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Everything posted by NoshowJones

  1. I have an Xiaomi note 6. cost 10.000Bt. Not pleased with it at all, the torch keeps coming on, sometimes leaving the phone on and lying on the desk, the screen just changes when it feels like it. Also the camera keeps coming on when I am trying to find something. Just a load of junk.
  2. The instructions is one piece of paper about 10ins-5ins all in English with coloured pictures of everything and very easy to understand, and what you have said is very true.
  3. Got it now. Thanks it was under the square where the numbers are. Can't imagine why it was not in the instructions.
  4. If you can't post something sensible, would you please just grow up and run along.
  5. I think the batteries I got with the safe were the chargable type and the small box is for that.
  6. The Manuel is only the basic instructios of how to work it and was very easy to follow.
  7. Sorry Crossy, I do not know how to put a photo up. but poster Andrew Dwyer has put up exactly what it looks like.
  8. That is exactly what it looks like, only the bit you plug in is a lot thinner. It is not for using when the batteries on the safe die, there is also a key which I think will do that although it is not mentioned in the instructions. There is not a socket for plugging the small battery box into.
  9. OK fair enough, but by using the word nutter, you gave the impression that you felt threatened, now you say it was only what he said. I certainly would not hit anyone on a plane just for what he said. Why do you think the flight attendants stand at the door watching everyone as they board the plane, they are weighing everyone up as they enter. I was trained how to hit properly and use my fists, so I would not be damaging my hand. Could you explain roughly what he said to you that had you worried? If he was such a nutter, why did you not have a word with one of the flight attendants?
  10. I bought a small safe from Lazada, Am very pleased with it, the instructions were all in English and easy to understand. I was able to get everything up and running. Problem is there is a little thingy that you put four small batteries into, I think but not certain, that it is for charging the batteries, there is an input from the thingy for sticking in to something similar like the input on earplugs but not the same size. there are no instructions for this. Does anyone know what this thingy is meant to stick into? Certainly not a computer. Thanks.
  11. Then it must be over, I have not been required to wear a mask in any bank for a few months now.
  12. Maybe I'm wrong here, but this is just the way I think, but if I thought there was any risk of being assaulted by someone on the next seat on a plane, I would hit him on the face as hard as I could then plead self defense. The flight attendants will already have him weighed up, so they will be on your side.
  13. Maybe I'm lucky, but in all the flights I have done, I have never had a problem with any other passenger, no babies crying enough to annoy me, no obese person on the seat next to me, no children kicking the back of my seat etc.
  14. Anybody who allows an obese person to encroach on a seat you have paid for is off their head, it happened to me once on a bus, this big fat guy tried to sit down beside me. I just told him to keep off my space and made a chopping gesture with my hand, he had to turn sideways and put his feet on the passageway. If anyone is too fat to sit on a normal size seat, especially on a plane, should have the decency to buy two seats.
  15. I wonder how much a farang would have been charged, just shows you again the greed of the medical profession in Thailand.
  16. and you are sure about that? Give people to much power and anything can happen.
  17. What about all the rich people with their offshore accounts etc? Are they not committing crimes? Why is their money in offshore accounts in the first place? Would avoiding tax not have anything to do with it?
  18. Lets just see what happens when/if the unelected soldiers go back to their barracks and parade grounds and there is a proper elected government again.
  19. Can you imagine the soldiers government in a cashless society? How are they going to collect all their brown envelopes?
  20. True, but surely that applies to Thailand itself. What is the chance of Thailand moving with the times? Can you imagine that in the country of low IQs? All the unnecessary paperwork, people working in offices who are not computer literate, etc, etc.
  21. Not recently, and not for any medical treatment, and please note that I am not referring to nurses or medical staff. Over the years I have heard stories from other farangs and read lots of negative reports about doctors here on TV/AN and especially since the beginning of the pandemic. One example. the very first time I got my temperature on entering a Lotus store I registered 38, when I told my wife she told me I would need to go to the local hospital (government) I went back to the local Lotus store and took my temperature again, and registered 35. obviously a fault in the temperature thingy. I just knew that if I did have the virus, I would have been kept in and charged thousands as I was a foreigner.
  22. Right on. The greedy people you are referring to would be most of the doctors, the cash registers start ringing in their heads as soon as they see a white face.
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