10th comes, the ''terrorists'' will come out, innocent citizens will be targeted and sacrificed again. They will do what ever it takes even taking their own Thai people life. Look at the shooting, news of sniper. You can never win the ''terrorist'' with just our bare hands. When anti-govt are defeated on 9th Dec, people will have to remember who really care for the nation.

    What on Earth are you talking about?

    You seem to have forgotten that the last time "innocent civilians" were targeted for slaughter by armed gunmen was when your dear leader Suthep unleashed the army on the redshirts.

    On a different note, I'm pleased to see that even the most die-hard Suthepistas have accepted that the buffoon has run out of steam, and that D-Day will be a total fiasco.

    And by the way, i'm not a fan of Suthep.


  10. YUP 9TH IS THE D-DAY. Hope everything will ends well. I think most people know the outcome on 9th. The TS regime is too large. Most probably Supthep will lose badly. When on 10th comes, the ''terrorists'' will come out, innocent citizens will be targeted and sacrificed again. They will do what ever it takes even taking their own Thai people life. Look at the shooting, news of sniper. You can never win the ''terrorist'' with just our bare hands. When anti-govt are defeated on 9th Dec, people will have to remember who really care for the nation.

    What on Earth are you talking about?

    You seem to have forgotten that the last time "innocent civilians" were targeted for slaughter by armed gunmen was when your dear leader Suthep unleashed the army on the redshirts.

    On a different note, I'm pleased to see that even the most die-hard Suthepistas have accepted that the buffoon has run out of steam, and that D-Day will be a total fiasco.

    oh ya.. those INNOCENT red shirts arming with guns, machine guns, grenade launchers bombing away our Bangkok city. I forgot. 55555555+

  11. YUP 9TH IS THE D-DAY. Hope everything will ends well. I think most people know the outcome on 9th. The TS regime is too large. Most probably Supthep will lose badly. When on 10th comes, the ''terrorists'' will come out, innocent citizens will be targeted and sacrificed again. They will do what ever it takes even taking their own Thai people life. Look at the shooting, news of sniper. You can never win the ''terrorist'' with just our bare hands. When anti-govt are defeated on 9th Dec, people will have to remember who really care for the nation.

  12. Yingluck has offered to resign. Surely that is good enough for a start. This guy keeps demanding more and more: "total extermination". I don't believe this govt has done anything wrong in the way it has handled this situation. Sure, the amnesty bill was badly managed but insufficient grounds to be demanding that the clock to wound back to suit these uber nationalists

    He is just doing the same things when they did it to Ahbisit in the last incident. demand more and more..

  13. you are wrong. the peasant supporters are so ignorant and still strongly believe in TS and the red army.

    Yingluck was in a building which was about to be captured by protesters, so I guess her protection squad hustled her out. Fair enough.

    But to then vanish, leave the big announcement to a panel of the deputy PMs, and maintain a blanket silence for several hours is going to go down very badly even with her peasant supporters.

    If there's one thing they understand, it's standing up when there's a stoush on. Crying in the corner doesn't cut it.

    Whatever the outcome of this, Yingluck is toast.

  14. I wonder is the "protesters" have any idea that this whole farce is not designed to oust the current government but simply to put Suthep and Abhisit back in power where they will care even less about the guy in the street than the Phue Thai government do.

    Elections are not an option for the Suthep Dem Party, they would not win. Only chance is another coup and I don't think the army are up for that, not right now!

    Er.. not sure anyone agree in the current situation, people choose them rather than the thaksin regime.

    And as long the protests are not end, nobody will know the seriousness will bring to what level.

  15. Today also have anti-goverment rally inside Phichit province.

    Anti-government protests spread to provinces


    BANGKOK: -- Residents of several provinces joined the anti-government campaign on Wednesday by rallying in front of their provincial city halls and demanding governors and officials stop serving Yingluck government and go on strike.

    Security was intensified with police deployed and gates locked in preparation for the gathering. However, there were no reports of chaos or violence. The protesters were seen giving flowers to representatives of the provincial authorities, who came out to receive them.

    Most of the provinces in which people actively joined the campaign were in the southern region, s stronghold of Democrat Party, which is leading the anti-government protests.

    They were: Krabi, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Chumphon, Yala, Ranong, Satun, Songkhla, Pattalung, Surat Thani and Trang.

    Khon Kaen and Saraburi also witnessed a strong turnout of protesters.

    In Bangkok, Suthep Thaugsuban, leader of a mass rally aimed at "rooting out the Thaksin regime", led a march to the Department of Special Investigation on Chaeng Wattana Road in one of the marches to other ministries.

    Suthep said state officials should "stop being a tool for the Thaksin regime".

    -- The Nation 2013-11-27

    But all these regions are in the South.........so what! When we see them start up in Chaing Mai and Isaan, then it will mean something. Till then, all we can say to these silly mobs is "Have fun" because you are wasting your time if you cannot win an election by voting.

  16. Millions of Thai baht going out of Thailand to invest foreign properties. Partial of it is personal saving, some are profit from business which are not recorded as it is own family business. Will the bank allow us to TT this amount of cash to oversea for properties investment reason? Will they need to do alot of stuff like do a fully enquire on my financial, need to show official papers for these money? I do not like to be troublesome. Has anyone has actual experience? The last time i in the bank, the bank staffs ask alot of questions about my money where come from.

    Or can i just declare at the airport and just bring it out? Will the airport staff allow me?

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