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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. This guy is a qualified engineer, nothing to do with health, so what does he know?
  2. No way, especially the ones attempting to run the country.
  3. What is Asiatique? I have never heard of it.
  4. Girl could not understand English, and yes, it was a crime scene, though maybe not in Thailand. The shop was advertising a service for Xiaomi phones and obviously did not have that. It is called wrongful advertising. Is there any other similar place in Pattaya apart from the useless Tukcom?
  5. I cannot delete them, so they will have to stay, I have had the phone for about 3 years, It has a lot of gigabytes added to it with hundreds of songs and videos, I think I will just replace it for a Samsung and get a lot of gigabytes added to it. One more question, when I buy a new phone and get a lot of space added to it can I get everything that is on the Xiaomi transferred to it. Again, thanks a lot for all your help.
  6. So what do I do about them? How did they get there? Do I need them? They are certainly not hidden. Thanks for your help.
  7. Yes, the majority of them start with com.google.android.ov or com. miui.core with lot's of other things ie systemui, wallpaper etc. there are also some of them with com.qualcom.qti--------. Hope that helps.
  8. I cannot install the apps. I have done what you have said and all I get s disable and force stop, but when you click on them nothing happens.
  9. it is impossible to uninstall mine. The "disable" does not work, neither does the "force stop".
  10. I wish I was as lucky as you. My Xiaomi is a complete disaster.
  11. Avoid Xiaomi like the plague, mine is full of hundreds of never used apps and I cannot get rid of them, my camera and torch keeps coming on and the screen keeps changing even though I do not touch it.
  12. I have an Xiaomi phone which is full of bloatware, hundreds of never used Apps I cannot get rid of, I took the phone to Tukcom in Pattaya. I went up the flight of stairs and saw a sign in large letters Xiaomi and below that something like "Servicing". I went to the counter and was approached by an obviously poorly educated girl, I smiled at her, showed her my phone and pointed to the sign, she just looked at me and shrugged her shoulders, I again pointed to the sign and then my phone and said I need someone to help me. She pointed in the direction of a few other counters, I approached one who sent me to another one, then I was told I need to go to Xiaomi shop next to Foodland up from Big C at Pattaya Klang. I went there and could find nothing. What was that girl doing serving at an Xiaomi service counter who obviously knew nothing, did the owner leave her there by herself or what? If Tukcom was some place like Fortune town in Bangkok, would I have come across service like that? I don't think so. Anyway, anyone know how I can get rid of hundreds of unused Apps? Thanks.
  13. So the Thai will go back up to near where it was when the unelected PM and his soldiers stole the country?? Yes! and ???????????? they will start flying.
  14. The Baht won't weaken much as long as this unelected PM and his soldiers are "running" the country, this has been proved time and again over the last 9 years.
  15. Another confused poster. Native English Speakers are also welcomed on this forum.
  16. Yes, I think your right.
  17. No, the lady said "cash only" in English.
  18. Another poster who get's confused with English. Not too worry, English Native Speakers are always welcome in this forum.
  19. I only ever draw cash from an ATM at a branch of my bank.
  20. Buying gold bars. So you are saying all gold shops sell them? I asked in a gold shop in Soi Buckawo, they don't sell them.
  21. Yes, but what about her truck which is in her name, and my motorbike which is in my name and I die first?
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