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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. "It's a good thing energy costs haven't skyrocketed in the UK." But they have, and very drastically too, mostly due to greedy capitalists, making enormous profits while people, particularly the elderly, starving, freezing and dying because of it. I cannot understand why the UK people are not revolting and protesting in the streets.
  2. I have described the UK way, different nationalities will use different terms just like you mentioned the Australian way.
  3. Zebra crossings are the term used in the UK, pedestrian crossings are the term used for the crossings which have lights for the pedestrians to stop the traffic.
  4. Zebra crossings are painted on the road while pedestrian crossings have lights where someone wanting to cross the road presses a button to show a red light which is supposed to stop the traffic.
  5. Why not just do away with these crossings altogether and put pedestrian crossings in their place, surely that would be much safer. That applies to any country, not just Thailand.
  6. "Many times over the last several years Prayut has promised to eliminate government corruption." Being a downright liar is the only one thing this unelected PM has in common with the normal politician that he claims to be.
  7. I have a big dinner around 4 pm with potatoes or French Fries always cooked in the air frier.
  8. After having two thin slices of white bread mostly toasted in the morning at breakfast with a mixture of either cornbeef, spam or marmalade, keeps me going until dinner at 4 pm, then another two slices about 8.30 in the evening.
  9. For taste, I prefer white bread to wheat bread although I know white bread has more calories. As I do not have a weight problem and not looking to lose weight, I eat four slices a white bread every day. Can this do any harm to my general health?
  10. The police in Scotland escort these bigoted orange walks, it is said that the lodges do not pay for this, so that means it is the taxpayer who pays.
  11. Yes, if you live within a certain distance from the store. I live about 50 Ks from store and they would not send anyone to fit and maintain as they said I was too far away, so obviously I bought new AC elsewhere.
  12. Just watch where you walk though with the walkways full of spittle and the odd poop where they have been gathering.
  13. You wouldn't want to dress up like old Charlie would you? With all these medals, fancy ribbons, and other bling, even wearing a sword which he probably wouldn't even know how to use, all because of an accident of birth.
  14. Peoples own experiences can be a big help, and I'm sure that if Sheryl was not regularly on this forum she would be sorely missed.
  15. I would bet that there is more brown envelopes flying around here than there was at the height of the pandemic between the hospital medical staff and hotel owners etc.
  16. So you are saying there will be no entrance fee if you have a re entry permit?? Aye right!
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