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Posts posted by NoshowJones

  1. @PaullyW.....yes I do have some amazing stories from many of the countries I have traveled to, far from being the naive young boy that some here think I'm a well traveled ( possibly hard bitten? ) Glasgow businessman in his mid 40's. I pride myself in having a positive outlook on life and the day I lose it.....shoot me. Would you like me to recount dozens of fabulous stories about your home country? I certainly could.......maybe it's just me, maybe it's just my personality, where I go I tend to get a warm welcome, what's a man to do? ermm.gif

    Anyway the trip report so far is in the farang pub......feel free to rip it to pieces. coffee1.gif

    @TwoDogz cheesy.gif Oh well TiT. biggrin.png

    You from Glasgow Blether? I have been in Thailand for seven years and never yet met a fellow countryman. Any fellow Scots wish to get in touch with me?

    I am.....I'm in Samui just now and I'll be here until Wednesday when I go to BKK......there is a possibility that I'll go back up to CM for a few days before flying home. Have a look at the " Tart " thread, we'll be holding a big do in CM on New Years Eve......we're looking for the Scottish contingent to make an appearance for The Bells, and of course, all are welcome......it would be good to see you wai.gif

    Blether, I'm trying to find you through the Thaivisa members column to send you a private e-mail. No success so far.
  2. So basically you live here because it is chaep. It is one of the only countries in the world that you don't have to pay any tax.

    Most countries consider you a resident for tax purposes if you stay more than six months in any calender year . Most of these countries make you pay tax on your world income. I think Thailand will wise up to this in the near future and follow other countries. Then you might not find it so cheap! Personally the only reason I stay here is because I have so many wonderful Thai friends.

    I don't think that will happen. if it did then people will just up and leave if they find it hard financially to stay in Thailand, and the Thais need us. We know they don't want us here, by by god they sure need our money.
  3. ThaiVisa is filled with <deleted> and flamers. I would be lying if I denied ever engaging in such tactics myself. I'm not proud of that, but cannot deny that I've always had a little of the shit disturber in me -- or maybe a lot. But the fact is, when you have a media that allows anonymous posting, which is what an Internet forum is, then you are going to get this. Anonymous posting allows the <deleted> that don't have the guts to say something to your face to hit and run. But even with that, there is some good stuff on here that is very useful -- especially on this forum. If every decent contributor flees when attacked, then we will have nothing left.

    The very things which Khonwan deplores, and I am in total sympathy with him, are just part of the nature of the beast. Better to have a thick skin, laugh off or ignore the <deleted> and keep your eye on the ball.

    A couple of years ago, I put on a post about how the immigration officials tried to extort 3,000 baht out of me, and I told them "No way Jose." I was shocked at the posts that followed. Folks said it would serve me right to have my visa revoked for failing to "play the game," etc. At first, I was annoyed, but then, with a feeling of superiority, I just considered the weak and cowardly natures of these posters, and accepted them as amusing losers.

    Don't let the <deleted> steal the jewels.

    Excellent post Tongue Thaid, I have come across a few <deleted>, replying to me and they'll never drive me away, although I do have to say only a very small minority.

    ThaiVisa is filled with <deleted> and flamers. I would be lying if I denied ever engaging in such tactics myself. I'm not proud of that, but cannot deny that I've always had a little of the shit disturber in me -- or maybe a lot. But the fact is, when you have a media that allows anonymous posting, which is what an Internet forum is, then you are going to get this. Anonymous posting allows the <deleted> that don't have the guts to say something to your face to hit and run. But even with that, there is some good stuff on here that is very useful -- especially on this forum. If every decent contributor flees when attacked, then we will have nothing left.

    The very things which Khonwan deplores, and I am in total sympathy with him, are just part of the nature of the beast. Better to have a thick skin, laugh off or ignore the <deleted> and keep your eye on the ball.

    A couple of years ago, I put on a post about how the immigration officials tried to extort 3,000 baht out of me, and I told them "No way Jose." I was shocked at the posts that followed. Folks said it would serve me right to have my visa revoked for failing to "play the game," etc. At first, I was annoyed, but then, with a feeling of superiority, I just considered the weak and cowardly natures of these posters, and accepted them as amusing losers.

    Don't let the <deleted> steal the jewels.

    Great post Tongue Thaied, I have had a few <deleted> reply to my posts and they will never drive me away, but they are only a very small minority, I come from the same area of Scotland as Khonwan, and like you, I hope he starts posting again. Come on Khonwan, I would say that around 90% of posters to this forum make it worth looking into, and lets see you posting again.
  4. Air Asia do not have a free baggage allowance. You can purchase baggage allowance from 15kg up to 40kg. The price charged depends on departure port and arrival port. This link lets you check if you are planning to fly. http://www.airasia.c...eeschedule.page

    I arrived in Bangkok from the UK with my case weight 20 Kilos, I then wanted a single flight to Phitsanulok max weight for luggage 15 kilos. Welcome back to LOS land of stupidity. Like I was going to dump 5 kilos from my case. I just got a bus.
  5. @PaullyW.....yes I do have some amazing stories from many of the countries I have traveled to, far from being the naive young boy that some here think I'm a well traveled ( possibly hard bitten? ) Glasgow businessman in his mid 40's. I pride myself in having a positive outlook on life and the day I lose it.....shoot me. Would you like me to recount dozens of fabulous stories about your home country? I certainly could.......maybe it's just me, maybe it's just my personality, where I go I tend to get a warm welcome, what's a man to do? ermm.gif

    Anyway the trip report so far is in the farang pub......feel free to rip it to pieces. coffee1.gif

    @TwoDogz cheesy.gif Oh well TiT. biggrin.png

    You from Glasgow Blether? I have been in Thailand for seven years and never yet met a fellow countryman. Any fellow Scots wish to get in touch with me?
  6. I love Thailand for many reasons, and I will be honest, some do not reflect well on my character.

    First let me say, that I did not end up in Thailand by design, but by chance.

    I met my now Thai wife on a business trip, fell in love and got married, but it could have happened anywhere in the world.

    There many things to love about Thailand,

    It is a beautiful country.

    I love the food

    We all complain about the corruption and lawlessness here, but on the other hand that corruption and lawlessness present opportunities and simplicity. If I want to build something on my property, I just do it, I don't need to jump through all the hoops I have to jump through in the west, etc.

    I love the Family spirit here, when I come here I feel connected.,I love my Thai family and all of my wife relatives. I spend half my time in Thailand and half in the US, and it is funny but when I get home sick, it is for Thailand.

    Here in Thailand I am making a difference, where in the US I was just an other cog in the wheel.

    I love the feeling of discovery and adventure that Thailand provides me with,

    and finally, I think we all do, but some of us don;t want to admit it

    I like feeling a little special, not better, not worst but special here in Thailand. You all know the feeling.

    So there is a lot to love about Thailand, not to say that many of the same things can't be found in other countries,

    but for me,and many others,some by choice some by happenstance, It is Thailand.

    That was a great post Sirineou, and I agree completely with you. I have often referred to Thailand as the LOS (land of stupidity) and to an extent still believe that, ie fully grown adults giving their seats up to five year old kids on buses and the skytrain, Parents allowing eight year olds to ride motor bikes among traffic etc. Thailand is a great country and I wouldn't like to live anywhere else. ie no tv licence, no council tax, and as you said, you can build on your property without paying extra to some authority, don't get ripped off trying to run and maintain a car. Yes, there is a lot of low mentality in Thailand, but it is still a great country.
  7. I have been teaching at a Temple school for the past 5 years. The older teachers cannot teach English and do not support any efforts to bring the student levels up. I cannot get the school to purchase Thai/English Dictionaries. The Government wants to increase the level of English but the local schools resist. I find the newer teachers much more helpful and I am encouraged with their support. It will take another 5 years for the older teachers to retire and then there might be some hope.

    As long as the young blue eyed blonde bar hoppers get preference over older more capable experienced teachers, there will always be a problem with teaching in Thai schools.
  8. The guy who kicked the bike over should be given a medal along with anyone who does this to the motorbike drivers that ride on sidewalks.

    It is against the law to ride a motor cycle on the sidewalk, that is offcial. If I was 100% certain I would not get charged, I would personally kick them off their bike if I felt in any danger.
    • Like 1
  9. There shouldn't be any small print on insurance policies, they should just say straight out what is covered and what is not.

    While I agree with you, I don't think there are enough trees to make enough paper to print it all in readable sized fonts.

    Many years ago, I actually sat down and read the fine print on a life insurance policy I had bought. It felt like I was pretty much limited to playing chess or watching TV indoors or I wasn't covered.

    Ok then Impulse, they should simplify the policies, but that would not be in their best interests where paying out is concerned. Crooks, the lot od them.
  10. Why Oh Why do so many TV posters turn a sensible subject into slagging off other nationalities and also our host country if like me you live in Thailand? I think it is very sensible to remind visitors and/or residents the inherent dangers of being away from your home country. It is a fact that people do take more risks when away from home, drink more, unprotected sex, riding a motor cycle without a crash helmet etc. especially in a country when vehicle maintenance and driving standars are known to be substandard. I think it is everyAmbassadors responsibility to remind everyone of such dangers especially as they see first hand all the heartache that follows what is seen as just fun but in reality is recklessness.

    Actually I believe car mechanics are of a very high standard in Thailand. That is certainly my experience.
  11. I want to point out a common misconception.

    Most Thais are "normal" people and do not have the backing of friends or associates who are either "mafia" or would be willing to possibly go to jail to support the moronic actions of a fellow Thai. There is a romanticized angle that every Thai, man or woman, has "friends" who will come and take revenge if you have any tussle with them. If I am wronged by a Thai, or even if I am in the wrong, most Thais would think at least twice before getting involved in a petty incident to "even the score" for someone else. Thai people know about Thai jails too, you know.

    I have always heard this bulllshit about, "I have a friend in the police" or "I know someone who blah blah blah will get you if you don't behave." The vast majority of Thais are working stiffs who have no hit man connections.

    Of course, if you screw with some Thai in a bar, you're asking for a dogpile. Likewise, if you get in an accident that does not involve assault or battery, you're likely to see other Thais trying to cash in.

    Having said that, you may still have to deal with the perpetrator. The guy who went postal on me knows what I look like and the bike I drive. Samui is not big, particularly as he was coming out of Lamai, which would mean he probably lives in my neck of the woods. I'm not carrying a weapon, at least not now, but there is a decent argument for being prepared for the worst case self defense scenario.

    When I lived in the UK, I always carried a hammer in my car and I would have used it if I felt threatened and there was no witnesses. In the 7 years I have lived in Thailand, I have never felt threatened in any way, so no weapons.

    Look's like another nutter on the loose. Did you ever use the hammer.

    I'd rather be a nutter than dead.
  12. I want to point out a common misconception.

    Most Thais are "normal" people and do not have the backing of friends or associates who are either "mafia" or would be willing to possibly go to jail to support the moronic actions of a fellow Thai. There is a romanticized angle that every Thai, man or woman, has "friends" who will come and take revenge if you have any tussle with them. If I am wronged by a Thai, or even if I am in the wrong, most Thais would think at least twice before getting involved in a petty incident to "even the score" for someone else. Thai people know about Thai jails too, you know.

    I have always heard this bulllshit about, "I have a friend in the police" or "I know someone who blah blah blah will get you if you don't behave." The vast majority of Thais are working stiffs who have no hit man connections.

    Of course, if you screw with some Thai in a bar, you're asking for a dogpile. Likewise, if you get in an accident that does not involve assault or battery, you're likely to see other Thais trying to cash in.

    Having said that, you may still have to deal with the perpetrator. The guy who went postal on me knows what I look like and the bike I drive. Samui is not big, particularly as he was coming out of Lamai, which would mean he probably lives in my neck of the woods. I'm not carrying a weapon, at least not now, but there is a decent argument for being prepared for the worst case self defense scenario.

    When I lived in the UK, I always carried a hammer in my car and I would have used it if I felt threatened and there was no witnesses. In the 7 years I have lived in Thailand, I have never felt threatened in any way, so no weapons.
  13. Rangers news

    McCoist unhappy with SFA

    July 21, 2012



    By ESPN staff

    Rangers have denied the Scottish Football Association's claim that the club accepted a transfer embargo.

    • Southampton agree Davis deal

    • Rangers embargo delayed

    An announcement on Friday said that the newco had agreed to a transfer ban beginning on September 1 as a "primary condition" of gaining SFA membership and being allowed to enter the Third Division.

    That would allow the new club to build a squad ahead of the new season, with the bulk of the squad having departed after the original Rangers' liquidation, but manager Ally McCoist insists they have yet to accept the agreement.

    "I am extremely disappointed that the SFA chose to release a statement last night when the club has not actually signed any agreement," McCoist told the club's official website. "The club is trying to get to a position where we can plan for the season, which starts in only eight days.

    "We have had meetings with the SFA all week to discuss membership but I had to leave the final meeting as I could not support the sanctions they were trying to impose.

    "The decision has already been taken to place Rangers in Division Three and we have accepted that, along with many more punishments. However, operating with an embargo on an already depleted first-team squad - even with a window to sign players - will make the task ahead an extremely difficult one.

    "It is important to remember we have already had a ten-point deduction from the SPL, lost our Champions League place for finishing second last season, had a £160,000 fine, been refused entry to the SPL, been relegated to Division Three and lost the majority of our first-team squad - yet still the governing body has chosen to impose further sanctions.

    "The transfer ban has been strongly resisted by me, the management team, the directors and supporters. From a business point of view I can understand the position the board has been placed in and ultimately they felt they had no choice but to accept some sanctions in order to move forward - as one of the alternatives could have led to the extinction of the club.

    "I can also assure every Rangers fan I will not be accepting any talk of stripping the club of titles. That is something we will never accept and everyone at the club shares this view.

    "This is still Rangers Football Club and the supporters will continue to back us as they have always done. There will be difficult times ahead but I know with the support of our fans we can emerge stronger and rise to the challenge.

    "Talks will continue next week and we all hope common sense will prevail to allow us to get back playing football."

    If they cheated their way to league titles, then they should be stripped of them. They also bought players like Gascoigne and Laudrup with money they never had, while Celtic were buying Biggins and Muggleton. That's why they "won" nine in a row.

    At least at that time they were actually paying for the players who moved to Edmiston Drive..... Unlike the last few......

    Good point ScotsExpat, hope to see you on this forum again.
  14. Rangers news

    McCoist unhappy with SFA

    July 21, 2012



    By ESPN staff

    Rangers have denied the Scottish Football Association's claim that the club accepted a transfer embargo.

    • Southampton agree Davis deal

    • Rangers embargo delayed

    An announcement on Friday said that the newco had agreed to a transfer ban beginning on September 1 as a "primary condition" of gaining SFA membership and being allowed to enter the Third Division.

    That would allow the new club to build a squad ahead of the new season, with the bulk of the squad having departed after the original Rangers' liquidation, but manager Ally McCoist insists they have yet to accept the agreement.

    "I am extremely disappointed that the SFA chose to release a statement last night when the club has not actually signed any agreement," McCoist told the club's official website. "The club is trying to get to a position where we can plan for the season, which starts in only eight days.

    "We have had meetings with the SFA all week to discuss membership but I had to leave the final meeting as I could not support the sanctions they were trying to impose.

    "The decision has already been taken to place Rangers in Division Three and we have accepted that, along with many more punishments. However, operating with an embargo on an already depleted first-team squad - even with a window to sign players - will make the task ahead an extremely difficult one.

    "It is important to remember we have already had a ten-point deduction from the SPL, lost our Champions League place for finishing second last season, had a £160,000 fine, been refused entry to the SPL, been relegated to Division Three and lost the majority of our first-team squad - yet still the governing body has chosen to impose further sanctions.

    "The transfer ban has been strongly resisted by me, the management team, the directors and supporters. From a business point of view I can understand the position the board has been placed in and ultimately they felt they had no choice but to accept some sanctions in order to move forward - as one of the alternatives could have led to the extinction of the club.

    "I can also assure every Rangers fan I will not be accepting any talk of stripping the club of titles. That is something we will never accept and everyone at the club shares this view.

    "This is still Rangers Football Club and the supporters will continue to back us as they have always done. There will be difficult times ahead but I know with the support of our fans we can emerge stronger and rise to the challenge.

    "Talks will continue next week and we all hope common sense will prevail to allow us to get back playing football."

    If they cheated their way to league titles, then they should be stripped of them. They also bought players like Gascoigne and Laudrup with money they never had, while Celtic were buying Biggins and Muggleton. That's why they "won" nine in a row.
  15. Sorry to the mods for multiple posts of same topic. I was unsure of where to post and where I would get the best/most knowledgable response(s). Odd that the one which you have left it in is the one with no useful information and the two which were closed had useful responses.

    Anyway upon reduction of my panic and further web surfing I found the following - may be of use to others in the future:

    For a Lost Driving license

    To replace your lost license please bring with you

    • Police report of loss (required). This must be made at the police station closest to where lost your license or, if you don't know where go to the station closest to where you live.
    • Passport (and 1 signed copy of ID page)
    • One signed copy of Visa page in passport
    • Two 1 inch photos
    • Note: Available from vendors outside in the parking lot on the main road or the copy office inside the exit gate.
    • Make the payment
    • Sign your signature in your new driving license and receive it on the next day

    Like I said. This is Thailand, nothing is ever simple here,
  16. For professional, independent advise I suggest look at website "womenlearnthai" - You will find Todd Daniels valuable reports on many Schools on the website. Todd will also reply to you personally with any specific questions you may have

    Learn to recognize the difference between Language Schools and Ed Visa Mills.

    Yes, I know Tod personally, and he's a great help and a great guy. First name spelt with one D.
  17. as in most of his answers, Pdingo is partly corrct only.

    By far the best is to go Mochit and find a bus-a blue big bus-about hourly daytime. trains are much slower and much less frequent and sufffer delays on top-unless you are so rail-dedicated that this outweighs any of these minuses.

    The MINIbuses are cramped and I doubt if they will serve NS that often-but they do not lve from Mochit, but have various stands, often around the Vict. Monument or near the old Mochit/weekendmarket. On the plus they are supposed to set you down (if you can explain your place in thai to driver) at any requested spot or nearby in town-the big bus will likely need additional transpo ex local busstation. Prices do not differ very much and are laughably low anyway by west/standard.

    Under no circumstances take the mini bus to NS, I live near there. they always stop to refuel, and that can take over an hour, even the train is quicker.
  18. It really depands on many things.

    What bike I am riding at the time ?

    Who is with me or if I am alone ?

    Where I am going ?

    Weather. traffic and time of day, (Night or day light)

    Up north, many of the roads you don't hardly see a car all day. and the road is yours.

    But I ride aobut 100,000 km a year and that includes many longer rides. (the most was 1300 Trat to Chiang Mai in 13 hours on my ninja)

    I hardly never ride on the left sholder as you say. Cars parked there and A-holes turning left right in front of you from the middle lane. I tend to ride on a line in the center, It give me more options as were I can go.

    here you must pay attention 100% where back in the states you did not.

    However, how I ride here. I would be put in jail in hours back home.

    I daily go through red lights, split lanes, go the wrong direction, make illegal turns, as well as drive on side walks and other off limit areas and some time flat out speed

    If you drive on sidewalks, I hope someday you get seriously injured, you deserve it for putting innocent people at risk, ignorant SOD.

    So for someone that has not actually injured anyone by driving on the sidewalk you would hope that they get seriously injured? and you call him ignorant. what sort of person are you?

    @Loserlaser... I think the term you are looking for is, 'I ride like a bat out of hell' wink.png I'm guessing English isn't your first language.

    So you want to wait until someone is killed or seriously injured? How ignorant is that? Anyone who deliberately drives or rides in a manner that risks innocent peoples lifes, I want to see them DEAD, so innocent people may live.
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