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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. My insurance company have just decided that they will not insure any motorbike over 4 years old.
  2. There are so many different ways here, my opinion now is a court will make up it's own rules and the judge will decide. This is Thailand. IMO. At the end of the day rules, wills and signatures will not matter, as I said it will be up to the judge.
  3. Could you please repeat this in proper English language. If you are not an English Native speaker then please accept my apologies.
  4. "Of course we should all spend an hour or two reading insurance terms and conditions". As well as the crooked small print, what about all the legal jargon that most times it would only be people in the legal trade who would understand? Insurance companies are up there with banks and the medical profession when it comes to deceiving the ordinary people.
  5. The fine or small print is only used by thieving crooked companies as an excuse to avoid paying out. If they were honest, there would be no need for fine or small print at all.
  6. All they are interested in is money especially if you have a white face, treatment comes second, same applies to government hospitals, although there will be a few exceptions.
  7. I always carry a large stone in my bicycle basket. more than a year ago I battered two dogs when chasing me with one at different times. These two dogs are still there and now never come near me. Anything from a mosquito to a human that uses, threatens, or even attempts violence on me, there will be consequences.
  8. and the sky is full of flying pigs. ???? Are you forgetting that this Banana Republic is run by an unelected PM and his soldiers?
  9. About 3 years ago, I bought a lenovo all in one desktop, was very unhappy with it, then some kind poster suggested I get an SDD fitted. Best computer advice I ever got.
  10. I never show a poor attitude to anyone who is sober. Always make a point of being nice to people as long as they are nice to me.
  11. No facial hair, which was not fashionable then, no tattoos, tall and slim. Nothing dodgy about that surely. ????
  12. After that bombing I had one officer come to my house to check on me three times within less than a month. A different officer each time.
  13. I just don't like authority of any kind, I will obey rules if I agree with them, if I don't. I will try to find a way round them. Common sense is the best rule of all, but unfortunately that is something too many people don't have.
  14. I can see the membership of the "scared of your own shadow" brigade increasing rapidly now. ????
  15. I known cockneys here for years and I have never seen any of them shirtless or loud in public.
  16. Being shirtless in public is much worse than tattoos. I would have them jailed.
  17. In a lot of cases especially on the roads, except when collecting tea money, Thailand may as well have no police.
  18. Is that these bikes with the very big wheels and wide tyres?
  19. I do not thing that is the case at all. You are saying that if I leave things as they are and my wife dies, I get 50% of the ownership of the house, and her two children who are adults will get 25% each. I do not know where you got that from, it is just not true.
  20. He stopped loving her today. They placed a wreath upon his door. And soon they'll carry him away. He stopped loving her today. George Jones.
  21. These other politicians from other countries will be laughing at him behind his back. Some of them will not know he is unelected, poorly educated compared to them, and is only there because of the tanks, guns, and soldiers at his back.
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