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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. Probably not with only a Military Academy education. I wonder what real politicians think when they meet someone like him. I even wonder how many of these politicians know how Thailand's unelected PM got into office in the first place.
  2. I paid for the land, but obviously I don't own it, just like the house.
  3. She has sole legal ownership of the house, I'm just a bit worried about the influence her daughters friend may have on her.
  4. I get on well with my wife and her family, have a great marriage, have been together for 15 years and married for ten. I also get on well with her family, but I have a suspicion that my stepdaughter could get influenced my her friend who lives in the house with her most of the time and could use me to try and get financial advantages if the house was left in her name. Would it be better for her to get a legal document and sign it to say that I can stay on in the house if she passes before me. If a lawyer knows that a farang is involved I would imagine he would make it more expensive. If something like that could happen it would not matter who's name the house was in.
  5. The medical profession will always be looking for ways to screw people. This recent pandemic found them out for what they really are, but there were/are others in cahoots with the medical profession who got very rich also.
  6. I have a gas cooker with two rings on it, one of the knobs is completely broken and I have to keep changing one knob to the other if using both rings at the same time. Is there any place where I can buy a similar fitting knob?
  7. I would not expect her to want to name me as the sole beneficiary as her son, daughter and father still live in the house, and her brothers spend a lot of their time here. She is not going to risk me selling the house and the rest of her family getting put out, and no one could blame her. Or maybe I'm missing something.
  8. My house is in my wife's name. If she dies before me, who in her family inherits the house? She has a son and daughter, the daughter is the oldest by two years, she also has an elder brother, two younger brothers and a younger sister. Can she decide who inherits the house, or does it automatically go to her daughter?
  9. What about all these fancy ranks Lt/Col, Maj/Gen etc? I'm sure these guys don't sit any exams, all they need to do is supply a very full brown envelope.
  10. I will try and screw any business, company, or government that screws me, sometimes you can and sometimes you can't.
  11. Maybe once Thailand has a proper government democratically elected by the people instead of a bunch of unelected tinpot soldiers, the Thai people can start and be grateful.
  12. I did the same while delivering a truck to Manchester just after the new year, the smell of aviation fuel was still very strong, and that was on the main Scotland to England road which passed by where the plane came down.
  13. Not unless he wants to go, the unelected PM is the one with the soldiers, tanks and guns.
  14. I do not agree, too many immigrants in the UK
  15. I was just using the medical profession as an example. Would you like to explain that last sentence?
  16. "Immigrants are not bleeding the UK dry". Really? Take all the immigrants apart from the ones who came here to work and contribute to the UK economy, ie the medical profession, in the last say 20 years, then get them back to where they came from, would the UK still be getting bled dry? Somehow I doubt it.
  17. What does ROFL stand for? You are not texting on your smartphone.
  18. I was posting about my motorbike, I assume you missed that bit.
  19. "Utter BS to suggest that every single vehicle on the roads in Thailand over 7 years old only has compulsory insurance." Did I say that???? PH
  20. That's fine I don't see how it can do any harm to it. It might even stop all the annoying things that keep happening like the torch and camera always coming on without me touching either of them.
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