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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. We have been together for 16 years, and married for 11 of them, but I bought the house and car in her name before we got married.
  2. Apart from anything to do with the house or land, is my wife the next of kin? I think in a normal country she would be. If she dies before me, and has not made a will, do I automatically inherit all her belongings? Would I inherit her car which is in her name, and if I die first, does she inherit my motorbike, which is in my name?
  3. NoshowJones

    Gold Shop.

    There is a gold shop in Soi Post Office in Pattaya which I was wanting to use, I spoke with a lady and was quite impressed, until she said cash only. Can she be serious? I don't want to walk around with all that cash in my pocket or body bag. It seems I cannot use my debit card or bank transfer from my Bangkok Bank App. What would you do?
  4. Won't he have to join the army first then get a Military Academy education, then learn the lies from a real politician?
  5. It just takes some general with a cash register in his head to get soldiers guns and tanks behind him, and "Hey! Presto!" we have a coup and a very rich unelected PM. Is that not the present unelected PM, or maybe his sleeping ex partner?
  6. IMO. I believe that the medical staff in some hospitals, particularly in Bangkok, have become very rich due to the pandemic, brown envelopes would again spring to mind.
  7. Yes you are right, but the fact they are using fine print instead of just normal wording which everyone can understand just shows you what crooks they really are.
  8. Hospitals are like immigration offices, they have their own rules and charges. The difference in charges for the same thing in my local hospital and the one 15 Ks away is astranomical, and they are both government hospitals. This is Thailand.
  9. Thailand was not a dump when I first came here to stay 16 years ago, but it sure is now and I am not leaving my wife and family to go back home. If I did now I would eventually lose all my life savings in energy bills.
  10. If that is the case, why use small print at all?. Why can't insurance companies just be upfront with their policies? I know, silly question.
  11. Most likely true, so surely someone can say whether her insurance policy states that it does not cover motorcycle riding, or riding without the proper licence. Simply, was she riding without a proper license and not covered by motorcycle insurance?
  12. What would be the situation if a Thai person got the same treatment in a UK hospital? It would be interesting to know. I have no idea as I have lived in Thailand now for years.
  13. No. The microwave was in full view on the screen.
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